Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 590 The Heroic Spirit Weaves the Scroll of Unity

Chapter 590 The Braiding of Heroic Spirits·The Volume of Unity

Things took a turn for the worse.

Bai Yu thought that it would take some effort to find Mahiru Amamiya.

But here she is.

The reason why he could recognize it at a glance was naturally because of his excellent memory.

He helped put those legs through the stockings.

I don’t know how many times I have supported my waist.

As for the southern hemisphere, I have felt it through my arms many times.

With the extraordinary perception of an extraordinary person, from the micro to the macro level, if you want to build a three-dimensional figure of Amemiya Mahiru in your own mind, it can only be said to be very simple.

So he was very sure that he would not admit his mistake, even if it was Amemiya Mahiru who had changed a bit after ten years.

Here she is.

At least that body is hers.

But it was not her own will that controlled her words.

Knowing this, Bai Yu had many associations in an instant, and then simply chose to show off his cards and question him. He was not in the mood or had the energy to talk in circles.

Since becoming stronger and stronger, Bai Yu has been getting closer and closer to the simple thinking circuit of the magnetic field maniac.

Why bother using your brain when you can do something directly; if you can directly blow up an enemy, don't hesitate and don't give him a chance to talk nonsense, just punch and blow it up and that's it.

Anger creates impulsiveness.

Fortunately, before the canonization, he held back and did not directly attack the Leonid meteor shower.

At this time, Amamiya Mahiru's eyes were glowing with a faint golden color in the pool. It was obvious that another, more majestic consciousness was controlling her body. She leaned in the pool in front of the big white fox and said with a smile: "It turns out that The person she has been waiting for is you, it seems I was not wrong... But how did you know each other for so long? Ten years ago, you were still a child under ten years old, right? "

Bai Yu asked expressionlessly: "Why is she here, and why is she in the hands of His Excellency Inari God? If she is here, then where is Nan Shiori?"

Yu Chuanjin smiled: "You ask, do I have to answer? If I don't answer, what should you do?"

"Not so much." Bai Yu stood outside the pool: "Although I can't hurt the saint, I can still burn a shrine and still escape unscathed."

"Is it possible to get angry for beauty?"

"No, I know my priorities clearly. It won't be too late to do some things after I am canonized." Bai Yu said, "I have reached the peak of the third level of extraordinary practice in one year. You can take a guess. I am one step away from being canonized." How far is it?"

Yu Yejin licked his lips: "Don't you know that threatening an active saint is a stupid thing?"

"Did I threaten?" Bai Yu showed a confused look: "Am I not telling a fact?"

"Hahaha, interesting." Inari God laughed instead, and sat back in the pool. There was a splash of water, and the white waves on his chest rose and fell. The big white fox yawned lazily: "If you don't say anything, just yawn Come here, I can help you through two moves; but you are obviously so arrogant, but you never release a trace of murderous intent and hostility, which makes it very difficult for me to handle."

Bai Yu was really not sure what Inari God's attitude was at this time.

The other party keeps walking in circles with me, always lingering around, but doesn't get in... doesn't get into the main body.

"Okay, I admit, I am testing your quality. After all, everything must be based on qualifications and eyesight." Yu Yijin raised his hand and clasped his thumb with his index finger to form a circle. Looking at Bai Yu through the circle: "I can see the color changes on the other person's body through people. Your color... is unexpectedly magnificent and beautiful; just like the two sisters of the Nan family, belonging is rare It’s so beautiful that I really want to keep it by my side and collect it.”

...If you like colors, you should make figures of people and keep them by your side?

...What kind of yandere are you?

Bai Yu suddenly felt a chill.

"Don't get me wrong." Yu Yijin narrowed his eyes: "Your color just now showed a hint of disgusting and resistant gray-white. As I said, natural color is the best. If other emotions are incorporated, it will change even if it is beautiful. It doesn’t look good... I only appreciate the pure natural colors, including the Nan sisters. They stay here, of course, not forced by me, but voluntarily."

Of course Bai Yu didn't believe it: "Even if it's voluntary, it doesn't mean it's not voluntary."

Inequality seconds!

God Inari bit his fingertips and smiled: "You really care about her... But I heard that you have a fiancée in Daxia?"

"Thank you for being in the mood to pay attention to my gossip news despite your busy schedule." Bai Yu said lightly: "But this matter has nothing to do with you, right?"

"I can see you off." Yu Weijin said with a smile, "Then please come back in seven days."

"I can come back in seven years. I'll definitely stick your head in Mount Fuji and treat you to food and drinks."

"Threaten me again?"

"I said I could predict the future, do you believe it?" Bai Yu shrugged.

"So how many fiancées do you have?"

"...I can't afford it, let's go." Bai Yu didn't want to answer this question.

"Oh, the colorful colors unique to scum began to float in my soul."

Bai Yu smiled: "You..."

"With a hint of angry red."

Bai Yu suddenly calmed down: "What about now?"

"Oh? It seems you have learned to resist."

"What you see is not the soul, but the emotion." Bai Yu tapped his fingers on his elbow: "Most of the time, a person's emotions can reflect part of his personality."

"I can see more things than you imagine, so the things I can do are also deeper than you guess." God Inari raised his chin: "Now I want to understand why the Nan sisters chose Have you come to Inari Taisha Shrine to pay homage?”

Bai Yu thought thoughtfully: "Did you make a deal with them?"

"I prefer to call it a favor." Yu Yijin raised his long legs from under the pool: "As a god, I also have to fulfill a small wish for them. They really match my aesthetic point. , who can resist carving?"

Inari God said: "You must not understand this feeling."

Bai Yu: "...I understand."

Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"It's just...there were some minor accidents along the way."

Yu Weijin gestured with the Milky Way on his fingertips: "So in order to ensure that her physical body is intact, she can only leave it to me to control. We are both women, so no one can take advantage of the other... It would be better to say that I take the initiative. She has made a lot of money from pregnancy and childbirth, so who else is qualified to soak in this pool of living beings’ will power?”

"What kind of accident?" Bai Yu looked solemn and went straight to the topic.

"I think you should know..." Yu Yijin raised his hand and pointed to his bright golden eyes: "Amamiya Mahiru has the blood of acquired heroic spirits, and she was born with a very special pair of eyes... She was not born blind. .”

"Instead, the eyes were transferred to another person's body through acquired surgery."

Of course Bai Yu knew it, and the one who exposed this was Nan Shihui himself, the instigator.

"Minami Shiori..."

"Yes, it was her sister who took away her light."

"As a result, her long-standing blindness has not been resolved."

"Two months ago, they found me, hoping that as a saint, I could help them perform eye replacement surgery."

Yu Weijin said eloquently: "I thought this was very interesting, so I agreed to their request... In fact, this operation should have been carried out three years ago, but it has been delayed until today. I don't know the reason. Mahiru Amemiya, who had always refused, finally agreed to the operation.”

Bai Yu was slightly silent. He could probably guess why Mahiru chose to undergo the surgery.

"And the operation failed?"

"You are underestimating my skills. My surgical process was perfect, but there was an accident." Inari God was confident at first, and then said quietly: "I really didn't expect that it originally belonged to Amamiya Mahiru. Her eyes actually had a rejection reaction against herself."

Bai Yu: "?"

These eyes, after being adopted by others for so many years, have begun to dislike their biological mother?

"It's unbelievable, but it's a fact." Yu Yijin spread his hands and shrugged: "Now I have to put my consciousness into this body and nourish her body with the power of living souls, otherwise this rejection reaction alone will be enough to kill me. Half her life.”

Bai Yu's face was as dark as water: "Isn't there any way to change the eyes again?"

"This is not a simple transplant operation, it also involves some soul-level issues." Inari shook his head helplessly: "I have also tried, but there is no way to start. To explain intuitively from the results level, this body is now The shells are empty, and their two souls are all concentrated in the same body."

Bai Yu couldn't hold it any longer: "What kind of quack are you? You actually caused such a medical accident!"

Yu Yijin was not furious, but showed a hint of confusion: "What can I do? Who would have thought that this would be the result?"

Bai Yu put her hand on her forehead and couldn't help but hold on to the stone pillar next to her, trying to stabilize her mind.

What he felt now was like Yasuo, who was being hunted by various people who were considered traitors. When he found out the truth, he found that the elder... committed suicide.


He thought the girls were caught and forced into marriage by Feng Sheng, waiting for him to rescue them, but it turned out to be a medical accident.

The quack doctor misled me!

"Don't you dare speak louder!" God Inari stood up and patted the water: "I don't want to lose face!"

Bai Yu was too lazy to argue with her, and just asked: "How do you solve it? They are now one soul and two souls, and they have never woken up?"

"It won't happen until you wake up. Two souls and one body will cause a lot of problems." Yu Yijin said seductively: "You don't want your two wives to be merged into one, do you? Double the happiness, bang! It’s gone~”


Bai Yu was thinking about it, and responded casually without paying much attention, and then reacted: "Huh? What do you mean my two wives? Please don't talk nonsense, Your Majesty the Great Ming God, I am a staunch supporter of monogamy. !”

Inari God didn't say anything, just smiled at him - you pretend, you pretend again?

Little brother, this is Yingzhou, okay?

What everyone pays attention to is that those who can work harder and those who work more will get more.

Bai Yu pretended to be angry for a few seconds, and then said: "You tested me many times after I entered Inari Taisha Shrine. Does that mean there is some way to change them back from the quantum entanglement state?"

"The response is quite fast." Yu Yijin agreed: "But there is nothing I can do about it..."


"I swear in the name of the gods... Great Summer Sun, I did not lie." God Inari held his chin: "You are the one who has the solution."

Bai Yu was shocked: "What do you mean?"

"I've been waiting for you to come here..." Yu Weijin raised his finger and pointed at 'self': "She has been saying this in her heart. This kind of unreserved trust... is beautiful."

"This is why I am willing to keep her body. I also want to see what you can do."

Inari God finally exposed his true nature as a saint, his disregard for life, and his condescending attitude.

She is like an observer, a fun-loving person, acting just for fun.

Sometimes they are very kind and generous and easy to talk to; sometimes they become extremely cold-blooded and cruel... Just like movie theater audiences with changing tastes, they are moody and suspicious. If they cannot produce works that satisfy them, they are waiting to be stepped on. A mess.

Now she was interested.

"If you say you can't do it, then I will simply give up and let this body turn into a vegetative state, rot and stink, and I will not care about their results."

"You are the only one who can save them... I won't help you, and I can't help you with anything."

"So, what are you going to do?"

Yu Yijin held his cheek, the white fox's smile was very strange.

Bai Yu said: "Where are they?"

"At the deepest part of the shrine, I have set up a barrier. No one can enter or leave, including me." God Inari said: "Anxiety, I won't do anything to you. I can't get out of Yingzhou. If I'm killed by Bai Po Tian comes to visit, and I am no match for him."

Bai Yu sneered.

He doesn't believe in Inari God at all.

But there was a heroic spirit stuck on him, and he believed that Mo Wu Shanhe would come to the rescue when necessary.

He went straight to the deepest part of the shrine and pushed open a sliding door. It was as if he had stepped into a labyrinth like a mirror, or fallen into the corridor of the eternal pavilion. The roads in front and back were infinitely connected, and he could enter but not exit.

On the bedding in the room, there was a woman wearing a plain long undergarment.

It's Minami Shiori... After they grew up, the two sisters still maintained a 60-70% similarity in appearance.

He stretched out his hand and touched Nan Shiori, and then saw a prompt pop up.

[Confirmed event]

[Do you want to open the Scroll of Braiding of Heroic Spirits? 】

Bai Yu was shocked. Sure enough, the fate of this matter was not simple.

It can't be solved at this stage, we have to go back to the past!

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