In that vast world, there are mysterious ancient trees that are tens of thousands of feet high, and there are also amazing rocs that can cover the sky with their wings...

Above the earth, hundreds of meters to thousands of meters, are like sacred birds and beasts in the mountains. They abound.

In that extremely magical world, mythical beasts would fight from time to time, and terrifying energy waves spread, tearing mountains or giant trees into pieces.

You know, the mountains in that world are different from the mountains they understand. After all, trees are as tall as tens of thousands of feet... If a mountain is not as tall as a tree, it is not qualified to be called a mountain at all, but should be called a small slope...

In that vast world, what can be called a mountain is really It has reached the point where it can stand tall on the sky and the earth. At this moment, it collapses and the rocks pour down. It is no different from the destruction of the world.

But the most eye-catching thing is the terrifying heaven that stands above everything, shining brilliantly on the endless world, and the vast chaos...

It seems to be the original starting point of endless chaos, endless world, and its whole body reveals a A breath of holiness and the origin of all things...

Zhenxin Town

"That's all...that's all! How could there be such a world? Dr. Ohmu was shaking because he was too shocked,"What kind of Pokémon are those?" Why have I never seen one... No, it doesn't quite look like a Pokémon either! But at the same time, it doesn't look like those ordinary beasts... is it a third species between beasts and Pokémon?"

"And that vast palace in the sky... is that the place where people live? Or is it something beyond imagination? Is it some mysterious existence from ancient times? Damn it," Dr. Omu scratched his head frantically. He was disgusted with his ignorance and muttered in vain,"Why... what kind of doctor am I? I don't know anything at all!"

After a brief silence, Dr. Omu clenched his fists, his academic soul was triggered, and there was a blazing flame burning in his eyes.

"Write it down...must write it down!"He was incoherent, and rushed back to his room, took out a camera, pointed it at the sky and kept filming.

Not only Dr. Oak, but countless people in the Pokémon world were shocked.

Most ordinary people looked excited or excited. He directly took out the camera and took pictures of the scene in the sky...

But there are still some ordinary people who think that this is a powerful Pokémon that is invading and retaliating against the human world. The world will soon be destroyed. They look towards it in fear. He escaped from his own home, hoping to wait a little longer, at least until the champion kings solved this catastrophe...

Ordinary people are all different... but those champion kings with extraordinary vision have very different postures. In unison, they all had solemn expressions.

It is precisely because they are powerful that they can clearly perceive how incredible the scene above the sky is...

Not to mention fighting against the terrifying world on the sky... They even feel , I went to that world with many main forces, maybe I couldn't survive even a day...

Suddenly, a calm voice sounded in the ears of everyone who could see the heaven. It had an inexplicable charm.

"Devout believer Sakaki, perform sacrifices with merit, and reward the body of a god!"

Endless chaos erupted from the vast and magical heavenly palace, with several rays of chaotic light seeping out...

These wisps of chaotic light are very small compared to the endless chaos, but as they break through the world, they continue to Getting closer to the Pokémon world... it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, the wisps of chaos energy were like huge meteors from the sky, tearing apart the barriers between the two worlds, falling with a crash, and shattering the void.

Chaos light smashed Entering Boss Sakaki's body made his eyes suddenly expand.



"how come?"

It's not just the Rockets cadres who are frightened. Even Watari, who has always been responsible for capturing Sakaki, his expression has changed, and his words are full of unacceptable and fear.

" guy. You are my designated could you……"

The next moment, Boss Sakaki slowly opened his eyes.

His fists suddenly clenched, a terrifying aura erupted, and his shirt was torn to pieces, revealing perfect muscles with a metallic sheen.

At this moment, Sakaki was too strong, too terrifying, and too suffocating...

Everyone at the scene felt like they were not facing a human being, but more like facing a mythical beast! A first-class god who stands at the top of the world

"……With just one sentence, can a person have power comparable to that of God?!"Boss Sakaki murmured to himself.

With ups and downs in his heart, he suddenly released all his partners, and then ordered them to follow him and kowtow to the sky.

Because Sakaki no longer knew how he could express his feelings for that The gratitude of a heavenly god

"Devout believer Sakaki," the gentle voice sounded again,"Are you willing to become the leader of my followers in this world from today on? Spread faith for me, educate all living beings in this world for me!"

"I will devote all my energy to it! Let your light shine upon the whole world."Sakaki said every word

"Then," received Sakaki's reply, the voice was still calm and indifferent, with a kind of majesty that towered over the world,"I will give you and your elves the power to get rid of the limitations of this world!"

Every word that that incredible existence uttered was making the world tremble, shattering the void, and reviving chaos.

He calmly uttered the last sentence,"You only need to work hard to become stronger."

Boss Sakaki and his many elves were shocked. As those words fell... they seemed to hear something breaking in their bodies. At the same time, they felt unprecedentedly relaxed at this moment... The

Big Needle Bee raised its head high He raised his twin needles, and then, his aura began to soar. Originally, he had vaguely surpassed the existence of the champion... And even if he reached such an incredible point, the Big Needle Bee still trained hard every day and night, even though He knew very well that it would be difficult for him to make any progress if he continued to train like this.

But now, the ceiling that had been holding him back was broken...

His efforts all day and night in the past were all redeemed at this moment and turned into true reality. His strength...

He broke through from champion to divine beast in just one breath! Then, he broke through the second level god like a rock, and his breath improved bit by bit, climbing to the pinnacle of the second level god... Then, it was like breaking through Like a piece of paper, he broke through to the first level of God in an understatement! It was so calm that it was almost natural.

The giant needle bee stood on the earth. Its body was not huge, but it revealed a huge presence like a mountain....Invincible, unstoppable!

The rest of Sakaki's champion-level elves are also sublimating to the extreme... Although none of them can compare with the Great Needle, they have all become existences comparable to second-level gods.

Boss Sakaki's body shook. After a brief silence, he shed tears again.

He was so excited that his old friends had all become existences comparable to mythical beasts... Although this was indeed a surprise to him. But this was different from the God of God. Compared with what he said, it is nothing!

As long as he works hard, he can become stronger. There is no ceiling limit! What is this? This is infinite possibility!

In other words, if he and his partners work hard, then One day in the future, it is natural for all of them to become first-level gods...

In fact, even if all of them become existences comparable to Arceus, it is not impossible... As long as they work hard! As long as they work hard enough! It will definitely work.

Boss Sakaki leaned forward again. Every time he kowtowed, he would say with a choked voice,"Thank you... I am really grateful... I can't describe your kindness in words!" I can only declare your divine grace to the world and let the world be shrouded in your glory. Only then can I repay your kindness to me.……"

Yulongdu on the other side stared blankly at his opponent. His mood is very complicated...

On the one hand, he is happy that Boss Sakaki is not dead, but on the other hand, he is also very sad and worried...

Boss Sakaki has become stronger! It was unbelievably strong...

He even felt that even the unarmed Boss Sakaki couldn't beat him if he pressed all the Pokémon... Not to mention, he couldn't compete with Boss Sakaki's team of sublimated mythical beasts...

However, he is the king of the Kanto region! It is the strongest shield to protect the people! If even he can't stop Boss Sakaki... who in Kanto or even the whole world can stop Sakaki from doing whatever he wants?!

What will the like?

Yulongdu was confused at this moment.

Suddenly, the many mythical beasts in the sky, as if they had received some instructions, all looked up to the sky and let out high-pitched chirps... They burst out with terrifying auras, and suddenly broke into another world like swallows returning to their nests!

The tide is surging, and the world of gods is transformed!

The sky once again became as clear and cloudless as before...

But all those who had seen that magical scene were still staring at the sky in a daze or in shock, recalling the grandeur of the past. Scenery that I will never forget for a long time...

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