Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 599 Three monks have no water to drink

The four great joys in life are...the wedding room with flowers and candles, singing every night, the hibiscus tent being warm, and the three poles rising in the sun.

If I had to add one more thing, it would probably be sleeping with a big quilt.

Bai Yu was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep anyway.

He also doesn't know if he has accomplished the hidden achievements of his life.

It's done, but it doesn't seem like it's completely done.

When Mahiru Amemiya said, 'It's time to rest,' Hakuyu tried to resist.

Reason told him that this would not work.

He immediately wanted to refuse righteously.

But when Amemiya Mahiru said, "The bed is warmed," his persistence collapsed.

The bed here is actually not as soft as a mattress, nor does it have the support of split springs. The bottom is just a wooden board and an ordinary bedding. It is not as comfortable as a bed in a five-star hotel.

But...sometimes, it's not the bed that matters, but who is sharing the bed with you.

The quilt exudes the fragrance of white plums and grass. I can't tell whose scent it is, whether it's shower gel or shampoo, deodorant or perfume.

On the right side of the same quilt, Amamiya Mahiru was lying on her side. After turning off the lights, she closed her eyes, but she could feel that she was not asleep at all. Under the thick quilt was a pair of pajamas with long ruffles. She was twenty-six years old. He has fully grown into an adult, and looks like a ridge from the side and a peak from the side, with different heights from near and far.

She seemed to be getting a little warm, so she opened her neckline slightly to dissipate the heat, and also to remove a little of the clouds and mist in Mount Lu.

"Sir, do you want to see it?"

Bai Yu heard her gentle teasing, and his face turned to the other side in confusion.

A beautiful woman sleeps in the same bed, but he still insists on abiding by the principles of a gentleman. He thinks of many things, such as the allusions about staying in love, the pain of eunuchs going to brothels, the jokes about animals being inferior to animals, and the jokes about animals being inferior to animals. The joke about why my brother’s chest muscles are so exaggerated.

There are two reasons. One is that the current moment is not its own body, but a projection body made of gray fog; the other is because...

Bai Yu turned her head sideways and met another pair of bright eyes.

Nan Shizhi was also lying on his side, looking at him motionlessly.

Bai Yu could only stare at the ceiling.

What a sin...

Why did my sister-in-law also go to bed and sleep on her left side?

"There is only one bed." Nan Shizhi explained like this.

Bai Yu suspected that she was being coerced and sent a message saying, "If you are threatened, just blink." However, Nan Shizhi did not respond.

She was probably mentally prepared to defend her sister's chastity even if she was a wolf.

But she may not have thought that if Bai Yu really risked her life, she would probably become the heroine in the book tonight... and it would have to be the kind of painting style in Mr. Suiren Nozuku's painting book!

Bai Yu couldn't help but think of a nursery rhyme.

One monk carries water to drink; two monks carry water to drink; three monks carry water to drink... Why do you think this is? Why?

This night, he could do nothing, nothing.

Don’t even try to take advantage of it if it’s cheap.

I had no choice but to lie on the bed as stiff as a stone and spent a very torturous night, literally dripping with sweat.

He had no choice but to cut off his body's perception and immerse himself in the sea of ​​consciousness, staring at the sun in a daze while visualizing the stars.

During the process of self-examination, he found that the refining of Rahu Arrow had been completed by more than 70%; and the refining of Jinpeng's divine consciousness had been completed.

At present, he already has the means to compete with the fourth-level peak experts, and he can even perform one or two moves to become a saint.

When Bai Yu fell asleep with even breathing.

Amemiya Mahiru took the initiative to move closer, hugged his arm, and changed into a comfortable position to lie close to him. Then her other hand crossed the midline and took Minami Shiori's arm. The latter's body stiffened, and she wanted to She wanted to withdraw her hand, but she was still pulled closer. After a while, she found a suitable place to lie down.

...I do it all for my sister.

She thought this and explained herself, her heart beating rapidly.

After forcing down his chaotic thoughts, he fell asleep in a daze.

The second half of the night was extremely quiet.

Obviously nothing happened, but it seemed like everything did.

In the early morning, Bai Yu finished a night of practice and woke up, full of energy.

After getting up, he saw a beautiful woman lying on her side on the bed.

She opened her eyes, and there was a faint light reflected in her unfocused eyes. They were not vivid, but they were exceptionally beautiful and enduring. Even in such a pair of lifeless eyes, you could see the lingering affection flowing almost substantively.

"Good morning."

she whispered.

The smile is as beautiful as the peonies blooming in December.

Seeing such a scene early in the morning is not good for your heart.

Bai Yu thought that she had built up enough resistance because of her childhood sweetheart's early morning wake-up call service, but at this moment she still realized that she was still too young... This was real damage!

And a more domineering offensive is yet to come.

After smiling, Amemiya Mahiru moved forward, gently moved closer, and overlapped.

Nan Shizhi woke up after that. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. She vaguely seemed to see some extraordinary scene. She didn't pay attention to it at first. After a few seconds, she came back to her senses and looked over. What she saw was that she had already left. The young man got out of bed, and his sister gently arranged her clothes.

She thought she had seen it wrong?

Bai Yu gets dressed very quickly. He can change his clothes with just one click. The gray mist surrounds him and his entire outfit is covered with one click.

Women need more time to get up and dress up. Women want to please their appearance, so they must take some time to dress up.

He looked back at the two beauties sitting by the bed gently arranging their hair, feeling quite unreal in his heart.

Bai Yu, 18 years old, a student, is experiencing the same obscene life as the male protagonist in the harem (not really).

As expected of Yingzhou, you should just do as the Romans do.

But he was so shameless that he didn't dare to care too much. He thought carefully about what was wrong with him to have the courage to sleep on this bed.

"I'm going to prepare guys take your time."

He said, walking out of the tent.

After Bai Yu left, Amamiya Mahiru burst into laughter. She picked up the comb and gently combed her hair. She was in a great mood and became more beautiful.

On the contrary, Nan Shizhi was uneasy at the side. She covered her red face and began to question herself more and more. What was the reason for her brain to agree to her sister's proposal of sharing a bed?

Now that things are like this, doesn’t it mean that I have no choice but to marry him?

Even in Yingzhou, even if a woman is the head of the family, it is impossible to escape the judgment of secular concepts.

"Are you realizing it now, you little idiot?" Amamiya Mahiru poked her head.

"Sister..." Nan Shizhi said depressedly, "You are plotting against me."

"Just think that I'm plotting against you, and you'll earn something this way, right?" Amemiya Mahiru said softly.

"I..." Nan Shizhi was just about to refute, but suddenly she realized that she had no way to refute, whether she was worthy or not, she knew very well in her heart, but there was just a hurdle that she couldn't get over. She always felt that she was on the wrong side, so she lowered her head. He said in a voice: "Sister, do you mind?"

"Do you mind?"


"But you are my sister, do I have to watch you die alone all your life?" Mahiru hugged her shoulders from behind: "You think I can't see it? After meeting my husband, I'm not the only one who misses you, right? You You think I don’t know, what are Naomi and Kana’s thoughts?”

Minami Shiori blushed and retorted: "I'm not like them..."

"You can have it, at least you should have it now." Amamiya Mahiru and her sister rubbed their ears together: "We have slept together, you are already my husband... In fact, everyone thinks so, so why not Be simpler."

Nan Shizhi pursed her lips and said, "Is it because my sister sympathizes with me? It's like how she secretly brought me a small cake at a banquet when she was a child."

"There is a certain reason." Amemiya Mahiru let go of her hand, leaned on her sister's back, and whispered softly: "I have always been afraid, afraid of being left behind. In the past six years, I have often thought like this. , what should I do if my husband never sees me again... In fact, I also know that he has his own life and his own concerns, and I am really too far away from him."

Minami Shiori listened quietly.

"Later, I quietly made a decision to keep him by my side even if it cost me more... You may think that as a sister, I am despicable, and I will not hesitate to drag my sister into the water." Amamiya Mahiru Confess softly: "I'm sorry, but if I had to do it again, I would still do it."

"Is it because two people are more attractive than one?" Of course Nan Shizhi knows, because the Chinese are more perverted than the last. In comparison, marrying more wives and concubines is not considered morally defective at all.


"But this is not love, it is just desire, sister."

"Even if it's just desire, it's still a chain." Mahiru Amamiya rubbed her hair gently with her fingers: "For me, it is a life-saving straw."

"But if you do this, even if your husband stays, he will no longer belong to my sister." Nan Shizhi asked: "Will my sister be willing to do it?"

"Are you willing?" Amamiya Mahiru's tone suddenly became heavy: "How could I be willing? Who doesn't want to be with the person he likes for the rest of his life? No third party will ever get involved. How I want to accompany him to the ends of the world and hold hands until the end of the world. , they will be buried together in the loess one day... I belong to him, and I also hope that he can belong to me, only to me!"

After saying that, there was another brief silence, and Mahiru said bitterly: "But I have no right to be unwilling... That is the right only the absolute winner has. If I really do this, I will force Mr. to make a choice... "

She lowered her cheeks, her expression full of concealed fear: "The one who will be abandoned will be me."

Nan Shizhi was speechless, turned around and hugged her sister, promising: "No matter what, I will stay with my sister."

"No matter what the future holds, we will face it together."

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