Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 237 One Rider Defeats Thousand Riders

The cavalry on the battlefield is also divided into levels.

Light cavalry are all about speed. They come and go like the wind on the battlefield. They rely on mounted shooting to constantly kite their opponents. After exhausting their energy, they can then move forward to harvest them.

A typical example of the light cavalry is the white horse Yi Cong under Gongsun Zan.

Then, there are the heavy cavalry.

Heavy cavalry is the top killer weapon on the battlefield, also called iron cavalry.

The cavalry during the Qin and Han Dynasties were all light cavalry, but it was not until the Three Kingdoms period that iron cavalry appeared.

The infantry phalanx can deal with the light cavalry, but it cannot deal with the iron cavalry. Once the iron cavalry starts to charge, its powerful destructive power can easily crush all obstacles in front of it.

Either defeat the cavalry before it gets close, set up obstacles, or dig traps... If the cavalry surprises them, they will definitely be defeated.

Light cavalry may not be well-trained, but iron cavalry must be the absolute elite in the army.

The latter is just like the Tiger tank, which is expensive to build and has high attack power and high health.

Compared with the war horses of this group of cavalry, the war horse Bai Yu was riding actually looked a little thin and short.

Under the moonlight, the vibrations made by the silent iron cavalry army became even duller, accompanied by the clanging sound of armor.

The young man raised his head and slashed downwards, drawing a line dozens of meters long on the ground.

He made a gesture of cutting his neck.

——Whoever crosses the line dies!

A voice came from the cavalry army. The leader of the cavalry army sneered and said: "Kill him, take his head back and sacrifice it to the flag!"

After saying that, he sent out a cavalryman from the cavalry army to fight.

This is a Cavalry Lieutenant... A higher position also means stronger force.

The cavalry charged, their sly smiles extremely real.

Perhaps there really was an siege by prairie people in history, and these people all really existed...although they are now shadow species.

He launched a running charge from hundreds of meters away. The short-distance charge allowed the condescending cavalry to fully exert its impact. Basically, it was over in just one encounter.

From a distance, it doesn't seem very fast, but when you get closer, you realize that as long as the rider is skilled, the gun can be fired as fast as lightning.

In fact, this cavalry officer has been recorded in history. Although it is only a few words, he is still a figure.

His physical strength is also ranked among the top five in the army. When he lifts the iron spear, the man and the horse become one, and his energy and spirit reach the peak in this charge.

The shot he thrust out with all his concentration was fierce and cunning.

But the two sides passed each other.

The next moment, the heavy horse suddenly moved several meters to the right, as if it had lost its accuracy. Both man and horse fell to the ground and slid nearly ten meters away.

The iron spear was held in Bai Yu's hand, and he threw it away, stabbing the Cavalry Lieutenant who fell to the ground and nailing him to the ground.

The commander of the cavalry looked a little gloomy and said, "Keep going!"

The four cavalrymen dispatched this time were from the same camp as the cavalryman who was killed just now, so they had a good relationship with each other. After seeing the cavalryman being killed, they shared the same hatred and attacked and killed them with ferocity.

Bai Yu waited for them to approach. Within ten steps, the moment the cavalryman raised his spear, he drew his sword and swept across.


The white frost is like the moon, and the sword's light is like an arc.

There were four more silent corpses on the ground, and they all scored five points.

The commander of the cavalry did not intend to continue to waste his men like this. He raised his hand directly, and one hundred and fifty cavalry dispersed from behind. These are also elites, but they are not heavy cavalry, but light cavalry. They are not responsible for charging, but are responsible for acting as crossbowmen. , turned into arcs and divided on both sides of the formation, with the bows fully drawn.

"Let go!" the commander ordered.

The arrow fell downwards like a black cloud.

Bai Yu switched to the heroic spirit projection and activated the Xuanhuang Kung Fu body. A rain of arrows fell, which only stirred up layers of light on his body and did not hurt his skin at all.

Even when he sat down, the horse snorted in boredom.

Bai Yu was not one to be passively beaten. He picked up an iron spear on the ground, used his magical power, and threw it away.

Three Thousand Spirals pierced through the formation of the cavalry at extremely fast speeds. The commander dodged the spear throw due to the life-threatening sumo wrestling of a personal guard, but the corner of his mouth was torn open, revealing a pair of ferocious white teeth. .

He got up, kicked away the body of the bodyguard lying on him, and got on his horse.


Six hundred cavalry launched a charge.

Bai Yu dismounted directly, slapped Ma Butt's butt, and told him to roll away. He crossed the line between life and death and walked towards the cavalry.

Although more than a dozen people were killed on the spot by spears thrown, there was no chaos in the formation, which showed that this elite cavalry did manage the army strictly.

The charging cavalry can trample everything on the battlefield, pursuing instantaneous destructive power.

However, with the sound of two footsteps.

Bai Yu disappeared on the spot, and the front row of the cavalry lost the target of the charge. The next moment, they noticed that the opponent had appeared on top of the war horse, trampling on the horse's neck and the front row of cavalry's shoulders.

Charging a single target is far more difficult than imagined.

Bai Yu directly entered the formation of six hundred cavalry alone, kicked the necks of the front row cavalry, threw the bodies aside, then knocked the two men off their horses, pulled out a hidden knife, and struck the front row of the cavalry. Dust flew up in an instant, causing several horses and people to flip over, causing a stampede and a series of collisions.

The commander of the cavalry gave two more orders, and the cavalry bypassed this area and dispersed into two groups on both sides.

The young man disappeared without a trace, and the next moment he seemed to flash close to the position of the cavalry commander.

The latter suddenly swung his sword and struck at his right leg. The seemingly ordinary sword was actually quite powerful. If he tried to dodge, he would be chased by the second sword hidden in his left hand.

But Bai Yu didn't dodge, but stood there, letting the knife hit him, and then...


The commander's arms were numb, his eyes widened, and he almost let the sword slip out of his hand, feeling that he had struck a hard piece of iron.

Bai Yu picked up the commander's collar and planned to throw him out and kill him, but the latter slipped out of his armor and jumped to the side. He knocked away a guard and then changed his horse and turned around. At the same time, he ordered the surrounding cavalry to block him. This monster.

He is definitely no match for Bai Yu in a fight, but if there is a numerical advantage, he may not be able to kill him.

Dozens of iron spears pierced various parts of Bai Yu's body. He turned around in a circle, and the wind and waves caused by the rotation magically lifted him up several meters. He just glided out of the range of the iron cavalry so lightly, as if he was floating. Feng Xu Yufeng, chic and freehand.

The cavalry formation cannot stop easily after it starts charging, so it can only turn around and come back dozens of meters away to charge again.

The commander suddenly slapped his thigh and became extremely angry, shouting: "Whoever kills you will get a hundred taels of gold!"

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

The cavalry continued to surround Bai Yu and began to strangle.

And the young man seemed to be walking here leisurely. His cultivation level also fluctuated up and down, his skills and moves varied, and he even took out a pistol.

Bai Yu felt more and more that it was no longer a big deal that he could achieve this step. The power of this many-in-one heroic spirit was really ridiculously strong, and his combat experience was already rich enough.

Even if it's not a one-on-one fight, even if he's being chased by hundreds of cavalry, he can come and go with ease... It's said that if you shoot the man, shoot the horse first. As long as the horse is disabled, the cavalry will directly count on him.

But he decided to do the opposite, walk on horseback and directly kill the cavalry. Without the control of the cavalry, the horse would have no fighting power at all.

When he got to the back, he didn't bother to dodge when the horses charged him, he just slashed with his sword, regaining the feeling he had when he fought with the phoenix.

The new move 'Fighting the Phoenix' fell down, and the iron cavalry, which was harder than the tide, was instantly shattered more completely than the tide.

After splitting the formation with one move, he then ignored the light of the iron spear and stepped directly into it. The light of the sword rolled and his posture was elegant. He raised his hand to take away the life of the cavalry. The blood of the killed shadows spilled out, which was very like a painting. The national players are as bold as the drunken splashing of ink.

The commander gritted his teeth and became frightened and twisted.

Six hundred cavalry, elites trained with so much gold, silver and time, actually more than three hundred cavalry died in just one stick of incense.

The physical pain is even more painful.

It takes a thousand days to raise an army in one moment.

The cavalrymen who were red-eyed from the fight have now regained their consciousness. If you look carefully, after fighting for so long, you can't even see red on the opponent's body!

Not a drop of blood was shed.

The other cavalrymen had almost lost their courage at this point. How could they dare to continue fighting?

The commander of the cavalry once again increased the bounty to three hundred taels of gold, or even five hundred taels... but this trick is not as useful as before.

Even if he would rather have all the cavalry die, he would also consume the opponent to death, but the other cavalry had no such idea of ​​dying in vain.

However, the latter's strict military management was able to reunite the group of cavalry and assume a posture of resisting to the death.

Bai Yu couldn't help but sigh that he was really tough.

The battle losses in ancient battles were not higher than reality. The mortality rate of this cavalry was as high as 50%, and the morale of the army should have collapsed long ago.

After all, there is only one army in the world that will not be demoralized even if it suffers from extremely high mortality rates.

Without this kind of spiritual blessing, the ability to continue fighting until now proves the level of leadership.

But Bai Yu was very satisfied.

If more than 300 riders are let go, I will lose one or two thousand points.

To show respect...

Bai Yu raised his hand and slipped out a spear from his sleeve. The Lion Heart Spear seemed to be swallowing the moonlight.

Only now did he reveal a real weapon.

The tip of the Lion Heart Spear scratched the ground, and he walked forward slowly, neither fast nor slow, like a lion patrolling its territory.

He is gathering strength.

No one knew what he wanted to do.

What the commander felt was incomparable heart palpitations. The murderous intention penetrated his body almost all-pervasively. No, he must not be allowed to use it!

The commander yelled: "Charge!"

As he said that, he rushed over at once, as if this could reduce the fear of being stabbed by murderous intent.

Bai Yu stepped hard on the ground with his right foot, and the true energy entered the earth. Under the guidance of the murderous intention, a raging explosion ushered in.

The earth sends murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the ground!

The jet that burst out from the ground seemed to be a real dragon and snake. It twisted the legs of the war horse, causing it to collapse and break, and swallowed its life in this vast black cloud and dust.

This blow was not enough to kill the three hundred iron cavalry, but it was enough to crush its vanguard.

The remaining cavalrymen turned around and wanted to leave with their livers and gallbladders broken.

Bai Yu rode on the previous war horse and continued to ruthlessly harvest points.

By the time he stopped, nearly a thousand shadow species had been killed.

Going out of town alone

One man is in charge

One rider can defeat a thousand riders.

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