Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 424: After ten years of drinking ice, my blood has not cooled down yet

Nan family.

With the Ronin dead, the guards began to clean up the mess.

Without exception, they felt the pressure from the streets.

The moment the fourth-level swordsman drew his sword, the brilliant pressure brought about made them suffocate and helpless. The pressure on the life level and the spiritual level was as if death had touched their hearts.



In the eyes of Sheng Dou Xiaomin, even the third-level head of the Nanshi Hui family is already a first-class master, and the fourth-level swordsman is a big shot that the shogunate must enshrine.

Now he appears here and has become an enemy of the Nan family. It is simply...

However, Minami Shizhi acted very calmly. No matter what the battle situation was outside, she immediately arranged for the maids to take care of the injured and rescue the guards who were still breathing.

After arranging these, she returned to her position in front of the door, but she couldn't even get out of the threshold.

The difference in strength is too huge, and just getting close will put your life in danger.

She couldn't help biting her lower lip, deeply feeling her own powerlessness.

Who is the man outside and why should he help him?

The opponent is a swordsman in the fourth realm, how dare he take action?

One question after another gave her a splitting headache.

At the same time, she had a feeling that this person might be related to her sister who left... There was no evidence, just intuition.

Hearing Jianhao speak, he was quite wary of the origin of this strange young man.

Daxia, the vast country on the other side of the sea, is the source of inferiority for the Fusang people, and it is also a deep wish that is elusive but unattainable.

If it is Da Xiajiao who can really fight even swordsmen, comparing myself with him, there is really a huge difference between an ugly duckling and a phoenix.

No matter who the other party is, as long as they survive tonight, everyone in the Nan family owes their life to the other party, and no amount of repayment is too much.

But what can the Nan family give the other party now?

He gave a wry smile.

Nan Shizhi felt that she was a little fanciful. She didn't know what value and significance she and this dilapidated family had today.

At this time, a voice sounded: "Miss..."

She looked back and saw an old and simple face. This was also an old man from the Nan family. The old woman who had been responsible for her sister's etiquette education was strict and old-fashioned. She obeyed the head of the family and often punished her sister. She would not I like this old woman, but it's hard to get angry because she is really loyal.

"What's up?"

"Someone wants to see you." The old woman whispered, "It's not convenient to tell other people about this matter, please come with me."

Nan Shizhi's eyes flickered slightly and asked, "Who is he?"

The old daughter replied: "He is someone you will definitely want to meet."

Nan Shizhi subconsciously looked outside the door, and there was a fierce echo from the sword pressure. Could it be...

She made a quick decision: "Lead the way."

The old woman was walking in front, but soon she came to an attic and opened the basement. Minami Shiori had no idea about the hidden tunnels here.

She was currently drafting a draft, thinking that if she met a distinguished guest from Daxia later, she would not lose her etiquette.

Just as she walked out of the tunnel, the appearance of a person completely froze her in place.

The old man who should have died long ago appeared in front of her.

Nan Shihui stood up tremblingly, held Nan Shizhi's hand, his eyes were red with excitement and said: "Shizhi, hurry up and leave here with grandpa!"

Underneath the exciting performance, there is deep acting skills.

"Ahem...this old thing is quite slippery when beaten."

Bai Yu walked out of a house and shook off the dust and sawdust on his shoulders.

He knew he didn't have an advantage in terms of realm, but he didn't expect that he didn't have an advantage in technique either.

Bai Yu's rich combat experience is based on the number of deaths. Training on the edge of life and death is the most effective, because if he makes a mistake, he will die suddenly. The huge cost of trial and error allows him to know what is the best way to win. What is often pursued is not the ultimate move, but a simple and unpretentious attack.

Many second-rate players have a problem, thinking that as long as they learn the ultimate move, they can sweep the world... But the ultimate move requires a cooling time. A powerful explosive power needs to be used in an instant to be meaningful. An explosion that requires charging means that it needs to be cooled down. The ultimate move is not that useful.

The top masters are all extremely polished in their fields of expertise, and their moves can be changed freely in their hands. Every move can kill people. They don't pursue any big move, there is no so-called fancy, or every move and every move is perfect. It's an antelope hanging its horns.

This was the first time that Bai Yu encountered an opponent whose moves were almost equal to his own. He could not gain the upper hand by simply fighting with each other, and would even be counter-pressured.

He has a guaranteed rule. Every ten attacks must result in a sure hit or a violent blast!

Swallowing the blood in his throat, he raised his gun again to fight.

The old swordsman struck fiercely and resolutely, and each sword was aimed at killing people. However, the more he fought, the more frightened he became, that this young man could actually equal him.

If it weren't for the obvious gap in realm, he might have thought about retreating.

Seeing that the two sides have been fighting each other for more than thirty rounds.

Bai Yu's condition is getting better and better, without any signs of weakening in momentum.

This is young people.

The momentum is like a rainbow, and it becomes more and more prosperous the more you fight.

The weak challenge the strong, have a solid foundation, and are not afraid of death. This kind of person is destined to be a genius who will establish a sect!

Hongye Swordsman gritted his teeth secretly: "You are the one who sought your own death, no wonder you are so old!"

He couldn't hold it off any longer, and the sword intention in his hand suddenly became stronger: "Death!"

The falling sword light was like cutting off the red leaves floating in the sky, and the infinite energy was overwhelming, and the white elm was swept into a bright red wind, like countless spinning and entangled blades strangled.


The sword energy and sword intent hit everywhere on the body surface, and the guarded spirit body resisted all the defenses.

But this was not the limit of this sword. The Red Leaf Swordsman changed his moves again, and a red light lit up between the sky and the earth. The destructive power erupted in a short and rapid moment was astonishing.

Bai Yu used the tail end of the Lion Heart Spear to support the ground. His first thought was to defend with a sideways spear, and his second thought was that he absolutely couldn't block it, because he couldn't block it!

Cat's defense is very strong, but there is also a defense upper limit, and it takes time to recover.

I still have the next stop to rush to, so I can't waste too much armor here.

If you don't block anymore, then fight back!

Tooth for tooth.

The Lion Heart Spear shook, the lion roared angrily, and a shadow emerged.

Bai Yu once again visualized the macroscopic universe in his mind, and the starry sky scenery that had never existed in this world and was not widely known spread out in his mind like a picture scroll.

The consciousness stops on a few meteors among them, and with a slight click, he extracts their charm and uses it for his own use.

Taoist charm is different from skills and magical powers. It is higher than magical powers, even higher than artistic conception, and is close to Tao itself.

The moment the visualization was completed, the spear in Bai Yu's hand became easier than ever.

The spear was raised, and the spear came out like a dragon, a meteor spear!

Spears and red-leaf knives intertwined, and red leaves fell all over the sky.

The power of this knife was completely dispersed, and the red leaves turned into a surrounding picture scroll. In the center, there was a meteor flying backwards across the sky, escaping from the shackles of bright red, flying hundreds of meters high, and then disappeared in the sky. End of sight.

Hongye Jianhao staggered half a step for the first time, a look of horror flashed in his eyes, what was that just now?

What the hell is that!

His favorite sword move, Hong Maple's killer move with the blessing of Hong Ye Sword Intent, has never failed so far, and it was actually defeated from the front!

What on earth was that thing that passed by me just now?

He could even smell the burnt smell on his sleeve.

The impact of the passing attack left a deep impression on him. If he was hit head-on, he would definitely lose half his life.

He also didn't forget that the young man in front of him was a third-level transcendent.

But is this an operation that a level three player can perform?

Are all the geniuses of Daxia monsters?

The old swordsman comforted himself and said: It's okay, his move will definitely not last long, it must be a killing move that consumes a lot of money. I just need to lure him more...

Just when he thought of this, the spear in Bai Yu's hand changed direction again.

Another shooting star crossed half the street.

The place where the tip of the gun grazed was full of scorch marks.

A two-story residential building covering an area of ​​80 square meters collapsed in an instant due to accidental damage from the meteor gun. The interior of the building was dilapidated and even burst into flames.

Bai Yu held down the front end of the lion heart gun that was raging, and wiped the non-existent sweat: "It's really difficult to control."

This scene was too intuitive, and Hongye Jianhao completely understood that the opponent's move was not a killing move at all, but a change of move on the spot.

Not only is it hard to get used to, but its power can also be adjusted at will!

The consumption is not big at all!

Hongye Jianhao's heart, which had not been beating faster for many years, began to beat uncontrollably. He needed to pay attention to his heart rate, which meant that he would lose his life, which was not long.

Using too strong a sword will hurt yourself.

Therefore, Fuso swordsmen tend not to live long.

They focus too much on physical and mental exercise and lack effective ways to grow their souls, which will inevitably lead to imbalances in many aspects.

The stronger Fuso Sword Master's sword intent is, the more it will consume his energy and backfire on his soul. Even if his body is healthy, but his soul is incomplete, it will inevitably mean a decline in strength and realm.

Most swordsmen will stagnate when they reach the fourth level, also because their innate deficiencies in this area are irreparable, and each shot requires a long period of recuperation.

Unless there is a special way to increase the soul power to the extent that it can control the sword, it cannot be shot at will.

As a veteran swordsman, Hongye really doesn't have many chances left. Every time he goes all out, he is one step closer to death.

He really didn't want to fight unless he had to.

The gray-haired old swordsman pretended to be calm and raised his hand to smooth his messy hair. After tidying up his appearance, he said in a low voice: "How about this? It's still too late to regret it now."

Bai Yu stood there with amusement in his eyes, as if to say - are you kidding me?

He continued: "You are still young, but you should understand the truth that life is the most precious."

Bai Yu raised his hand, and the light rain had stopped.

He smoothed his half-wet hair away and said calmly: "I don't lack this thing called life."

Hongye Swordsman warned in an old-fashioned way: "What we just had was just a small fight, don't force me to kill you."

Bai Yu nodded: "It is indeed a small fight."

He thrust the spear into the ground, and a lifelike lion appeared on the ground.

The light of the stars lit up.

A pattern drawn one by one with a spear.

Youth tramples on Leo.

"Also let me teach you a lesson."

"After ten years of drinking ice, my blood has not cooled down yet!"

"It means: cold-blooded old guy, it's time for you to burst into gold coins!"

"Exit this stage!"

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