‘Welcome to the World Network’

‘Please register according to the tutorial’

'May I ask what your hobbies are...'

"jump over."

'May I ask what your dating preferences are...'

"jump over."

'Next please set your areas of interest...'

"jump over."

‘Great, you have mastered the above functions. ’

‘Now let’s do the last step. ’

‘Fill in your username’


‘Contains blocked words and cannot register’

"Suka BuLei."

'Contains blocked words and cannot be registered. ’

"The king has a bucket."

'The username cannot be registered. ’

Looking at the red font that popped up in front of him, Bai Yu raised his eyebrows: "There's something wrong with this. If all Romans share a pool of registered names, with a total population of hundreds of millions, wouldn't it be too difficult to find a non-duplicate nickname? Already?"

"No." Cordelia on the side crossed her index fingers in front of her lips and made an X sign: "This nickname cannot be used because the name has been registered as a trademark name, so the operator has blocked it."

"If you don't do this, someone with the title of 'Disney' may secretly add you as a friend, and then ask you to secretly give him fifty Roman gold coins. After that, he will give you free admission to the amusement park for life."

"Never mind that the person who did this is provoking the strongest legal department in the hemisphere." Bai Yu rubbed his eyebrows: "How come you can fall for such a childish scam?"

"I'm just giving you an example." Cordelia urged: "Hurry up and register, don't fill in those weird names."

"You don't understand. This is a screen name. If the screen name is normal, can it still be regarded as a screen name?"

Bai Yu has his own logic for naming.

There are only a few variations of normally used online names.

But this is Rome after all, so of course he couldn't fill in Chinese. Many Internet nicknames that he thought were good didn't quite click after translation.

Bai Yu tried several more names, but all failed.

The Daxia people said angrily: "What he did must have been done by Mi*you!"

Cordelia blinked and stretched out her hand: "How about you come to me?"

Bai Yu couldn't think of a good name, so he handed over the bracelet.

Cordelia had obviously thought about it a long time ago, and quickly entered a line of text, and soon there was a ding-dong sound of successful registration.

"It's done."

Bai Yu took it and took a look. The nickname he filled in was...


The phoenix in the west is actually a kind of phoenix, which is quite different from the phoenix in the east... but it is unexpectedly appropriate to use it on Bai Yu.

In his mind, Huang was more used to describe Huang Qixia, so there was no problem in using Feng to describe himself.

"Very good." Bai Yu expressed his appreciation: "I'm really sorry you came up with this name."

"I originally wanted to use romance." Cordelia said with a smile, "But after thinking about it, you make me feel more like a phoenix."

Bai Yu asked strangely: "Generally, phoenix is ​​not used to describe people, right?"

"How could it be? The phoenix was a very famous mythical creature in the past. It was a guardian spirit beast that served the gods. In the past, there were families that used the phoenix as their crest. The title of phoenix would only be awarded to the most powerful royal guards. The saint sighed softly: "It's a pity that no one has seen the phoenix anymore five hundred years ago."

Bai Yu's heart moved.

Connected with Maomao from the bottom of his heart and asked: "God's guardian spirit beast, is this Phoenix one of the guardians of truth? I remember Silver Rabbit mentioned that the five guardian spirits are cats, birds, spiders, fish and rabbits."

The cat yawned lazily and flicked its tail to indicate that this was the case.

"Is there any way you can find it?"

"Meow meow."

The answer is no.

It was not easy to find the bird, Cat sighed.

An expected answer.

Bai Yu was distracted for a moment, and Cordelia stretched out her hand and waved it in front of her eyes: "Why are you so dazed? Add me as a friend."

"Huh? Oh."

The two bracelets touched lightly, and the information was imported successfully.

Opening World Leaf's address book, the first thing on the first line is her newly created account named 'robin'.


"It's me." The saint showed a proud expression: "Now the first line in your address book will always be me."

This proud look makes people unable to feel disgusted, only childish...but also a bit cute.

Bai Yu opened the address book, clicked on it, and quickly saw her personal information, which was a simplified version of what she had just filled in.

A short poem was also added to the profile.

‘——If I can stop one heart from breaking’

"Did you do it on purpose or accidentally?" Bai Yu narrowed his eyes: "Which verse is not good to fill in, this one?"

Cordelia asked in confusion: "What's wrong with this sentence? It's an essay I once picked up."

"Let me think about it, is this the original line of your poem?"

Bai Yu slowly read an English poem from the earth.

If I can stop one heart from breaking

I shall not live in vain (I will not live in vain)

If I can ease one life the aching

Or cool one pain

Or help one fainting robin (help a fainting robin)

Unto his nest again (return to its nest)

I shall not live in vain (I will not live in vain)

This poem was written by the American poet Emily Dickinson. This female poet created more than 1,700 poems during her lifetime. She only published seven poems during her lifetime. The rest were discovered after her death and became known to the world. Huge fame... but similar to Van Gogh, they are both examples of the crazy appreciation in value and fame of works after their death.

One of her poems is called "If I had never seen the sun". The famous line "I could have endured the darkness, if I had never seen the sun" comes from this poem.

Among Dickinson's works, "If I Could Save a Heart from Sorrow" is not particularly famous.

After he finished reading the poem, he noticed Cordelia's wide eyes.

Wait, why does this reaction look so familiar?

Bai Yu asked confirmingly: "Have you read this poem?"


"You must have seen it, right?"


"How could you have this excerpt if you haven't read it?"

"I only saw this sentence in the works of a certain literary writer, but he wrote articles, not poems."

Cordelia's eyes flashed, she raised her brows with joy, and held her slightly hot cheeks: "This is the first time I heard this poem... you actually added my nickname into it, my God, this is the first time. Someone wrote a poem and sent it to me.”

The saint subconsciously ignored the hundreds of love letters she had received since she was a child, only feeling that this poem really fell just right on her heart.

This song "If It Can Save a Heart from Sadness" perfectly captures her personal experience.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

She is clearly the robin in the poem;

Bai Yu was the one who protected her, calmed her bitterness, soothed her sorrow, and sent her back to Rome...

Even though she was long past the age where she would be deceived by a few love poems, she still couldn't help but exclaim, "It's so beautiful... so good."

If there was a mark on Miss Saint's favorability level above her head, it might have exceeded the critical point of ninety at this time.

As for Baiyu?

He was already a little numb.

This scene is like a classic reenactment of a certain year, a certain month and a certain day.

He regretted that he was so mean-mouthed. He didn't want to improve Cordelia's favorability, so why did he open his mouth and recite some poetry?

It happened that I thought of the song because of its connection with robin, so I couldn't help but read it out. If the scene was on the rooftop, maybe even the song would be brought out.

Bai Yu pursed her lips, wanting to slap herself twice.

The favorability level has gone up, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to lower it.

So far, he has never encountered anyone whose favorability dropped.

Seeing that Miss Saint had replaced her signature with a complete poem, it was too late for him to change his words.

I can only quickly pay the bill and leave under the envious eyes of the salesperson on the side.

"Hey..." Salesperson A sighed.

"Everyone has left, why are you sighing?" Salesperson B asked.

"I'm just envious."


"That young lady."

"Are you okay? That man didn't pay. He is a free man. Although he can read poetry, his talent cannot be used as a meal."

"You don't understand, a talented man never lacks soft food, unless..."


“Unless he is like Wilhelm Nietzsche, women are not his cup of tea.”

An hour and a half later.

The two arrived at the station and found a restaurant inside the station to have dinner.

The civilization developed based on magic is similar to modern technology to a great extent. At least there is no difference at all in the train station.

The difference may only lie in the power source that drives the train, but in fact not many people care about what kind of engine is stuffed into the steel earthworm with a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. No matter what kind of heart it has, as long as it can It's fine as long as the car doesn't roll over when it's running.

After settling the dinner issue, the two of them immediately went to the stage of checking in and getting on the bus.

This train named Rooster will cover hundreds of kilometers in three hours and reach Rome's most prosperous flower capital.

It's just that Bai Yu had to face a problem at this time.

There are two people and only one ticket.

Because Cordelia is a local, she dare not use her ID card.

What Bai Yu got from the customs was only a temporary identity certificate, which was paper and was only valid for one month. He had to go to the Holy Church office to replace it before it expired.

Without exception, the identity documents of Romans were processed in the church. It can be said that the Holy Church acted as part of the local police station.

Historically, the reason Napoleon welcomed back the church was that he needed missionaries to go deep into the grassroots to promote his ideas and mobilize soldiers. Religion is the only organization that can go deep into the countryside and grassroots.

As a saint, Cordelia knew this very well, so once her ID card was used, it would definitely be retrieved by the system.

So the two looked at each other for a moment before decisively deciding to make a shameful but effective decision.

Fare evasion!

As soon as he saw Cordelia sitting next to him, Bai Yu couldn't help but hold his forehead and sigh.

After all, he was the proudest person in the summer, the first person under the Grand Master, but he actually became an accomplice to the law on the first day he came to Rome, and he assisted a local saint to evade fares.

Fortunately, there was a lot of people coming and going on the train and there were many empty seats. Cordelia relied on the good luck of the golden rule and never got up after sitting down.

She looked around endlessly, like a curious baby boarding the train for the first time.

"You've never been on a train?" Bai Yu raised his eyebrows.

"The efficiency is too low. We usually ride on the air-winged behemoth." Cordelia said.

"Not a gryphon?"

"Gryphons are not suitable for long-distance flying. The Sky-winged Behemoth is a modified elemental summon. Three mages can maintain the summoning circle and fly for more than ten hours. Although it will consume a lot of oil, it is very cost-effective. The saint touched her cheek and said sheepishly: "I used to be very famous, so I never dared to take the train. This is my first time, so I'm a little excited."

"What kind of princess are you doing private interviews in private?" Bai Yu spread his hands: "It's like a story about a village girl entering the city. Can you learn from me and be more steady?"

Cordelia settled down.

Then the two of them raised their heads and looked at the screen in front of them.

A TV series is playing on the light screen, which can be used to kill boring time.

You can tell what kind of era a society is in through its popular literary and artistic works.

There are various popular phenomena in history, and their emergence is by no means accidental. Popular culture, especially entertainment works, are the culmination of the characteristics of their times.

This TV series is called "The Adam Smith Family". It is a nationally popular TV series for more than 20 years. It focuses on one family and condenses the changes of an era. It is said that it has now moved from the grandparents to the grandchildren. .

The overall rhythm is slow, but the story told is very warm and realistic, especially many things that Romans took for granted were quite new to Bai Yu, and he couldn't help but fall into the plot of the story.

I finished two episodes without realizing it.

The content of this season is mainly about "Growing Pains". There are many love stories between teenagers and girls, but their looks are really good. It's like when you turned on the TV series when you were young and saw the amazing looks of Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao.

At this time, the plot is advancing, and the second grandson of the Adam Smith family is about to wear his specially customized suit to attend the school party, and his sister is about to usher in the graduation season to confess her love.


‘Insert an urgent message’

The video suddenly stopped, and then a slightly distorted voice came from inside.

‘I am the conductor of this train. This train encountered some emergencies’

‘Passengers please stay where you are, don’t panic, and don’t move around randomly’

‘From now on, the restroom will be temporarily suspended. Please cooperate with all the actions of the flight attendants.’

Bai Yu bit into pieces of potato chips with a click, his face full of displeasure, like a reader who had been interrupted.

"It's over!" Cordelia suddenly grabbed Bai Yu's wrist and panicked.

"What? The Holy Church is here to arrest you?" Bai Yu asked.

"No." Cordelia said with a sad face: "I didn't buy a ticket!"

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