Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 238 One person can go, and five people can go too

Mu Yaoxi is guarding the city.

She thought it would be hard.

But the truth is just the's much easier than when we were guarding the city wall before.

Even if a few prairie people occasionally ran up to them, they were usually in small groups, completely different from the previous large-scale attacks, and completely out of character.

One of the other three city gates was also broken, and this side could even free up its hands to support the other side.

Mu Yaoxi waited at the city gate for a full five or six minutes, but she never saw a person or a horse. A thought suddenly came to her mind...could it be the person from before?

Zhou Liu expressed his thoughts directly: "It seems that he really stopped so many cavalry."

Mu Yaoxi opened her mouth and closed it again, thinking silently in her mind how this was possible.

But the fact is before our eyes, there really is no cavalry left to continue the attack.

She couldn't restrain her curiosity and jumped directly onto a nearby horse: "I'll go over and take a look, you guys guard this place!"

After saying that, he patted his horse and left.

Her speed was not slow. She rode her horse all the way through the night and soon saw the broken traces on the grassland ground, as well as the body of the shadow species that had fallen on the ground and had not completely cooled down.

One by one, they fell to the ground, eyes wide open, and their bodies were scattered in various places on the grass. It was impossible to tell how many people had been killed, but it was guessed that it was no less than two hundred.

When she continued walking forward, the shock in her heart became even more intense.

She saw the cavalry.

There were a lot of corpses of cavalry, war horses and cavalry lying on the ground.

She comes from a family of soldiers and has some knowledge of ancient military affairs. In fact, cavalry has not completely disappeared. At least in Daxia, many top masters can control ferocious beasts to gallop on the battlefield.

Because not all shadow worlds can allow aircraft and chariots to move, and compared to large-scale military wars, it is naturally best to give full play to the personal combat effectiveness of extraordinary people.

Moreover, a fighter jet worth nearly 100 million does not match the style of top players.

Mu Yaoxi's grandfather had a blue-eyed water and fire beast that could fight amphibiously. This war beast and his grandfather had a life-and-death relationship as brothers. Its offspring were also given to the descendants of the Mu family to raise. There were three in the past, and the other two followed. After her master died in the battle, there was only one left following her father.

Naturally, these ordinary war horses cannot be compared with the top-notch alien beasts and ferocious beast mounts. As long as the latter are here, it is very simple to kill a thousand iron cavalry... But therein lies the problem, that is the iron cavalry.

Even if it is the third level of extraordinary... just like the few third level of extraordinary who are guarding the city, if they are allowed to resist the iron cavalry of this order of magnitude, the opponent will most likely not dare to do so.

Although the body of an extraordinary person is strong, it cannot be invulnerable. The protective aura of a third-level martial artist can defend against most attacks, but there is an upper limit.

Once injured, they will be slowly worn to death by these thousands of cavalry. The first round of charge alone, the cavalry charge is dozens of meters wide, and they cannot run away or avoid it. Either way, you have to fight hard or jump. Once you jump, you can't use the force in the air and you immediately become a living target.

In the history of the Xia Dynasty, in order to wipe out the fierce bandits and some martial arts masters in the mountains, the most brutal method was usually used - riding horses on the rivers and lakes.

Why is the horse riding on the rivers and lakes?

The cavalry charges!

What is horse riding without war horses?

Iron cavalry is not only a nightmare for infantry, but also a nightmare for martial arts masters... And the number is definitely more than five hundred, five hundred iron cavalry! Even if it is five hundred pigs, it will take an hour or two to kill!

But less than half an hour had passed, and there were dead bodies lying on the ground everywhere.

A five-word adjective emerged in Mu Yaoxi's heart unconsciously.

——Kill the enemy like cutting grass!

She continued to search and soon found the young man sitting on the horse.

The opponent was sitting sideways on the horse, holding a head in his left hand, and opening a water bag in his right hand to wash his palm.

He looked calm and at ease, like Ding Xiu who was lying in the shade under a tree after a pair of Tatars were killed.

Bai Yu washed his hands and noticed the figure not far away, who was still an old acquaintance.

But Mu Yaoxi obviously didn't recognize Bai Yu in this state.

He is now the editor of destiny, and this must be the first time the two of them have met.

He let go of his hand, and the cavalry commander's head fell to the ground and rolled down the hillside, making a very rough sound along the way.

He washed his hands, shook off the water drops on his palms, and his eyes stopped on Mu Yaoxi: "You should go back to defend the city."

Wusheng Zhenzhuan didn't care at all about the other party's arrogant speech with a somewhat commanding tone. The other party had the strength and capital.

She clearly saw that there was no wound on the other party's body, and his clothes were not even torn. His face was rosy and his eyes were calm.

Even after killing all these hundreds of cavalry, they didn't even take a breath.

It would not surprise her to do this if the Grandmaster were here.

Anyone in the scorching sun and bright moon can do it.

However, Mu Yaoxi knew very well that the other party was not any of the nine people.

This man looks very young.

So she introduced herself: "I am..."

"Mu Yaoxi." Bai Yu interrupted: "I've heard of you."

"But I've never heard of you. Are you also from Nanling City?" Mu Yaoxi immediately asked: "How can someone like you be so unknown?"

"Being famous is not necessarily a good thing." Bai Yu maintained the riddle persona of the editor of destiny and deliberately did not make it clear: "Besides, don't be sure of me easily... I am not unknown, but you are too young and have not heard of it. Pass."

Mu Yaoxi frowned slightly. She didn't say that she had a strong memory, but at least she had a better memory than a pen.

Since entering the Shenwu Division, she has always wanted to revive the White Tiger Pavilion, even if Wu Sheng doesn't like it, because she needs a lot of talents.

Mu Yaoxi herself was a heroic spirit and didn't need too many resources, but that didn't mean she had the talent to cultivate others. In order to recruit reliable and available talents, she spent a lot of time looking for them.

With her critical eye, she can pull in anyone with potential.

But until now, there are only three people in her White Tiger Pavilion.

If Bai Yu was really famous, there was no way she hadn't heard of it.

Could it be that the other party is an old monster with good looks?

Mu Yaoxi thought about it, and secretly thought it was impossible. Even the crow's feet could not be seen in the corners of the other person's eyes. How could he be an old monster?

She was trying to figure out how to find out the other person's identity, but as soon as she raised her eyes, she noticed the playful smile on the corner of the other person's mouth, which reminded her of the elders in her family. She suddenly felt that the other person really looked like an older monster, as if She knew what she wanted to say without speaking.

"You are a smart little girl." Bai Yu threw the water bag over: "Wash your hands and face. Isn't it uncomfortable to have your face covered with blood?"

Mu Yaoxi neither refused nor accepted. She asked, "Is it over yet?"

"Not yet." Bai Yu pointed to the other side: "The defense of the city over there is not over yet, and the same is true here."

"After so many iron cavalry, what's left?" Mu Yaoxi's tone became a little scary.

"Don't worry, it's not too much." Bai Yu comforted: "The most I think is..."

As soon as the words fell here, a horn sound was suddenly heard.

The horns of the prairie people sounded, and in the darkness at the end of the line of sight, an entire legion stepped out.

The quantity...can't be seen at the moment.

However, there was a rather gorgeous tent in the center of the legion. Sitting on top of the tent was a huge man nearly two and a half meters tall.

Mu Yaoxi was dumbfounded: "Why are there so many?"

"How much?" Bai Yu read a sentence and then asked: "This is not too much... In the history of Daxia, this kind of local war with five thousand people is not worthy of being recorded in detail in the history books, but it is just a quick brushstroke. It just passed by.”

Mu Yaoxi thought that this was indeed the case, but no matter how you put it, the number was too much.

And it seems that they are all elites. Although 70% of them are infantry, they are not as deadly as heavy cavalry, but there are too many of them.

"Two thousand seven hundred." Bai Yu reported the approximate number: "Including the one in the middle, the strength is probably around 32...the third level of extraordinary. With the natural divine power, the danger level is indeed not low."

After hearing this, Mu Yaoxi stepped forward and said, "Go back to the city. We can take advantage of the terrain to continue touching. Even if we let the opponent into the city, we can still make some maneuvers."

Bai Yu glanced at the little girl, smiled, stretched out her wet palms and touched her hair.

Mu Yaoxi's hair was messed up by the random dog paws, and she was about to speak.

At this time the young man took a step forward.

The next moment, a figure appeared strangely around him.

He took another step forward and saw another figure.

With every step you take, there is one more person behind you.

A total of four steps were taken, so there were four more people.

He calmly stared at the location of the legion, his eyes calm.

"My soldiers and generals are more skilled than many."

"One rider can defeat a thousand riders."

"Five people can stop a thousand troops."

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