Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 423: Being too old to die is a thief

The smoke of the explosion, the blazing fire, the wailing crowd, and the corpses exuding a burnt smell.

Also, the strange young man who stepped into this place through the fire.

Minami Shiori's breathing became rapid.

She didn't know who it was.

But the sudden motorcycle explosion did effectively reduce the number of besieging ronors. There were less than twenty people alive, and more than half of them were injured.

"Are you here to help us?"

One of the guards said uncertainly.

"I don't know, but don't be careless." Nan Shizhi held her breath and held the weapon again.

She was almost in despair before. If she had a strong helper at this time, she would naturally have a glimmer of hope.

On the other side, Seiichiro Izumi didn't feel comfortable. He abandoned the body that was captured as a shield. He picked up a rag stained with muddy water from the ground and tied it to his arm to stop it from being scratched by the metal fragments. The wound bleeds.

He looked at the young man walking towards the flames, step by step, like a soul chaser coming out of hell.

The ronin in front were a little frightened, and they were also afraid of death, especially when facing stronger people.

"I'm afraid of you!" Seiichiro Izumi kicked him up and roared arrogantly: "That's a living person. Since he's alive, he can be killed!"

He doesn't believe in hell or ghost chasers... How can there be such a handsome evil ghost in hell?

If it really existed, I'm afraid many women would rush to hell.

With a sneer, Seiichiro Izumi said with cold eyes: "No matter what your background is, since you dare to come close, you are looking for death."

Bai Yu said expressionlessly: "I just came back from Renwangji Temple. This car was borrowed. It's a good car, but it's a bit hard on my ears."

After speaking, he also picked out his ears and assumed a listening posture: "So, can you speak louder?"

Izumi Seiichiro opened his mouth and realized that what the other party said was true. He suddenly said in a low voice: "Send half of the people to surround and kill him!"

Bai Yu said lightly: "Surround and kill?"

"You guys, this group of Fuso savages... have stayed on the island country for too long, and they only know how to use knives."

"I'm afraid I have forgotten a simple common sense in martial arts: when fighting with cold weapons, an inch longer is an inch stronger!"

...Do you think I will give you a chance to encircle me?


In an instant, the Lion Heart Spear in Bai Yu's hand disappeared, as if the entire arm and weapon had disappeared in the air, followed by an explosion of lightning and flint. No one could see clearly how he exerted his force. How to attack again, there was only time to catch a glimpse of a brilliant afterimage of electric light.

The electric light connected with the bodies of the seven ronin. Two seconds later, all seven of them fell to the ground and died suddenly on the spot.

The seven battle-hardened ronin executioners died just like that, unable to survive even a single move. strong!

Nan Shizhi felt suppressed excitement and joy in her heart.

Both the enemy and ourselves think so.

Fighting on the battlefield pays attention to momentum. Bai Yu takes the lead and kills instantly with one move. The deterrence at this time has reached its peak. No matter how brave and fearless people are, they should know that charging forward at this time is a word of death.

Bai Yu shook the Lion Heart Spear, and there was wind and thunder in the air. The wind and thunder mingled with each other, and as the spear danced, it sounded like a large paper hunting in the air.


He took a step forward.

Izumi Seiichiro's eyes were about to burst and he said angrily: "Come together!"

As he spoke, he picked up a knife, changed it to a dual-wielding stance, and forced others to rush forward with him.

Originally a group of rogue executioners who were as menacing as tigers and wolves, now they have become prey to be slaughtered. They were so arrogant and cruel when they came, and how embarrassed and miserable they were when they left, just to rush out. The death range covered by the spear must be exhausted!

Every ronin knew that they couldn't block Bai Yu's spear, so what they actually considered was how fast Bai Yu's attack speed could be. Every gap was their chance to survive.

Izumi Seiichiro's heartbeat was extremely fast. He was waiting for Bai Yu's attack gap. As a long-handled weapon, the spear had more flaws and was not as easy to control as a sword.

Get out the gun!

As long as you dare to draw a gun, I will seize the opportunity to kill you!

The realm of a third-level swordsman is called Ketiri, and the sharp sword is almost indestructible.

However, Bai Yu did not use the spear as he wished. Instead, he raised his right hand, stood up the Lion Heart Spear wrapped with rolling wind and thunder, and then smashed the tail of the spear to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, four dragons rose from the ground.

The ground is full of murderous intent!

Dragons and snakes roared, and dragons rolled, caught in the rain, the muddy land, the dark night and the fire.

More than a dozen remaining ronin were swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

A sudden burst of murderous intent; the courage to fight against a trapped beast; the cry of a desperate fight; the long knife stained with blood...

In the eyes of the enemy, it was considered a brave charge, but it lasted only three seconds before it completely subsided, and the bodies were buried in the soil, either broken or twisted.

Many people had their limbs crushed before they even had time to make a sound. A group of ronin that was terrifying and even gave the shogunate a headache died just like that.

Death is extremely easy.

Even a little funny.

That's not even resistance.

When a human tramples an ant to death, regardless of whether the ant lifts its pincers or not, it is not considered resistance... because it has no impact on the outcome.

Their only role is to become an insignificant footnote in the legend of strange men appearing in this strange land.

... Rongers, dead.

The Nan family witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

Seeing them being destroyed as easily as ants, the body was shaking, the tip of the tongue was numb, and the breath was held...half was excitement, half was fright.

Minami Shiori held the train Hiromitsu and wondered several times whether she was living in a dream.

The disaster that was enough to destroy the Nan family ended like this?

She looked at the innocent young man standing in the blood and fire, and asked: "You, who are you?"

Bai Yu looked at Nan Shizhi. This was actually not the first time he had seen her, but it was the first time the two of them had met.

"I'm the one you want to see."

He raised a finger: "But it's not a good time to talk now."

"Stop your curiosity for now."

"The night is still long."

Nan Shizhi's expression suddenly changed, and after hearing the overtone, she asked, "It's not over yet?"

"If the rain doesn't stop, the bandits are not dead." Bai Yu said calmly: "But rainy days are good, suitable for killing people, and there is no need for anyone to help wash the floor."

The Lion Heart Spear struck the ground again.

It was not only the spear that disappeared, but also Bai Yu's back.

He disappeared from the spot in an instant, spanning an unknown distance of tens of meters in an instant. The spear tore through the sound barrier at high speed. Half of the spear was bent, and the accumulated elastic potential exploded the moment it touched the enemy.


Minami Shiori's heart seemed to have received a heavy blow, and intense lightning exploded in the middle of the street.

Thunder fell from the sky, but this lightning was artificially erased.

In that startling glance, Nan Shizhi seemed to see an old man pulling out his cane and slashing at Lei Lei.

The rain stopped for half a second, and white light lit up half the street.

Bai Yu returned to his original position like a dragonfly touching water. The tip of the Lion Heart Spear ignited a true red phoenix fire, and the weapon lit up like a lantern.

Nan Shizhi saw a lion standing up next to Bai Yu, opening its eyes as big as a lantern, and lighting up its red light with high morale.

Wasn't he serious about it just now?

Minami Shiori pursed her lips, and then she thought terrifying will the next opponent be?

The answer soon came.

An old man slowly appeared in sight.

Wearing a navy blue coat, he is not tall. The average Fuso man is 1.6 meters tall. His body is not strong. He looks old and walks slowly.

His movements were slow and slow, with no trace of agility at all. Anyone who saw him would think he was a dying old man and wouldn't take it to heart at all.


After actually fighting once, Bai Yu knew very well that this was just a disguise.

He is indeed very old, but he is not really old and about to die. Instead, he has restrained his vitality.

The eagle stands as if sleeping, and the tiger moves as if it is sick.

Some people look old, and they are indeed old, and their inner energy and spirit have withered, like rotten wood full of wormholes. A little bit of wind and rain can make them unable to recover; while some people look like they are old. He is old, but he is pretending to be old.

This old man with completely gray hair is a real swordsman. Although he is old, he is like the intricate and smooth ancient sandalwood. The years have not left him any wear and tear, but have made him stronger with age.

"Young man, are you from Daxia?"

The old man held a cane in his right hand and walked slowly. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse and low as if there was a piece of iron in his mouth: "This has nothing to do with you, an outsider. Now go... I don't care what you do to the old man."

Bai Yu said lightly: "Are you afraid?"

Hongye Jianhao shook his head: "Young people are arrogant and I can understand harsh words, but if you don't understand etiquette, you will always suffer."

Bai Yu said again: "Are you anxious?"

The old man opened his eyes and revealed two gleams of light: "It's just you, I'm afraid you're not qualified...haven't your elders taught you anything?"

Bai Yu spread his hands and said, "It turns out he is an old loser."

After three sentences, the conversation was over.

Hongye Jianhao held his crutch and said coldly: "You don't know what is good and what is evil!"

Bai Yu took out his ears and said disdainfully: "You are a thief if you are too old to die. You are not qualified to call me your elder."

The old swordsman looked angry and held the crutch. Its appearance shattered and fell like the bark of a dead tree, revealing a dark red famous sword.

Swords and swordsmen complement each other. Some swordsmen become famous after getting a sword, while other swordsmen become famous because of swordsmen.

The sword of Hongye Swordsman is called Hongye, and it is a killing blade.

The blade of the sword lit up, and a strong smell of blood floated around, as if even the rain had become a bit bloody.

This is the sword intention.

Fuso Swordsman is the fourth realm Myojin, and can use sword intent.

It is of the same level as the master's artistic conception.

Bai Yu looked at it with interest, thinking that this was interesting.

Try it and see how many moves it takes to kill a fourth-level swordsman with all your strength.

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