Now that it has been confirmed that it is time travel, then...

Anyway, if you can’t go back, you can only choose to join.

Bai Yu calmed down very quickly.

There is an old Chinese saying that goes well - everything that comes comes comes.

Even knowing the fact of time travel would not be of much help to the current situation.

Traveling through time after the car accident doesn't seem so difficult to accept. As a person with super powers, even if he sees some incredible things, his ability to accept it is very strong... Besides, which teenager doesn't suddenly have the dream of picking up a Kamen Rider belt one day? ?

After all, there is something new in life... Bai Yu thought to himself soothingly.

"Are you nervous?"

A small head poked out from the side.

Su Ruoli had left the queue and stood next to Bai Yu. The head teacher not far away did not stop him. He knew that most students needed to adjust their mood at this time, so it was better to let the students move freely.

Bai Yu shook his head. He couldn't tell what he was feeling, he just felt a little complicated.

Nervous is totally out of the question.

If I have to say it, it’s probably like a fisherman dropping a hook and catching a torpedo...

There is a sense of accomplishment that refreshes your life, but more often than not you feel like you want to blanch but stop.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a spiritual enlightenment ceremony... Well, does it sound too artificial if I say this? After all, it's normal to be nervous."

Su Ruoli saw that he didn't answer, so she said in a soft voice: "Don't worry, just like what the beautiful elder sister above said, the spiritual enlightenment ceremony will not be successful in one go."

"Even if something happens, I will be there before you. I will lay a good foundation for you. If you want to be embarrassed, I will be there before you..."

"If the result is not good, I will also wait outside for you to be the first to comfort you."

"So...take it easy, okay?"

The girl clenched her fists to comfort people.

Bai Yu's attention was successfully distracted by her again.

...How could she be so good at it?

...Really just a high school student?

...Is this girl's initial favorability level too high? What is the relationship between her and this identity I occupy? Lover? Not really.

After all, the person with superpowers had no experience in falling in love. Faced with such a beautiful girl's straightforward comfort, the program couldn't help but get stuck. After a few seconds, in the sight of others, he nodded dully and replied calmly. "Hmm" and a thumbs up, like a ruthless like machine.

Nothing further.

"Fuck!" A boy on the side clenched his fists and cursed fiercely.

The sound of fucking resonated with the hearts of many people, and many people looked at him, wishing to stab him with holes.

Bai Yu was confused: "?"

Kong Wen patted Bai Yu on the shoulder and sighed: "As expected of you... Yu Mu Da Da."

At the front desk, Zhou Liu opened the student book and read: "The next one is Su Ruoli!"

Su Ruoli turned around: "Here we come!"

Then he didn't leave in a hurry, but approached Bai Yu and pressed his shoulder.

"Okay, just stand there and don't move. I'll use your eyes to look in the mirror."

She stared into Bai Yu's eyes, then smiled with dimples: "How do I look?"

Bai Yu continued to give thumbs up: "I think it's pretty good."

As if being encouraged, Su Ruoli puffed up her chest and said, "That's good, I'm going in. Let's look forward to Miss Ruoli's perfect performance."

She turned around and walked into the spiritual enlightenment chamber, leaving behind a very beautiful figure of youth.

The classmates next to me started beating their chests and stamping their feet, howling like baboons in lovelorn stages.

"It's sour, it's sour, I'll forget it!"

"It's too much. It's too much. Damn it, why do you want me to see this kind of thing? I don't want to see this kind of thing!"

"Damn it, Shuzi, right before the spiritual enlightenment ceremony, you actually destroyed my Taoist heart!"

"I also want a childhood sweetheart like this. I just hate that my uncle Wang next door doesn't work hard enough."

"I had a childhood sweetheart, but I hung him up and beat him several times. He still refused to admit that he was a woman."

Different from the commotion of the students, the expressions of the school leaders and Chang Yesi were serious, while other students did not show such expressions before during the spiritual enlightenment ceremony.

Zhou Liu asked the head teacher: "Su this name from the Su family...?"

The head teacher nodded, his eyes showing a little regret: "Her sister... also studied here before."

Zhou Liu looked at the closed Spirit Enlightenment Chamber and said thoughtfully: "I wonder if the Su family can produce another heroic spirit."

The head teacher was silent for a while and said: "I hope she is not."

Zhou Liu glanced at the head teacher and said no more.

The Qiling Chamber is isolated from the outside, and no one outside knows what is going on inside.

After about five minutes, the door to the Spiritual Enlightenment Chamber was reopened. A staff member walked out and whispered a few words to Zhou Liu. You could clearly see that the Zhou officer’s cat ears were raised and his tail was also raised. Start shaking.


There was a hint of excitement in Zhou Liu's tone: "It is indeed the blood of heroic spirits...!"

He turned to look at several school leaders: "I have to report back to the authorities immediately. I'll leave the finishing work here to you, okay?"

The head teacher rubbed his eyebrows: "You go ahead and do your work."

Zhou Liu's sudden departure in front of the students also caused many students to talk about it.

"what happened?"

"It seems that Su Ruoli's talent is amazing. In the past, everyone tested for a maximum of one or two minutes, but this time it took more than five minutes."

"I'm so curious!"

However, these are private secrets and will not be told to anyone.

"Next, Bai Yu!" the head teacher shouted loudly.

"Come on, Liao Da." Kong Wen was different from other people who were joking: "I'm waiting for you to go to Nanda together."

Bai Yu nodded in an Ultra style.

He walked towards the spiritual enlightenment room.

Unlike the expected high-tech rooms, this plain white spacious room only contained a table.

There are about a dozen different instruments placed on the table, some are cold weapons, some are firearms, some are books, and even...

"Folding stool?"

"Butcher knife?"


What is all this mess? Do you want me to bite the lighter?

The reviewer introduced on the side: "You can choose any one of the items to hold in your hand...remember, you can only choose one."

"Random selection?"

"Yes, pick the one you like the most."

Bai Yu looked at the various items on the table, concentrating and holding his breath.

He noticed that there was a small amount of shimmer seeping out of the objects... almost every one of them, but the degree of the light was different.

He picked a jet-black stone with a high brightness. The stone was obviously polished and had a sharp edge on one side. It seemed to be some kind of flint stone.

At the same time as he touched the stone, there was a buzzing sound in his ears.

As he held the stone, his surroundings suddenly became dark, and a white-haired old man suddenly appeared in front of him.

The opponent raised an ax in his hand and struck it down on the ground continuously. Each strike was accompanied by sparks. The flying sparks turned into flames, and the blazing flames spread like fireworks and then exploded.

The flames instantly engulfed Bai Yu's consciousness, and he vaguely saw the ax coming directly towards his head.

This scene lasted less than ten seconds.

The bursting flames formed extremely vivid words in the sight, as if they were branded by flames.

[Ancient Relic: Flint Axe]

[One-star heroic spirit: The old man who lit the fire]

[Status: intact]

Bai Yu heard a sound when he held the stone, and then the stone in his hand began to vibrate, and a force of rejection came back from the stone.

A white light burst out, as if a firecracker exploded in the palm of his hand. Unable to hold the stone, he let go of his hand. The stone fell on the table with a loud noise, and irregular shapes rotated on the table.

[Contract failed]

[The afterimage of the heroic spirit has been relegated to history]

[The heroic spirit contract has been recorded, currently 1 time]

……What happened?

…Who’s talking in my head?

Bai Yu hasn't figured out what's going on yet.

The evaluator in front has opened his notes and started recording: "White talent... holding the holy relic for about seventeen seconds, the willpower is judged as good."

He said: "Thank you for your hard work. Your talent has been activated. I believe you have noticed it... we will not ask about the specifics."

"Although it is difficult for white talents to become extraordinary, you can also enter extraordinary-related liberal arts majors and become a researcher. Don't worry, you still have the qualifications to contribute to Daxia."

"Congratulations, you can leave through the door on the left."

Bai Yu opened the door and left through the door on the left. As he walked through the passage, he was still looking at his palms, a little confused.

I heard other people say before that when you awaken your talent, you will realize how to use it.

But now he doesn't understand what talent is.

Could it be that just like my guaranteed superpower... it is also a type that needs to be slowly explored and used?

Walking out of the corridor, on the open ground in front of the campus, students who had just finished the test were gathering together to discuss something. Some had dejected expressions, and some were elated, with the words "I want to show off" written all over their faces.

Su Ruoli was dealing with other people's questions. When he saw Bai Yu coming out, he immediately got out of the crowd.

"Here here."

She shouted and quickly ran closer with a warm and careful smile.

"How is the situation? Is it as smooth as Miss Ruoli said?"

The sweet smile made people don't know how to answer, and Bai Yu's thinking got stuck again.

He replied: "My talent is the white level of 'Study hard and practice hard'. I probably won't be able to pass the martial arts exam."

He answered smoothly, not even sure why he answered like this... What kind of talent is "studying hard and practicing hard"?

Bai Yu felt like a ship at this time, flowing along the current, and a sense of detachment from consciousness became extremely strong.

Su Ruoli's sweet smile froze for a moment, and she lowered her head: "That's it..."

Then he quickly raised his head, clenched his fists and encouraged: "There is still a lot of time, maybe there will be a better choice next time."

Bai Yu nodded and remained silent.

It wasn't that he didn't want to talk, but his headache worsened, and the tingling and discomfort inside his head became more intense.

This feeling has always existed before, like always wearing ill-fitting clothes, and there is a tight feeling like wearing a sweater backwards. Now it has become more intense, like the wool on the sweater is tightening and strangling my neck.

His vision suddenly went dark, and Bai Yu's body fell forward.


His head hit a hard object, making an extremely clear sound.

He covered his forehead, raised his head, looked around, and suddenly realized that he had hit the table.

When a classmate on the side saw this scene, he burst out laughing: "Are you okay? Why are you suddenly grabbing the table with your head? Are you so stubborn?"

The laughter continued, and the classroom was filled with cheerful air.

But Bai Yu couldn't laugh. A chill arose in his heart, and his back felt cold, as if an invisible ghost hand had touched his back.

How is this going? When did I return to the classroom?

In just a moment, with a staggering effort, he found that the scene around him suddenly changed, and he returned from the outside to the classroom again, without any reaction time at all.

Unconsciously, he had returned to his seat.

You were clearly outside just now, why did you suddenly have...superpowers? Hysteria? The sequelae of time travel?

"Are you okay?" Su Ruoli at the front desk looked concerned.

Bai Yu shook his head: "It's okay."

However, the uncomfortable pain is still there.

"...Oops, I can't tell the difference anymore."

His consciousness was a little drowsy and he said: "I even started to hallucinate."

"Hallucination? What hallucination?" Kong Wen stood up from the back table and came over.

"On the ground..." Bai Yu pointed to the ground and said, "Why is it so dark on the ground?"

After hearing this, several students around him looked down and looked confused.

The ground has indeed turned black, becoming extremely dark. It is as if it is coated with a layer of opaque material that absorbs all light without reflecting it, making it extremely dark and smooth.

Kong Wen: "What's going on?"

Only Su Ruoli's pretty face turned pale and her expression changed completely. She shouted: "It's the Shadow World! Everyone, run!"

The words were loud and clear. After hearing the words ‘Shadow World’, there was a moment of silence before any students reacted and were immediately shocked.

But now it was too late to escape.

A feeling of weightlessness came over, and the sinking feeling was like falling into a quagmire, as if falling into water, the floor under their feet was evacuated, and everyone immediately fell into a state of weightlessness.

Following the thumping sound, Bai Yu saw all thirty-seven people in the class fall into the shadows, and screams and panic spread wantonly.

The last thing he saw was Su Ruoli's right hand reaching out to him, but he didn't have time to hold it.

The severe pain in his head intensified again, and Bai Yu's vision went dark, like a TV that had been turned off, and the power went out with a click.

Dark room.

The light illuminated the table, and the light returned to his dazed vision.

Bai Yu woke up again.

In front are a doctor in a white coat and a policeman in police uniform.

"you're awake."

"Classmate Bai."

"All memories of the day when the incident occurred have ended... Do you remember the whereabouts of your classmates in the first grade of high school?"

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