Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 591 The Great Exorcism of Underworld

Time passes, the sun and the moon fly by.

Garden flowers bloom and fall.

The spring in Yingzhou is beautiful. In this island country with hot summers and cold winters, only spring and autumn are the most suitable seasons for traveling and outings.

The flowering period of cherry blossoms is very short, only two weeks from blooming to withering, and the best flower viewing period is only more than half a month.

"Flowers are ready to be broken when they bloom, but don't wait until there are no flowers left to break branches..."

Under the cherry blossom tree, a woman picked up a glass of sake, drank it gently, and recited an ancient poem.

Another woman who was eating sushi couldn't help but asked: "Are you kidding yourself, sister?"

The woman who poured herself a drink smiled and continued drinking.

In fact, in today's state, it is not easy to get drunk.

There is a reason for Mahiru Amamiya to drink to drown her sorrows.

Because six years have passed.

In the past six years, Mr. Destiny has not appeared again.

Although she gained peace and a peaceful daily life, as a price, she also lost the qualification to meet the man she was deeply attached to.

In fact, Amamiya Mahiru knew early on that if she wanted to meet again, she would have to wait ten years...

She sometimes comforts herself, at least compared to Elysee, she is indeed much luckier.

Elysee had to wait five hundred years, but she only had to wait ten years.

It was only ten years, and she was not yet thirty years old at that time.

Still young, not old yet.

It's just that these ten years have been so long, so long that she feels tired of seeing the cherry blossoms year after year.

From the past, I didn't drink at all, to now I have learned to drink to drown my sorrows... From the past, I practiced swords day after day, to now, my swordsmanship has been stagnant at the peak of the third level for a long time.

She knew that if she wanted to break through to become a swordsman, she needed an opportunity, a lot of accumulation but little success. She had traveled nearly a thousand miles in the Dragon Vein Realm, and her soul strength far exceeded that of a normal Yingzhou swordsman, so her breakthrough was so difficult.

An ordinary Yingzhou swordsman condenses his sword intention but dare not use it for fear of damaging his soul. This is like using a 600W power supply to drive a 4080 graphics card; and her soul strength is at least three times that of ordinary swordsmen, bringing She can definitely move it, but the ordinary 4080 is no longer enough. She needs to save a top-quality 4090... That's why her realm has been stagnant for so many years.

The original idea has deteriorated over time.

Amamiya Mahiru's pursuit of power has not declined over the years, but has become more intense.

People will always pursue those things that they cannot get.

Mr. Destiny was very kind to her, and his kindness was almost meticulous; but he always kept a distant distance. She wanted to keep him, but she was destined to be unable to catch him.

The more she longed for him, the harder it was to obtain him. The burning desire in her heart would not go out, but would only continue to burn her soul, making her wish she could turn her arms into shackles and keep him by her side forever.

Amamiya Mahiru couldn't say when exactly she changed.

Maybe it's because she already has enough ability to protect herself, and she no longer has to worry about whether she has a good meal or being hunted everywhere; maybe it's because she has relatives, friends, and descendants by her side, which makes her gradually feel that her life is complete. , so the irreparable shortcoming is getting bigger and bigger like a hole that cannot be filled.

She didn't know what to say, she only knew what to do.

She thought that she would wait ten years at most. If her husband did not come as promised after ten years, then she would go to Daxia to look for him in person.

By then, she will be ready for everything.

Thinking of this, Amamiya Mahiru couldn't help but smile a little more. After drinking, she became a little drunker, with a peach-like face, she directly pulled out the kaiya sword, waved it and danced under the cherry blossom tree.

Beauty, cherry blossoms, swords, butoh... Such a gorgeous scene, only Minami Shiori can appreciate it in person.

She held the tea cup quietly and took a sip, feeling at ease.

Unlike her sister, she has become more stable as she grows older. She has lived her life well into her twenties, and the sword in her hand is used as a crutch to make it more in line with her personality.

Not long after, two figures stepped into the courtyard.

The two people who walked in were Shiromine Naomi and Minami Kana - they have similar positions, and they have become very close due to intensive business contacts over the years. They belong to a community of interests and have the same stance, and they have already joined hands with each other. A close friend of the toilet.

After Shiromine Naomi sat down, she leaned against Minami Shiori and asked, "Sister, are you starting again?"

"That's it for a few drinks. I miss my loved ones even more every time the moon shines." Minami Shiori said calmly.

"Aren't you her kisser?" Nan Xiana knelt down and started to pour tea.

"I am her relative, but not her dear." Nan Shizhi said expressionlessly.

"Dear..." Nan Kana's eyes were a little distant.

Shiromine Naomi took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Sister's matter can only be resolved by time."

At this time, Amemiya Mahiru stopped dancing her sword, looked back and asked: "Sister, although I am clumsy, at least I know who I am waiting for... Why don't you tell me about yourselves? You are all in your twenties, no?" Do you plan to get married and find a son-in-law?"

Mainly anti-customer.

Suddenly the three of them stopped talking.

Nan Xiana was the first to speak harshly: "I, I have changed my surname, and my father said I don't need to get married."

"What about you?" Amemiya Mahiru asked, "The Nan family always needs an heir. Don't they need to continue the family line?"

Nan Shizhi asked back: "My sister has a child, just give it to me."

"That's not possible, I just can't bear it." Mahiru Amamiya shook his head: "My child will take the surname of my lover."

"Then give birth to a few more," Nan Shizhi continued.

She then involved Shiromine Naomi into the battlefield: "The Shirakine family is a one-person family, right? You have no brothers or sisters. Why don't you think about who to hand over to your family business in the future?"

Shiromine Naomi was caught off guard by this question. She was indeed not considered a young person anymore. From the early years until now, there have always been many people urging her to get married.

Although she was decisive in many important matters, when it came to marriage, she always unconsciously lost some confidence and was urged over and over again by some older people.

There was no way around her problem.

In fact, she had some hesitations about recruiting a son-in-law, but in the end she couldn't make up her mind to do it.

If that doesn't work, then ask someone to borrow a seed.

As for who to look for...

She immediately started acting stupid.

The topic ultimately came to an end.

There is really nothing to talk about about relationships. After all, the few people present have very little relationship experience... Even the most experienced Mahiru Amamiya only has one incomplete love experience, and whether it can be considered a relationship is unclear. People doubt.

Rather than saying it is falling in love, it is better to say that it is holding the thighs and climbing up. It is more appropriate to say it is online dating.

Although she desperately wanted to run away, she had to wait another ten years.

Thinking about it this way, this group of people is also quite an alternative combination. In Yingzhou, it is rare for women to be the masters of the house. Moreover, they are all single women, so the social resistance they will encounter will be huge.

Simply, these resistances were finally crushed one by one.

By violence, by the sword.

An entire small circle centered on Amamiya Mahiru was established, and within the reach of her blade was her domain, and within it were the people she could protect.

After Minami Shiori became stronger, the resistance they felt from the outside world became less and less, their lives became easier, and some pressures gradually became a thing of the past.

So much so that they were even in the mood to tease each other, and even imagine the future... which was something they didn't have the luxury of in the past.

As the cherry blossoms fell, the topic finally led to another place.

Ended the topic of life-long events that I am not good at.

"The summons from the shogunate has been sent." Naomi Shiromine handed over a letter: "Now we are asked to contribute people or efforts."

"What's the difference?"

"To send people out means to send people from three realms or more to participate; to contribute means to ask us to pay a considerable amount of remuneration to pay for our 'protection fee' to escape danger."

Nan Shizhi narrowed her eyes slightly: "Protection money?"

"The riots in the shadow world will inevitably usher in a period like this." Naomi Shiromine said: "This time the Underworld Exorcism is very large."

The underworld is great.

The fluctuations in the shadow world unique to Yingzhou are like a rising tide.

A large number of disasters from the shadow world will appear in the fixed underworld area.

To quell the disaster, relying on the strength of one side is not enough. The shogunate and the emperor will each send troops to suppress it.

However, relying on the army alone is not enough. It also requires the strength of the Wu family and the Chinese. This kind of forced recruitment order is equivalent to the national mobilization order during World War I.

Almost the whole country was mobilized to carry out the first Shadow World Conquest.

The scale is naturally unprecedented, the danger is extremely high, and it will take several days.

This will inevitably lead to the fall of a large number of strong men, and will lead to a great loss of vitality within Yingzhou. Some families will decline, and some families will rise... This will also become an accelerator for the class changes in Yingzhou. After all, war will always change a lot.

The decline of the Bai Feng family was caused by the sacrifice of too many people in the last underworld exorcism.

Therefore, a mobilization order of this level does not allow so-called deserters.

Most of the deserters will become bandits and rogues, losing all their reputation and destination.

Nan Shizhi said softly: "The emperor personally signed the mobilization order. The Nan family has no choice. I have to come forward... Sister, you don't need to go. In your name..."

"Of course I want to go." Amamiya Mahiro interrupted: "I need a strong enemy to help me break through. Kuaiyu Dao hasn't drank blood for a long time, and although there is a crisis this time, it is also an opportunity. If we can establish enough With my military exploits, I can gain recognition from the shogunate, and I can reopen the Genin-ryu dojo without being so sneaky."

Minami Shiori nodded.

"I thought you were going to dissuade me."

"How is that possible?" Nan Shizhi said, "I have long wanted to fight side by side with my sister."

Amemiya Mahiru looked at her: "But I hope you won't participate this time. I will fight in your name."

Nan Shizhi asked: "Why?"

"Because..." Amemiya Mahiru stated the established fact: "You will die."

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