Guyu South Road.

The interrogation room of the Changye Division.

Zhou Liu stood outside the glass window, biting her nails and wagging her tail unconsciously. It was obvious that she was in a bad mood.

The door of the interrogation room opened and a person walked out: "Team Zhou..."

"I've seen everything." Zhou Liu interrupted: "I want the result."

"Memory retrieval is indeed effective, but it only has the memory of that day, and all future memories are cut off... The memory in the shadow world cannot be further retrieval." The police officer took out the investigation notes and said: "Even the memory master can't do it anymore. It has entered a deeper memory space. Forcibly intervening will cause damage to the child's soul. In fact, he has already developed a serious rejection reaction."

Zhou Liu frowned: "So... nothing was found?"

The police officer nodded helplessly: "There are indeed no clues. The memory expert guessed that there was a serious psychological trauma, so he sealed this relevant memory to protect himself."

Zhou Liu took out a cigarette candy from the box and put it into her mouth. She whispered: "Make a note and then send him back."

The police officer hesitated for a moment and then asked: "It took a lot of effort to move him here. Why don't we try more?"

"There is no need to repeat it if it is useless. I am not good at psychological treatment. Don't forget that this child still has amnesia. If I use crude methods to obtain information again, my conscience will not be able to bear it. He is still a child and a victim. , no matter how much we try to rescue people, we can’t do it on the premise of harming innocent citizens.”

Zhou Liu gave a stern reprimand.

But after saying that, she pressed her eyebrows and smiled bitterly: "But three days have passed. If we give it a few more days, we will miss the golden rescue time... There is no clue at all, how to find the coordinates of the damn shadow world."

The school, society, students' parents... a full thirty-six students fell into the shadow world and disappeared. The huge pressure also made Chang Yesi breathless.

The only boy who escaped from the Shadow World also fell into a coma for three days. As soon as he showed signs of waking up, he was transferred to the Chang Yesi Department for memory review in order to find some clues.

However, this road is also blocked.

There is nothing we can do.


"White Elm."





"Answer the question, race."


"What ethnic group is Han? Let me ask you about your race."

"Uh... maybe a person?"

"It looks like a human being. Whether it's specific will only be known after testing."


Hard, hard, fist hard.

Bai Yu's eyes were strange. What does it mean to look like a human being? If I'm not a human being, can I still be a dog?

The female police officer continued to ask: "How old are you?"

Bai Yu replied instantly: "Eighteen."

The female police officer frowned: "No, you're not Seventeen?"

Bai Yu paused: "Are you asking about your age?"

The female police officer cast a confused and innocent gaze: "What if it's not?"

Bai Yu's face was expressionless: "You already know how old I am, why do you have to ask me again? Can you ask some valuable questions?"

The corner of the female police officer's mouth twitched: "I'm asking the question now, do you know what a record is? Do you have any bad habits?"

Bai Yu shook his head: "No, I work from nine to five every day. I go to bed at ten o'clock, take a shower at eight thirty, do calisthenics for forty minutes at nine o'clock, and drink a glass of hot milk before going to bed. The doctor said I am very healthy."

The female police officer didn't believe it and asked, "I'm asking about bad habits... do you smoke?"

"Smoke here?" Bai Yu was eager to try: "I haven't tried it, but I can try it."

Female police officer: "??"

The two of them asked and answered questions for several minutes, and also talked to each other for several minutes.

The door was pushed open, and a male police officer with a Chinese character came in with a gentle expression: "Classmate Bai, this is the record. You can leave."

"Really?" Bai Yu blinked: "I want to chat a little more with this beautiful sister. We just happened to talk about the postpartum care of sows..."

"Well, we really hit it off." The female police officer also stood up: "How about adding me as a friend and we can chat later?"

"Okay, okay, but I don't have a mobile phone with me. How about my sister buy me one?"

"I remember that there are still a few old terminals in the institute whose owners have not been found. They have been there for more than a year and have been formatted. Otherwise, they would be given away..."

"Then I'll be caught red-handed for stealing public property?"

"Why are you so mean-spirited, kid?" The female police officer blinked: "I am an official of Changye Division, you can't believe this?"

"Then you write the written evidence!" Bai Yu raised his eyebrows: "I will believe it once you write the written evidence."

"Cough cough cough!" The male police officer coughed several times and interrupted: "Classmate Bai, I will send you out. You are not in good health. Take good care of yourself. Don't be angry with this sister. It's not worth it."

As Bai Yu was pushed out of the door by the male police officer, the female police officer also followed. She seemed to feel that it was too hot. She took off her hat, and her long black hair was spread over her shoulders. At the same time, there was a lot of hair on her head. Two pointed animal ears emerged.

Bai Yu immediately opened his eyes wide and stared at the top of the female police officer's head, as if he saw something extremely incredible.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen the Xiaoyue tribe?" The female police officer twitched her ears, which looked like the ears of a Doberman pinscher.

Bai Yu suddenly understood what the other person meant by 'race'.

Although he was clearly aware of the fact that he had traveled through time, he was still extremely shocked to see this irrefutable evidence with his own eyes.

The female police officer was a little embarrassed to be stared at. She covered her ears and asked strangely: "Are you still watching?"

Bai Yu scratched his cheek and smiled: " looks good."

The clear smile of the young man made the female police officer in her twenties freeze for a moment. She unconsciously looked away and turned sideways, her cheeks flushed. Young men with red lips and white teeth are always lovable, and the Xiaoyue tribe has always been I really like the little boy from the human's almost engraved in the DNA of XP.

The male police officer coughed again and interrupted: "I'll take you out."

Bai Yu nodded, put on the mask, walked out of Chang Yesi's side door, and disappeared around the corner of the street.

"Officer Liu..." The female police officer followed and handed over the notebook: "This is the specific content of the transcript."

The police officer with a Chinese character said: "I was outside just now and heard everything... What do you think? Alley, just say it."

Alley closed his notebook and quickly expressed his judgment and analysis: "His thinking is very healthy and his mental state is normal. He doesn't look like he has a mental disorder at all. He can talk and laugh here, which proves Either he has a strong psychological quality, or he does not believe that he has committed a crime or fault at all, but he seems to have some lack of common sense. If further in-depth investigation is carried out, it may trigger the other party's ptsd reaction..."

"The conclusion you reached is consistent with that of the psychoanalyst." Officer Liu rubbed his eyebrows: "But if he really has lost his memory, the situation will be complicated..."

He sighed: "Among the students in Class 1 of Grade 3, he is the only survivor who escaped from the shadow world. The other children are still missing. The school and Chang Yesi are under a lot of pressure. If he can Providing some effective clues can at least speed up our progress in collecting survivors."

Alley continued: "His shadow has not come back. Generally speaking, after falling into the shadow world, one will lose his shadow, and amnesia will cause the patient to lose the ability to move, fall into a deep sleep, and remain in a vegetative state. He is also the only case so far that he woke up without finding his shadow."

Officer Liu said: "You think it's suspicious?"

"Every point is suspicious enough, but that was before the investigation. Now after the actual conversation, I think there is nothing wrong with the child. He is just an unfortunate person who was involved." Alley made a conclusion in a private capacity.

"Why?" Officer Liu asked strangely: "I was very suspicious before, thinking that he might have been bewitched by those sects who believe in ancient gods."

"He said my ears are very beautiful." Ai Li held his head high and said, "Anyone who dares to like the Xiaoyue tribe is definitely not a bad person!"

"...Is this judgment standard a bit too arbitrary?"

Ai Li shook his head and added: "It's not random. In fact, if he had malicious intentions, I would have smelled the rotten smell emanating from him."

Officer Liu was not in a hurry to go in. He took out a cigarette outside and was about to light it.

At this time Baiyu suddenly left and came back.

"Did you lose something?" Officer Liu asked casually.

Bai Yu scratched his head and asked for help: "Sorry, I forgot where my home is. Can you help me check my current address?"

Walking alone on the street, Bai Yu walked slowly and passed a shop, where the news was playing on the TV.

He stopped and listened to the newscaster's standard Mandarin.

'The Third Army has taken over the ancient Qiantang District and is currently cleaning up the ancient ruins. It is expected that the first batch of residents will move in in March next year...'

'Two days ago, a third-level crack appeared in the Ludao area, and the shadow world overflowed. A yellow safety warning was issued. For your travel safety, citizens are asked not to go to Ludao unless necessary.'

‘Today the Education Bureau publicly announced that the martial arts test will become a required test for the college entrance examination, and all students must take the martial arts test’

'The current population of Daxia has exceeded 900 million, which has created the highest population record since the Great Catastrophe. I would like to thank all the people for your positive contributions to the country. This also proves the long-term peace and stability in Daxia. Chang Yesi will always be behind all citizens. With a solid backing, our world is getting better and better, and our cities are extremely safe'

Bai Yu looked back and looked at the data above and felt extremely strange.

He sighed deep in his soul: "This world is too chaotic."

After reviewing the information arrangement and planning for more than half an hour, he finally figured out his situation at this time.

Time travel is indeed time travel.

However, the contents of the previous school were all "memories", not Bai Yu's personal experience, but the memories left by the young man.

The mnemonist's memory review can allow the person involved to re-experience the events of that day - which is why Bai Yu always has a lingering sense of 'detachment', as if a camera has been inserted into his mind.

Three days ago, all the students in Class 1, Grade 3, performed the first spiritual enlightenment ceremony.

Bai Yu awakened the white talent of ‘Study hard and practice hard’.

After all the students returned to class, the 'Shadow World' disaster occurred just after one class.

The Shadow World is one of the natural disasters in this world, similar to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Small-scale ones are unpredictable, while large-scale ones can swallow up several cities.

This disaster is called 'subsidence'.

The ancient Qiantang mentioned in the previous news is one of the subsidence areas. Now being recovered means a return to reality, from a subsidence area to a realistic area where people can live.

There has always been a small-scale shadow world, but it will not swallow reality, it will only suddenly pull people in... This kind of disaster does not respect the location and is completely random.

Directly swallowing the shadow world of an entire class is an extremely rare event, and it has only happened once in the past hundred years.

As a result, only Bai Yu escaped from the shadow world and fell into a coma for three days. The whereabouts of all the other thirty-six students were unknown.

Chang Yesi tried to use Bai Yu's memory as a breakthrough, but failed.

It is inevitable if you think about it.

After all, this Bai Yu is no longer the boy he was before. He has no relevant memory at all. This operation is like expecting a bull to produce milk.

The consequence of being swallowed by the shadow world is to lose one's own shadow, which also means the gradual loss of soul and life, and usually it is impossible to wake up.

Bai Yu lowered his head and looked at his feet. The street lamp illuminated his figure, but there was no shadow under his feet.

Without a shadow, this is basically impossible to exist in physics. The absence of a shadow means that light will pass through completely. In theory, it is equivalent to a ghost or something like that.

The absence of a shadow also reminds Bai Yu of his abnormality...reminding him that he is a soul from another world, occupying this body that has long been reduced to an empty shell.

But it was only his body, and he had no inheritance at all in terms of memory. Except for the day he recalled, he didn't know anything, not even his address.

He had almost no clue about all the questions asked by the police. He could only use amnesia to deal with it...

Fortunately, this trick is very easy to use, and memory loss in patients with amnesia has long been identified as one of the sequelae.

"I understand all this, but why?"

"It's obviously a spiritual enlightenment ritual in memory recall, but it works for me..."

Bai Yu concentrated his mind, and a line of text ironed by flames appeared in front of his eyes.

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