Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 598 Holy Church Missionaries

Gulu gulu gulu...

Nan Shizhi soaked herself in a bucket, imagining that she was blowing bubbles like a fish.

Suddenly a cold little hand stroked her back.


She suddenly opened her mouth and raised her chin, almost choking herself.

When I turned around, I saw my sister who was smiling beautifully.

"elder sister……"

"You still like to drink bath water like you did when you were a kid. It's a really bad habit." Mahiru Amamiya poked her head: "I'll wash your hair and wipe your back."

"No, no need, you go and accompany sir." Nan Shizhi turned around unnaturally.

"The husband said he wanted to go out for a walk, so don't worry about him for now."

"My sister said this really against her will. She has always wanted to see him before."

"That's different." Amemiya Mahiru rolled up her sleeves, revealing her smooth arms, and spread the shampoo evenly in the center of her palms: "We're not really meeting yet."


"It's okay if you don't understand." Amamiya Mahiru gathered up her sister's black hair, applied shampoo, made foam, and rubbed it gently. Waves of fresh grass and wood fragrance floated in the air: "Our business , it’s actually very complicated, so don’t blame sir too much.”

"How dare I..." Nan Shizhi replied subconsciously, then raised her head: "Sister, you heard... hiss!"

She screamed in pain as her hair was pulled.

Mahiru Amamiya pushed her back: "Lie down and don't move."

She said calmly: "Of course I can hear you. How could I not hear what you said just outside the camp?"

"I didn't mean it." Nan Shizhi immediately gave up: "I just felt a little unfair."

"You are the head of the family, you can say whatever you want." Mahiru rubbed her hair softly: "Sir, you don't mind, and I certainly don't mind either, but as a sister, I want to warn you, don't push yourself too far, otherwise, if you don't get angry, I will too. angry."

"……I was wrong."

"You are not wrong." Amamiya Mahiru poured the warm water down to wash away the bubbles: "You can say that, I am actually very happy; sir, if you don't blame you, I am even everyone is happy, no one is unhappy."

Minami Shiori felt complicated.

"Sometimes a sister is just like a daughter. No one will blame you if you make a few mistakes." Mahiru Amemiya also touched her head: "Me too."

"Who wants to be a daughter?" Nan Shizhi turned away.

"Then what do you want to be?"

"I take it..." Nan Shizhi was about to say, but then he realized what he was saying. Facing her sister's narrow gaze, she changed her words: "I don't take anything seriously. This is a matter between my sister and my husband. I, an outsider, shouldn't get involved. ."

Amamiya Mahiru applied conditioner on her hair and spoke softly: "The things between us are more complicated than you think... So, do you want to help a bunch of sisters?"

Nan Shizhi felt that these words were more like guidance, but she had always been outspoken, and her intuition and sensibility were inversely proportional.

"Of course I will help my sister."

"Very good." Amemiya Mahiru smiled broadly, and said to her ear affectionately: "Sister, I have a small matter and I need your help."

When Nan Shizhi heard the subsequent whisper, his eyes widened with disbelief.


"Otherwise, why do you think I suddenly wanted to wash your hair and rub your back on a whim?"

Amemiya Mahiru smiled and picked up the massage towel: "Fortunately you don't have a tattoo, otherwise I would have to wipe it clean for you today."

A wise man should learn to stay away from dangerous situations.

Especially when facing your sister-in-law, you have to be careful.

They say that half of a sister-in-law’s butt belongs to her brother-in-law. I didn’t understand it before, but now I understand.

Not only the sister-in-law is, but also the sister-in-law.

Bai Yu put his hand on his forehead.

Sister don is something that you can think about, but if you want to realize it regardless of your own strength.

I am afraid that one of them will turn into the master of Yao Yue Palace, and the other will turn into Li Mochou.

At that time, the direction of the story will completely change, and it will be drawn by the cartoonist of the book, and the name will be changed to "Fifth Section of White Elm"

Bai Yu shuddered and recited Amitabha silently. He had never had such sinful thoughts.

After leaving the camp, we took a walk.

It is entirely for the basic purpose of relaxing.

Suddenly I saw a burst of soft white light.

Not far away, a woman wearing a white-gold robe could be seen standing in the corner, bending down to release soft light.

Is this... a spell?

No, it seems like a sacred prayer?

Bai Yu took a few steps closer and was stopped by a sturdy man wearing a white robe. His robe looked like a priest from Poison Milk Powder, with a cross hanging on his body and nails inserted in his waist. The headbutt proves that his profession is clearly derived from the Holy Church of Western Rome.

Strictly speaking, Bai Yu didn't have much dealings with the Holy Church.

But Elyse and the saint Jeanne are good friends.

The essence of the Holy Church is the authority in the hands of the Roman royal family, responsible for the management of Rome's extraordinary system.

From this perspective, Rome has extremely strong war mobilization capabilities, and the proportion of extraordinary people in its army among the total number of people is one of the highest in the world.

During the conversation between Bai Yu and Elise, she heard her mention that when she went to the Holy Church to worship (actually to play with Jeanne), she encountered several priests who came to inspect.

Priests also have different occupations in the Holy Church. Simply put, they are civil and military... The civilian priests are similar to the impression, dressed in black robes, polite and polite, and may secretly like to purify the sins in the little boy's body; while the military priests The pastor's style of painting has to cater to many people. He is dressed in a white robe with many classic patterns. He is powerful and muscular. He is ready to blow the skulls of all heretical believers with a mace at any time.

Most combat priests also have medical licenses. In other words, they can increase blood, can be in the front row, are good at charging, can purify curses, can subdue fierce horses, level A with divine light, cleave with sword energy, and have both magic and martial arts. .

Bai Yu said with emotion at that time - this is probably the strongest profession in Rome.

Elysee said that the combat priests have always been top-level extraordinary ones with the same reputation as the Templar Knights. There are no more than a thousand people in the Holy Church, and they are scattered throughout the year to perform tasks.

Now he has finally seen it.

The battle priest was quite kind and said: "The Holy Lady is treating the wounded. If you need help, you can go and line up; if you don't need it, please don't come close to disturb me."

Bai Yu didn't walk over either, but cast an interested look: "You mean, the saint?"

"Yes." The battle priest smiled: "Do you also know something about the Holy Church?"

"I heard something." Bai Yu nodded and replied in Roman: "There should be less than five people with the position of saint in the church, and their status is very important. How could they come to a remote area like Yingzhou?"

The battle priest was slightly surprised that the young man was so proficient in Roman and even had an authentic accent, so he replied: "We are here to preach."

Bai Yu narrowed his eyes: "Seriously?"

"Of course." the priest said affirmatively.

"It's obviously a missionary mission, why come to the Huangquan front line?" Bai Yu continued the familiar conversation.

Because of Jeanne, his impression of the Holy Church is not bad. At least the church in this world, as a kind of power institution, can be used by people and goes deep into society to do practical things. It is much better than a religion that talks about faith.

"This..." the battle priest said hesitantly: "We want to do our part for Yingzhou."

Bai Yu pointed out directly: "It's because the shogunate didn't allow you to preach. You were worried about being deported, so you took the initiative to come to the Huangquan front line, tried to make contributions, and then got permission from the shogunate to preach."

The priest was startled at first, and then looked over warily.

"Don't be nervous, I haven't investigated you." Bai Yu shook his head and sighed: "This is how missionary work has been since ancient times."

Especially after the Age of Navigation began, many old colonial empires liked to do this, sending missionaries to preach and build churches around the world.

At this time, the local rulers have two choices, to suppress or not to suppress.

If suppressed, the result would be to give the established colonial empires an excuse to go to war;

If there is no suppression, local religious interests will be damaged due to conflicts of faith, and believers will riot, burn churches and kill missionaries...

Even if the local religion is stabilized, the missionaries will expand their influence locally, and then they will lobby the people in power to ask for military protection. If they agree, the other side's fleet will come over. As for when to leave, that is up to them.

This set of operations has been seen too many times in history, and it is not uncommon.

And the battle priest and the saint went to Yingzhou in person to preach...

This is actually relatively rare.

Usually missionaries are cannon fodder.

And it was still three years ago.

Judging from later generations, they must have failed in their missionary work.

Bai Yu said firmly: "The shogunate will definitely not issue you a missionary permission."

"How do you know?" Battle Priest asked in surprise.

"Yingzhou is a system of belief in canonization. If you come here to preach, you are digging up the foundation of Yingzhou's canonization. The invasion of alien beliefs will cause war." Bai Yu said lightly. In fact, the reason is very simple, because the shogunate is unwilling Go to war with the Emperor.

The Holy Church is different from Buddhism. Shintoism can accommodate Buddhism and create a transitional version of Shintoism. This is because Buddhism completed its version transformation in Bactria. Mahayana Buddhism became the mainstream. Now it no longer relies on belief in canonization.

But the Holy Church is different. It has the only true God.

The conflict of interest is clear.

The battle priest was silent and said: "We really don't know enough about Yingzhou, so it seems we have simplified things."

"Perhaps someone in the shogunate misled you." Bai Yu guessed how these foreigners were deceived: "They are unwilling to give up such a useful fighting force."

"Please wait a moment." The priest pressed his right hand on his chest and bowed slightly: "The treatment over there is over."

The priest walked to the saint who had finished the treatment. The latter had just finished her busy work. After a few words of conversation, the saint turned her face and looked here. From a distance, she nodded slightly at Bai Yu.

After a while, the priest came back and said, "Thank you for your tip. It's quite late. If you are free tomorrow, the Holy Lady would like to treat you to a cup of tea."

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and handed over a bottle that emitted white light: "A small gift, not a sign of respect. This is the blessed holy water of the Holy Church. It can be drank and will not be affected by the miasma of the underworld."

Bai Yu also took it smoothly: "You're welcome."

He also threw over a bottle of primary life potion: "As a courtesy, this is a type of potion that can heal wounds and can be applied externally or taken internally."

"Thank you." The priest said, "My name is Andre."

"Bai Yu." He directly stated his real name.

"Are you not from Yingzhou?"

"People from Daxia."

The pastor thought for a while and said: "...What if we go to Daxia to preach?"

"That should be no problem." Bai Yu smiled: "But the progress may be slow, because the people in Daxia who are willing to kneel down and worship are essentially people who have lived before."

The pastor said with some regret: "No wonder no one has been able to successfully preach in the East for hundreds of years."

Bai Yu thought: "You are a fighting priest and a saint. You are both of noble status. Why do you do such a hard job as traveling to the East to preach?"

The battle priest made the sign of the cross, then stretched out his hand: "Sir, you can ask the Holy Lady tomorrow about this question."

The two shook hands briefly, said goodbye and went back to their tents.

Looking at their backs, Bai Yu was thoughtful.

Could it be said that the Roman Empire was also in a period of power turmoil?

What are the scripts from Western countries?

If history is any inheritance battle?

Theocratic imperial power? No, the pope has merged with the emperor. Even the most useless emperor cannot establish a new pope.

Can't figure it out.

Bai Yu has some expectations for tomorrow's meeting. This is a good opportunity to learn about the situation in Rome in advance.

It's an unexpected surprise.

Returned to the camp.

A big bed had been made at some point.

At this time, the two women were kneeling on the bed. They bowed sincerely when they saw Bai Yu coming back.

"Are you back?"

"Sir, it's late at's time to rest."

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