Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 690 The altar is really slippery

Bai Yu sat motionless.

Calmly waiting to be called to the door.

He thought about how much he was taunting him. If he could bear it, these demigods would definitely have one who knew countless rats as their master.

The waiting time was not too long. About five minutes later, he felt an evil aura and several red and purple titles.

At this time, there seemed to be a background sound of 'Hey hey hey -'.

Yuexia Sanji... No, it was the three priests who finally came over.

For them to be able to find Bai Yu so quickly, there must be a demigod secretly guiding them.

If Bai Yu had kept moving, judging from his incredible luck today, he would definitely not have encountered these three priests.

The red dragon priest looked at it twice and said, "It should be right, it's him."

The undead priest also finished confirming: "It's probably not wrong."

The Painful Priest also nodded and said: "There must be nothing wrong. Isn't the altar behind him?"

"You are finally here."

"Shouldn't we come?"

"But you are already here."

"Now that we are here, don't even think about leaving!"

Facing the murderous three priests, Bai Yu sat firmly on the spot, glanced at the three priests who were all above level 45, and asked out of curiosity: "Which one of you will come first? Or together? I will both. Can."

This confident attitude made the Red Dragon Priest angry.

"Let me go first." The Undead Priest sneered. He raised his hand and pulled off the black cloth, revealing a body of white bones. His head was immersed in blue flames. It was obviously a flame but it was extremely cold, as if it could freeze the soul: "Just let me. I, the death knight, will lead you to your end!"

He revealed his weapon, a long and wide scythe used for beheading.


The dragged scythe slid on the ground, leaving a layer of white traces of frost. This was not the result of the freezing of elemental energy, but the attribute of the soul flame.

Once the body is chopped by a sickle, not only the body will die, but also part of the soul.

In "Maze Rice", the protagonist team once used the ghosts to make ice cream, which is also the same reason.

The scythe was handed to him, and Bai Yu saw through the opponent's attack route at a glance. He first used Lingxi to block the soul-stealing scythe with one finger, and then followed it up with the second move of the meteor gun.

With just two moves, the Death Knight felt like his panties had been seen through.

...Why does this kid have so much combat experience?

Perhaps because of years of abuse, the Necromancer Knight does not have much experience in fighting at the same level. He will not kill the king-level knight idle. When everyone reaches the fourth level and above, they try to fight those with higher levels and those with lower levels. There are really not many situations where fate is at stake.

He thought that he didn't need a third move to win a third level, but in the end, his two slashes failed, and instead he fell into the opponent's attack range.


The lion heart spear lit by the fire danced, rotated and thrust forward. The undead knight went from charging forward to being forced to retreat in just three moves.

Realizing that he was at a disadvantage, he roared, raised his scythe, and a shadow behind him began to accumulate power, like a floating substitute.

The spirit summons!

The death knight summoned the spirit body and was about to carry out a shameful attack with more and less, but the next moment, he saw a pale horse sweeping past.

Bai Yu had a spear in his left hand, and a knife in his right hand. The sword energy blooming from the blade turned into a torrent, and he cleared the area with one strike.

The death knight was blown away for more than ten meters, and was staggered by a hand on his back.

"Priest of the Dead, are you okay?" Priest of Pain asked with concern.

"It's okay..." The death knight covered his chest and said, "It's just that this altar is really slippery."

The Pain Priest grinned: "Shall I try?"

As he spoke, he strode toward the altar with rapid strides. Every time he took a step, his body continued to deform.

The fourth level of Esoteric Cultists is different from the fourth level of wizards and knights in the conventional sense. Because they are not human beings themselves, or their life forms have changed, they cannot obtain their own personality after reaching the fourth level, but instead move toward represents the essential evolution of the form of existence.

To put it simply, the final form of every esoteric priest is actually the demigod they worship.

The fourth level realm they reached should be called the degraded version of demigods.

The transformation of the body of the Priest of Pain is to adapt to the Praise of Pain. He does not hold any weapons, but his whole body is full of deadly weapons.

It was also the first time for Bai Yu to face such an amoeba-like enemy. Although he had seen opponents with extremely flexible moral bottom lines, he had never seen an opponent with such free life forms.

In the first ten rounds, facing the painful priest who had strengthened himself into a mountain of flesh, he could not think of any way to break it for a while. Even if the slash was effective, the latter would recover quickly.

"Hahaha, you can't stop me!" The Pain Priest continued to expand his body: "Wait until I crush you!"

Indeed, using weapons is ineffective, then...

The Pain Priest's body suddenly froze and stopped expanding. His fingers began to stiffen, and his whole body stagnated as if frozen.

Under the gaze of a pair of purple-red eyes, the skin gradually turned gray starting from the outermost layer.

--not good!

The Priest of Pain decisively liberates the physical body.


His body exploded like a balloon, and with the help of the aftermath, he broke away from the overwhelming freezing feeling.

Falling to the ground with a thud, the Pain Priest panted with cold sweat on his forehead, secretly thinking... What a pair of poisonous eyes.

The Priest of Pain climbed to his feet, feeling pressure on his shoulders.

The undead priest said: "I told you, the altar is very slippery."


After saying that, the two of them looked at the Red Dragon Priest at the same time.

The latter clenched his fists and exploded all his clothes. However, he did not transform into a red four-legged dragon. Instead, he maintained a humanoid appearance. His height increased to about two and a half meters. The wings on his back converged, covering his entire body. With red scales.

Transform into a dragon!

The red dragon priest said: "There is no need to go one by one, let's do it together!"

The Undead Priest was dissatisfied: "You should go up and have a fight with him!"

The red dragon priest frowned: "Is this necessary?"

The Pain Priest nodded and said, "The altar is very slippery, you have to get used to it."

"I've seen it all, isn't that enough?"

"Of course it's not enough. You have to experience it, and then we'll help you up, and then we'll go up together."

The red dragon glanced at the two guys and couldn't understand: "We are here to kill people and please the gods."

"Wow, are you afraid and don't dare to fight alone?"

"Bai has grown so big, tsk tsk tsk...!"

"???" Red Dragon had a cerebral hemorrhage: "Whose side are you from?!"

When the three priests stared at each other, they suddenly felt the entire maze shake slightly.

The flow of wind is forming in the air, and the power of the elements is being lost.

Bai Yu maintained the projection of the Gorgon's heroic spirit and could clearly sense that the magic concentration in the outside world was rapidly decreasing. In less than ten seconds, the elemental energy dropped to zero percent.

The red dragon priest murmured: "It should be the Dragon Mother who took action."

"The elemental energy has been drained, which will greatly weaken him." The pain priest glanced at Bai Yu with evil intentions and laughed arrogantly.

The death knight raised his sickle and hit the ground. Immediately, the two portals behind Bai Yu and on the left and right were sealed by the cold air. He smiled strangely and said, "Even if you want to escape, you have no chance."

The red dragon priest said again: "Wait, it seems it's not over yet!"

The next moment, divine light illuminated the subspace maze.

The light shuttled back and forth like a living thing. The moment it swept past, black energy burst out from the Death Knight's body, and the resentful spirits and undead spirits hiding in his shadow screamed.

"Where does the holy light come from?"

"Damn it, my eyes!"

Both the Pain Priest and the Death Knight felt uncomfortable, but the Red Dragon Priest had no reaction.

His face was as serious as water and he said: "This should be the action of the Roman Emperor. There is a high probability that the baptism of the Holy Light just now is. Anyone who is illuminated by the Holy Light will receive the increase brought by the baptism..."

The red dragon said and turned to look at Bai Yu. It couldn't help but be shocked when it saw the Holy Light directly bypassing the young man.

"No, what about your increase?"

"I do not know."

Bai Yu scratched his head and tried to catch a ball of holy light, but it avoided it in disgust and disappeared in a hurry.

The people of Daxia were deeply confused.

One person and three non-humans present were all at a loss.

"I understand." The Red Dragon Priest said: "Are you not a believer? Holy Light Baptism is only effective for believers. Those who have never had a heart of faith and have never prayed to the Holy Lord will naturally not receive baptism. On your head."

Having said this, the red dragon priest cast a look of pity: "It seems that even the light of the Holy Lord has bypassed your soul."

The Tantrics sympathized with this unbelieving Easterner.

Bai Yu: "..."

Modern people who grew up under the red flag feel that they have been insulted on a spiritual level.

The blessing of the Holy Light goes as quickly as it comes.

The undead priest raised his scythe and said in a low voice: "Since you are an unbeliever, we don't have to follow any rules. We can just capture you early and take your head back."

The Priest of Pain also said: "May your soul be favored and blessed by Pain."

The red dragon priest raised his hands: "Look, even our gods have been waiting for us, giving us strength and showing miracles!"

Several streaks of light roared over.

They poured into the bodies of the three priests, and their already tyrannical momentum once again experienced an unprecedented expansion.

[Danger level: 46→49]

[Status: Blessed by Demigod]

The bright red danger level turned into jet black. Under the blessing of the demigods, the three mid- to late-stage fourth-order secret cult priests suddenly surged in strength to near their peak in the late fourth-order.

The sense of oppression surged, like a mountain ready to collapse.

It turned out that Bai Yu should indeed be sweating profusely.

But there is a small problem, that is...

These three streams of light did not bypass his body, but stayed.

[You have been blessed by the ‘Lord of the Dead’, ‘The Sore of Pain’, ‘Bone and Blood Dissolution’ and ‘The Fetus of Dragons’]

[All attributes improved]

[Improved soul cold resistance, pain resistance, and curse resistance]

[Acquire temporary gains such as ‘Flesh and Flesh Regeneration’, ‘Roar of the Mountain Dragon’, ‘Power of the Earth’, ‘Chill of the Dead’ etc.]

"Good guy."

The Holy Light didn't bless me, but these esoteric demigods started to bless me?

Bai Yu thought to himself that one of the two must be the mole.

Because he made a wave of sacrifices, the blessing system directly recognized him as a esoteric cultist?

"Hahahaha, power, power is constantly emerging!" The Pain Priest thrust a finger into his temple and stirred it back and forth: "I'm so high!"

"Feel the fear!" The death knight's momentum is also rising steadily. The blessings brought by this wave of undead monarchs have stimulated it to the point of bone hyperplasia.

The appearance of the red dragon priest has not changed, but the power flowing under the dragon scales has become more solid, as if magma is flowing, violently releasing majestic heat.

"How do you feel now, how do you feel!"

Facing the confident trio, Bai Yu scratched his cheek, licked his lips, hesitated to speak, raised his hand and then put it down.

To receive the blessing of the esoteric demigod in front of the esoteric believers, this is not a kind of tauren.

The esoteric demigod... is a pretty good person.

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