The operation of Baiyu is very simple.

The animal trainer went out to shake the animals.

Then you can also shake people.

As the editor of destiny, he can go into battle personally, and he can also summon heroic spirits... rather, the latter is the real use.

However, summoning heroic spirits requires the consumption of destiny points and cannot be abused.

To summon the heroic spirit body of Mr. Kiryu, you don't even need to communicate. You can directly turn on the automatic mode to let the old man play freely, or you can turn on the manual mode for control.

After the actual summoning, Bai Yu discovered that the so-called heroic spirit body... was not himself after all.

The main body is dead, and what is summoned is only a temporary tool man.

However, when I met the proprietress at the breakfast shop, the heroic spirit seemed particularly humane, and even more compatible... This may not be regarded as a general situation.


Bai Yu summoned the old man and gave him instructions. The latter moved freely, sneaked to the rear, found a place to lurk, and shot at whatever was waiting for Bai Yu's signal.

The hero's body level is at the peak of level twenty-seven. Although the power of the firearm has not actually increased, it is definitely full of critical hits.

This shot penetrated the trainer's heart directly from behind.

The trainer's legs were almost unable to stand. He knelt down and then collapsed on the ground. He covered his heart and tried to block the bleeding wound, but the blood still poured out in large amounts, as if a gap had been broken in the blood bar, and his life was gone. It went by at an extremely fast speed.


Under the mask of the animal trainer, he coughed up a large mouthful of blood. His voice was hoarse and desperate: "How... is it possible..."

"nothing is impossible."

Bai Yu said calmly: "If you investigate the surroundings carefully, you won't expose such flaws."

The trainer lost out on being too emotional.

His emotions were always out of control.

Sometimes fearful, sometimes crazy, sometimes furious, his mental state is extremely unstable, so he is not aware of the danger, so he thinks that Baiyu can sit back and relax when he appears from the front, and have an upright fight with more and less.

What he thought he thought was not what he thought.

The advantage you create is not an absolute advantage, but a deliberately created illusion.

After determining that the animal trainer did not have many long-range fatal blow methods, Bai Yu decided to decide the outcome through this method.

He places himself as a decoy in the opponent's line of sight to paralyze their carelessness.

The trainer did not lose unjustly.

Bai Yu paid ten destiny points in exchange for the death of a powerful enemy who was thinking about his life... This business was definitely not a loss.

He was still a little regretful, because he still planned to continue questioning the animal trainer about the intelligence organization.

However, he is too strong and cannot be controlled by himself, so he can only take the second step and kill him.

How to explore the secret behind this swallowing of the shadow world is not what we should consider now.

Bai Yu didn't have much pride, his expression was calm, but instead he was secretly anxious.

Is the life of an extraordinary being too tough? He actually managed to survive until now.

A full thirty seconds have passed. After the heart is blown out, can a person live for as long as thirty seconds?

It's a good habit to finish the last hit, but with the Disaster Beast staring at him, he didn't dare to move or rush to finish the last hit.

Bai Yu waited for another minute. He looked at the bloody beast tamer. Although he knew it was impolite, he still asked.

"Why aren't you dead yet?"

"Yeah, why am I not dead yet?"

The animal trainer covered his heart and also made an incomprehensible sound.

A first-level transcendent, his heart was shot through, how could he survive?

He is far from reaching the extraordinary state of rebirth of flesh and blood.

There is no sign of recovery from the wound, and there is no blood supply to the brain. Theoretically, he will die soon...

But he did not die, only his increasingly cold body gradually lost consciousness and control, but he did not die.

He didn't die.

But it's almost the same as death.

Not only that, when he stood up, he seemed to hear some kind of subtle words ringing in his ears.

……stand up! ...get up, come...

That voice carried some irresistible command quality, and violent power surged through the body.

The trainer raised his right hand and forced his knees to stand up, his body trembling and his limbs twisting in an exaggerated way.

He took a step in Bai Yu's direction.

The next moment, a bullet shot through his heel. With a plop, the animal trainer fell to the ground.

But once again, he persevered and got up again, opened his mouth, his teeth were full of blood, his eyes were full of violence, and his expression was like a crazy mental patient.

Twisted yet somewhat dull.

Bai Yu saw very clearly that one of the animal trainer's eyeballs was extremely cloudy, just like...

He raised his hand and glanced at the cloudy eyes in his palm.

He understood everything instantly.

"It turns out... you are also one of them."

When the animal trainer heard these words, the turbidity in his eyes dissipated slightly. His eyes widened, and the only clarity he had was taken back. He let out a sharp, hoarse and painful roar from the depths of his throat.


"You, you horse rider, you damn bitch...shepherd..."

"How dare you attack me, how dare you make me your lackey, you... damn, you can kill a thousand swords... ah——!"

He roared, then got up on his hands and feet, and rushed directly towards Bai Yu, howling in confusion: "I'm going to kill you!"


A third shot rang out.

The animal trainer's head was shot through, and he fell to the ground five meters away from Bai Yu, completely dying.

Bai Yu used the Lion Heart Spear to turn him over from a distance. After making sure that he was dead, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"He is also one of the controlled lackeys. Although he is a member of the organization, he has obviously been calculated..."

"So, what happened tonight will most likely reach the ears of another person."

"'s so much fun now."

Bai Yu put his hand on his forehead.

Those weird lackeys were not the trainer's ability, and he didn't even notice that he had become a member of the other party.

So... there should be someone behind the scenes observing everything remotely.

He squatted down and briefly searched the animal trainer, but found nothing, except for a weapon and a can of unknown brand of pet food...

There was no diary carried inside the clothes, only a wallet.

But there is no money in the wallet.

There are documents, but there are five ID cards, and there is a high probability that they are all fake identities.

One of the trainer's eyeballs fell off and rolled to his feet.

Bai Yu squatted down and picked up the eyeball. It had solidified and became as hard as a glass bead, and it was inside the eyeball. It was different from other turbid eyes. Its inside was very clean and even somewhat reflective. The bright red color was concentrated on the pupils.

[Crystal Eyeball - an eyeball that looks crystal clear. The erosion of extraordinary power has solidified this eyeball into a solid crystal. If it is broken, its remaining power may be released and resonate.】

The annotations are really convenient for Baiyu to understand its purpose.

"To put it simply, it can be used to identify lackeys... It seems that lackeys also have levels. Even extraordinary people may be lackeys, and the other party may not know it."

Bai Yu put the thing away and it was automatically stored in the inventory.

He planned to continue checking, but the nearby disaster beasts were approaching in this direction.

They opened their teeth and seemed to be planning to pounce. Bai Yu became alert, but as he distanced himself, he discovered that the target of these beasts was not him, but... the body of the trainer.

The beasts of disaster swarmed up and devoured it cleanly.

"It really doesn't leave any traces."

"If we look for it now, we will have to dig into the dunghill of the disaster beast."

Upon seeing this, Bai Yu realized that he couldn't find any more information. After leaving the hospital, he found a corner, crushed his eyeballs, and left the shadow world.

Back under the streetlight again, he had lost his handsome status as the editor of destiny and turned into an ordinary young man.

The editor of destiny is himself, so there is no additional consumption in this state.

He didn't understand the specific principle, so he just assumed that he could change his outfit with one click at any time... it was just an appearance skin, and his combat power was completely shared with himself.

"Go home first..."

On the way back home, he casually opened the Chronicle of Heroes, and the column of the mission log popped up.

[Event ‘Justifiable Defense’ has been completed]

[You have gained destiny points +30]

[The new module ‘Memory Battlefield’ has been logged in]

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