On the train, the conductor stood at the entrance of the VIP cabin.

After the train stopped, the handover took a moment.

A group of people wearing black uniforms got on the train. Their clothes were completely standard, not much different from ordinary suits, except that they had a golden badge pinned to the collar, symbolizing the identity and origin of this group of people.

"Hunter Bureau of the Palace Guard, thank you for your cooperation, conductor." The young man in charge has silver hair, is tall, has a plain expression, and looks like a card-faced man who would appear in a B-game with his chest and abdomen exposed: "I am Galka, and those behind are my colleagues."


The conductor wiped the sweat from his hands and shook hands with the other party.

He has naturally heard of the name 'Hunter Bureau'.

The Palace Guard is the imperial army directly under the emperor's jurisdiction. Its status is like Napoleon's Old Guard, all of which are elite; and its subordinate 'Hunter Bureau' is a place where young people who are released from outside for training join, which is almost equivalent to The imperial guard in the hands of the emperor.

The word 'hunter' proves that their targets are the same kind.

"Can you tell me why the hunters suddenly want to investigate this train? Is there someone important..." the train conductor asked cautiously.

"It's not a big deal." Galka raised his hand: "I just received a tip and suspected that some gang members had fled to the train."

"We will cooperate." The train conductor murmured in his heart. When will the gangsters be targeted by the Hunter Bureau of the Guards?

Galka nodded and motioned to several colleagues to follow the conductor in front.

"Oh, by the way, the train can continue to drive forward, but slow down appropriately." Galka patted the conductor on the shoulder.

"Didn't you say you won't let anyone get out of the car?"

"The next stop is half an hour away, enough to handle it, and the other party can't escape on the moving train."

"Okay, okay." The conductor returned to the cab.

Galka walked at the rear, took out a cigarette candy and put it into his mouth, chewing it slowly.

The information he received was indeed related to gangs, but he concealed it.

That's the name of this gang, called the Hemolytic Gang.

Speaking of the Hemolytic Gang, we have to mention Rome's long-standing internal problems.

Rome has relatively abundant resources and a vast territory, but the threats to them are relatively small, so the probability of civil strife is higher.

Although the political system is part of it, there is always one point that is truly difficult to eradicate.

——Evil Mage.

If we have to look at disasters separately, they are nothing more than natural disasters and man-made disasters.

For example, dungeons and labyrinths created in the shadow world, and meteor beasts arriving from the universe, these are natural disasters;

And the evil mage is a man-made disaster.

Five hundred years ago, evil mages were already one of the important troubles that disrupted social order.

Judging from the general situation, ancient Rome had limited information, so groups of evil mages may continue to exist in the form of associations;

Nowadays, it is too easy to fight against criminals. As long as they are called anti-terrorism, all evil spirits and monsters will be wiped out quickly. Why can evil mages still exist?

There are three reasons.

First, the existence of the fourth hell itself is a source of pollution. Although the sin karma can be eliminated through the amnesty certificate, it cannot be eradicated. There are always some mages who will fall into darkness for the sake of power;

Second, even if they are extraordinary people, not everyone is a superior person. There are always some people who are stagnant and inactive, and have become losers in the involution of extraordinary people. They do not want to work or be civil servants. These extraordinary people are Negative assets at the social level are dangerous elements that disrupt social security and are difficult to control. If they cannot find hope in mainstream society, they will naturally flow to places where extreme people gather.

The third is that the gods on this land have not completely perished. They have left various traces and will actively intervene in the world and leave behind believers.

The Hemolytic Gang believes in a demigod named 'Larkade', who looks like a big snake with a human face and four legs... Its blood can dissolve everything in the world, including the human spirit, and the Hemolytic Gang sells The most illegal drugs are blood thinners.

Taking the medicine can make you feel happy, and at the same time, the person who takes the medicine will become Larkad's sacrifice. Once enough sacrifices are collected, the demigod may revive, and then the trouble will be big.

Why do gangsters get involved with demigods?

This has something to do with the social environment in Rome.

Gangsters are common in all countries and in all eras.

There are not many evil forces in Daxia, but if they are not exposed openly, if some dirty tricks are revealed, they may become the performance points of Changyesi or Shenwusi.

After all, Daxia has been invaded and harassed by the shadow world for a long time, and there is no extra energy to indulge these people in holding them back.

In Fusang, we are much more tolerant towards evil forces.

Yakuza and gangs have even become legalized. This is because of the chaos of their grassroots governance. They have not yet gone through the era of treating human lives as firewood and consumables, or they can stand out and drink red wine on the top floor of Ginza and talk about success. Or work in the dark mining area until you vomit blood, faint, and become slag.

As for getting to Rome.

Gangsters and gangs have long since transformed into merchants and businesses. Even those who have not succeeded in transforming, most of them can get to the lower end of some industries.

These gangsters are essentially businessmen, and their purpose is still to make money, but their methods of obtaining benefits are very extreme, and they trample on morals and laws, so they are despised by others. However, with the development of the times, those methods in the past, such as the slave trade, and the trafficking of illegal drugs, etc., have also been gradually eliminated by the times.

The gangsters gradually cut off their sources of wealth, and then their influence declined.

Gangsters disappeared from history for about fifty years, and after half a century of waiting, they are back.

The gangsters who have made a comeback have completed their super evolution and have chosen to work together with the evil mages. They simply choose to be dogs for the evil mages. As long as they do it secretly and without making a big fuss, it will be fine.

Gangsters need profits, demigods need believers, evil mages seek strength and evolution, and the three parties hit it off.

Over the years, the main target of the Hunter Bureau has been these gangs that have essentially transformed into the lackeys of the evil mage.

Galka had been watching the Hemolytic Gang for more than half a year. Hearing that one of the important cadres was on this train, he finally lost his composure and chose to take the initiative.

As long as he catches the opponent, he is sure that he can uproot the Hemolytic Gang.

This means a lot to Galka.

This achievement was enough for him to complete the Haikou he had promised back then, and for the Roman Emperor to agree to one of his requests.

He chewed the cigarette candy in his mouth.

Galka's eyes were as sharp and ferocious as a wolf.

No matter who comes next, no one can stop him from eradicating evil and crushing the darkness with thunder.

"I didn't buy a ticket."

Cordelia was panicked.

The flight attendants checked them one after another. The questioning was not very detailed, but the identity investigation was inevitable.

You've already taken the high-speed rail, so why don't you take out your ID card and check it?

She brought her ID card, but she didn't buy a ticket; and once the ID card was taken out, it would most likely be exposed.

Because the saint is a public figure, she cannot avoid being exposed. How can she dare to bet that she will be recognized?

"I'm going to hide behind you."

"What's the use?" Bai Yu asked back: "For you to stand up now is almost the same as shouting, 'All eyes are on me'."

Cordelia purred.

At this time, Cordelia had noticed several people in black uniforms following the flight attendant, who were clearly members of the Hunter Bureau.

There is no chance now.

Cordelia showed a desperate expression as if she had been caught red-handed.

Bai Yu looked at the situation in front of him and thought that if he was caught evading fares at this time, it would not be a good thing for him.

"You should be able to pay for the ticket after getting on the bus."

Bai Yu said: "I will negotiate later."

Cordelia asked pitifully: "What should I do if the other party wants to check my ID card?"

"Then show him." Bai Yu said casually.


"Next, listen to me." Bai Yu started to speak, but the voice after that disappeared, and the sound was transmitted into the secret.

The flight attendant checked each one, her smile sweet but slightly stiff.

Although it was a simple ID check, she knew very well that what she was doing was just a formality, and the members of the Hunter Bureau behind it were the real lie detectors.

When she reached the middle of the carriage, she caught a glimpse of a young man with jet-black hair and eyes sitting on the seat next to the corridor.

She actually noticed him early on, because foreigners are relatively rare in Rome, especially such a handsome and elegant young man, who stole her attention with just one glance.

But she quickly looked down and noticed a blond woman lying on the young man's knees. Her side face was pressed against the other man's belly, with a folded coat under her head. The young man raised his hands to cover her. He turned on the light and gently stroked her hair, as if he didn't want others to disturb her sleep. Such a quiet and peaceful scene was full of warmth, which made the flight attendant feel jealous unconsciously.

When she was riding in the car before, her boyfriend wanted to turn up the stereo to the maximum. Where could she find such gentle care?

No wonder people on the Internet say that Daxia men dote on their wives.

Holding back the lemon smell, the flight attendant showed a business smile: "Hello, sir, can you show me your ticket and ID card?"

"There is no ID card, only entry certificate." Bai Yu handed over the paper certificate and his ticket.

The people from the Hunter Bureau at the rear looked at each other, took it, confirmed the authenticity, and then nodded.

It can't be this person.

The person from the Hemolytic Gang couldn't be from Daxia, and even if he was, he wouldn't be from Daxia who just entered the country today.

"There is also this lady's ID card and ticket."

"Her ticket was lost." Bai Yu said casually, "I can get a replacement."

"Ah, sure." The flight attendant nodded: "Can you give me your ID card?"

Temporary supplementary tickets do not need to be entered into the system, usually handwritten registration...just make a time difference.

Bai Yu handed over Cordelia's ID card. She was obviously a little nervous, her breathing became faster, and her heartbeat accelerated.

When the flight attendant took the ID card, he looked at the name and started writing it down by hand. A temporary ticket was quickly delivered.

However, the two young men from the Hunter Bureau were immediately stunned and couldn't help but look at each other to confirm the authenticity.

"Is there any problem?" Bai Yu asked calmly.

"Excuse me." An investigator from the Hunter Bureau said, "What is her relationship with you?"

"What do you think?" Bai Yu asked back: "It's already like this, what else can it be related to?"

Another investigator bumped his colleague with his elbow to show that his emotional intelligence was low, and then asked: "Are you new to Rome? How did you two meet?"

"We exchanged letters." Bai Yu said calmly: "She is a native of Rome. She came to pick me up today to take me to Huadu."


The two young men from the Hunter Bureau exchanged glances again.

‘That saint has been missing for three years, how could she be her? ’

‘Yes, it’s probably the same name.’

‘Similar things have happened before. Some people deliberately underwent plastic surgery to look like celebrities or something like that as a prank…’

‘Is this ID card fake? Maybe this Daxia person has been deceived’

‘What do you care about her, she’s dating remotely online’

‘I’m not from the Hemolytic Gang, hurry up and get the next one’

One of the hunters continued to ask: "Rome and Bactria are so far apart, how did you complete the exchange of letters?"

Bai Yu wondered: "Is this question related to the investigation?"

"It's my personal curiosity." The hunter young man said with a smile, "I would like to learn it, it sounds very romantic."

"You can try to pick up drift bottles on the beach."

"Oh oh..."

The ID card was returned.

Obviously the Hunter Bureau has other goals and will not dwell on this 'small issue' for too long.

What's more important is that they don't believe from the bottom of their hearts that the woman lying here is Cordelia herself.

But the world is a grassroots team, and absurd scenes are always repeated.

The hunters who were eager to make meritorious deeds missed the saint and continued to search for the enemies of the Hemolytic Gang.

Just as the flight attendant passed Bai Yu towards the next one, a sharp sound suddenly came from the entire carriage.

Bai Yu's mental power quickly expanded to the entire carriage, and the cicadas were aware of the autumn wind before it moved... Every movement of every plant, tree, and tree in the entire range was carefully perceived.

Three rows of seats behind him, a man raised his hand and unscrewed the head of his neighbor. His body suddenly expanded, and his strange gray hair grew. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a little giant nearly three meters tall. His head and back hit the car. At the top, the sound of twisted metal deformed mixed with his inarticulate shouts.

The two young hunters immediately revealed their weapons and rushed forward one after another. They were both elites, firmly at the third level in strength, and both were golden knights. They were not afraid of melee combat at all. The two of them rushed forward at the same time to try to suppress this beast. Monsters appear suddenly.

There was chaos in the carriage.

Panicked, shouting in fear, roaring in anger, many people rushed to squeeze out, and the already not spacious car was immediately filled with water.

Bai Yu glanced at the monster that suddenly appeared and the red entry above its head.

【Deformed Suturer】

[Danger level: 35]

And in the corner where almost no one noticed, a middle-aged man wearing a round felt hat and a gentleman's beard licked his lips, quietly opened the suitcase, and took out a pink glass bottle.

Immediately the red characters above his head lit up extremely vividly.

【Hemolytic Prayer】

[Danger level: 40]

It seems that the one in front is just a cover, he is the real thing.

[Emergency event triggered]

[Please prevent the Hemolytic Prayer from releasing the blessing of the Hemolytic King (once this blessing is released, the death toll is expected to exceed 500)]

[Reward: designated task card]

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