First, show weakness to the enemy.

Bai Yu picked up his spear and took the initiative to charge forward.

"Stooges... kill him!"

The animal trainer moved his finger forward a little, and the mentally ill people who were originally holding Tao Rusu down rushed towards Bai Yu's direction with crazy cries.

When the first man opened his mouth, the Lion Heart Spear directly pierced his mouth, dilated his esophagus, and penetrated the back of his neck with the tip of the spear.

However, this lunatic held on to the Lion Heart Spear and refused to let go.

Tao Rusu's mouth was not covered and she shouted: "Be careful, these things don't feel pain!"

Although it was a little late, Bai Yu still smiled at her and replied: "I know."

It has been fully tested before.

He suddenly let go of his hand and took a step back. He picked up the Lion Heart Gun with one hand and pulled it toward both sides. The gun body hit the lackeys who were coming around from the corridor, making two clanging sounds.

Bai Yu walked back with the spear in hand. With the blessing of the heroic spirit projection, his physical fitness was undoubtedly extraordinary. Pulling and sending, the Lion Heart Spear directly penetrated the lackey's head, and the spear pierced it.

Then he added a powerful and heavy kick, and with a whoosh, the spear with a black background and golden lion patterns erupted with bursts of trembling sounds, and directly stabbed the animal trainer.

The latter raised his arm, held a whip, and struck it on the Lion Heart Spear. When the weapon came into contact, a harsh roar erupted, and the glass windows on both sides cracked directly under the impact of the sound waves.

The spear whirled in mid-air and plunged directly into the top of the corridor. Bai Yu took three quick steps and hit his knee on the lackey's chin. With the sound of bone cracking, the latter somersaulted twice and landed in the air.

The crawling lackey, the kneeling lackey, and the standing lackey formed an excellent three-level jumping step. Stepping on its shoulders, Bai Yu jumped up to a height of nearly three meters and a length of five meters, holding the lion in his hand. The heart gun handle was smashed in the air.

The animal trainer did not expect that more than ten lackeys would be stepped over like this. This was still in a relatively narrow corridor, and the long gun could not rotate and swing, which was severely restricted.

Of course he would not have guessed that when Bai Yu first started holding a gun, he was fighting with the shadow species in the narrow alley.

It is not the weapons that have weaknesses, but the people who are not flexible enough.

The trainer was forced back by a volley, and the latter curled up his whip.

The whip whipped around in the air, and each swing was accompanied by a crackling sound, and the sound was also mixed with strange sounds.

The two weapons were fighting like two living creatures, one rushing and the other moving around.

...This person is really not good at close combat.

...He has proven this by driving the beast before and by controlling multiple ordinary people at this time.

...If you are an extraordinary person who is good at this, it is impossible for me to suppress you... But I am not very good at spear skills, and I am only half-assed, like a wonderful novice.

The beast tamer was a little unhappy after being suppressed one after another. He directly chose to attack with one move. He threw out his whip and wrapped it around the Lion Heart Spear. He lifted it up and forcibly pulled the empty door, and then threw out a dart with his left hand.

It was at this time that a gunshot was heard.


Shooting continuously, it seems that there is only one gunshot, but in fact there are two bullets.

The first bullet hit the dart, which deflected; the second bullet hit the trainer's shoulder, who screamed and blood exploded.

"In what age are you still playing darts?"

Bai Yu held two guns: "Times have changed."

The animal trainer had a ferocious expression: "Damn it, I want you to repay it ten times!!"

After roaring, he turned his head and smashed the glass directly, jumping down.

Fuck...this is the eighth floor!

Bai Yu hesitated for a second and rushed to the edge of the window. He immediately saw the animal trainer running along the side of the hospital building. He threw out a handful of glass fragments. Some fragments fell downstairs and became shattered, and some were attached to the building. on the wall.

There are some strange power fluctuations left on the path that the trainer walked, with a dark color. It should be some special item that reversed the direction of his gravity.

There is no way to chase him immediately.

Bai Yu turned around and looked at the place where some of the lackeys were still.

He quickly cleaned up the remaining lackeys and returned to Tao Rusu.

"You, are you okay?"

The first words after meeting were spoken by Tao Rusu.

Bai Yu couldn't help but said with a smile: "Take care of yourself, little girl."

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Tao Rusu bowed her head politely: "Thank you for coming to save me."

Bai Yu was about to say something, but paused for a few seconds, and then looked away.

At this time, Tao Rusu's clothes were torn, revealing a large northern hemisphere.

…You’re developing quite well at the age of seventeen.

The latter also realized that the other person had looked away, and hurriedly clasped his hands to protect the external spherical device.

Both sides were slightly embarrassed.

"Excuse me."

"Excuse me."

The two said in unison.

Bai Yu: "?"

...You have nothing to apologize for.

Tao Rusu whispered: "I let you see something inappropriate..."

…What’s so inappropriate about the Northern Hemisphere?

She continued: "I let you see the embarrassing side of me."

Bai Yu coughed lightly and said seriously: "That person has left temporarily, but he is expected to come back soon... You should leave here immediately."

"Leave? How to leave?"

Bai Yu picked up a turbid eyeball stained with blood from the ground, and then threw it at it. The latter suddenly shattered, tearing a deep crack on the ground.

"Go ahead," he said.

"Thank you." Tao Rusu was leaning on a cane. She stepped on it and her body gradually sank. Then she remembered: "By the way, your name is...?"

"Don't worry about it." Bai Yu naturally would not answer: "This will probably be the last time we meet, little girl, don't get involved next time, and avoid dealing with certain dangerous people, otherwise you won't even know how to die. Know."

Leaving a gentle warning, he turned around and walked into the darkness, disappearing into the entrance of the safe passage.

Before Tao Rusu could speak, she passed through a layer of water. She opened her eyes and found herself lying in the corridor.

For a moment, he felt a little dazed, as if what he had just experienced was just a dream, but the torn clothes and residual pain were all sober.

She lowered her cheeks, feeling deeply powerless about herself at this moment.

A kind of annoyance and unwillingness brewed and slowly fermented in my heart.

"I need strength, enough strength to protect myself..." She secretly swore: "I will definitely achieve extraordinary things."

Although he looked cool when he was acting cool, he looked very embarrassed when he was walking downstairs via the emergency passage.

Bai Yu kicked open the closed safety passage, walked through the inpatient department, and walked to the main entrance of the hospital.

At this time, the animal trainer has returned.

He didn't come back alone, with his ragtag group of people.

The beast tamer's nickname is the beast tamer because he never fights alone. He tames the beast and uses it to his advantage.

"I said I would pay you back tenfold!"

"...Are you also Banze Zhishu?"

No one in the other world understands this joke.

Bai Yu felt a little lonely. He patted the dust on his shoulder and said in a deliberately contemptuous tone: "Is this all your strength...?"

There are three disaster beasts plus six barge beasts, and the average level is above level 13. Although the disaster beasts have just entered the level, they are more difficult to deal with than the barge beasts.

A truly extraordinary creature.

You can't buy it in any vegetable market in any city in Daxia, which shows how rare it is.

What he said in his heart was... To deal with me like this, he is really overqualified.

The face under the animal tamer's mask twitched slightly, and he said in a low voice: "You really can't hide it... It doesn't matter."

He waved: "Come out, everyone!"

Two suppressed roars, and on the left and right sides behind Bai Yu, two disaster beasts as big as the Northeast Golden Grain Layer appeared again... Level 15.

...I asked you to do your best, and you really did your best!

...What an honest person!


Bai Yu had already overturned the table in his heart, but on the surface he still had to show a very calm and contemptuous attitude that he had everything under control.

So the question is, does he have a chance of winning?

Even if it is possessed by a heroic spirit, the highest level now is only sixteen or seventeen... It is not as good as a level 20 beast trainer, and it is difficult to deal with just these disaster beasts.

Calculate the comparison of combat power. The most correct choice at this time is to escape directly.

The beast tamer will never and dare not easily chase it into reality. Once the beast comes to reality, it will inevitably attract attention and be surrounded and killed.

Even the movement in the shadow world must be kept small. Power fluctuations exceeding the second level of extraordinary will be immediately noticed by Chang Yesi.

All the combat power of the animal tamer is distributed on this group of disaster beasts. If this group of disaster beasts is killed, the animal trainer will be nothing more than a lamb to be slaughtered.

On the other hand... if the beast tamer is killed, the group of beasts will scatter and even kill each other.

The animal trainer said with a cruel smile: "Then...let's have fun...start!"

He raised his hands, raised them high, and his body movements were as exaggerated as a madman.


Bai Yu stared at the trainer calmly: "I'm's over."


A ball of blood exploded from the trainer's chest, and the metal bullet pierced through the chest, brushed past Bai Yu's side, and brought with it a strong wind...

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