Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 691 The hanging heart is finally dead

I am not a Tantric ≠ I cannot receive blessings.

The esoteric demigods are all good people. They knew this was unfair, so they simply gave me a quadruple buff.

It's because people are ugly and have good intentions.

Bai Yu's face was full of helplessness.

Even your demigods gave me buffs, it was like a siege by friendly forces.

Although he was strengthened, it was obvious that the three priests on the opposite side did not react.

They are still in the preparation stage of ‘I have been strengthened and I am going to go up’.

The three priests rushed forward.

He launched his strongest attack almost at the same time.

It's not that they realized that Bai Yu had also been strengthened and had to go all out.

It's that they think that their teammates have become stronger, but there is only one prey. Even if Bai Yu is killed, there will only be one head.

So we have to use the highest damage skill to kill the enemy.

Chilong's chest rose and fell, and he took a deep breath, the fiery magma flowing in his throat.

As for dragons in the West, dragon breath is always their ultimate move. Even a king-level knight will lose half his life if he spits out this dragon breath.

The death knight turned the scythe, summoning a group of shadow undead, which clung to the scythe, creating layers of ghostly shadows.

The sickle was covered with endless frost, and it fell down in the air.

And the Priest of Pain is even more heavyweight.

He didn't have the long-range ultimate move like the other two, so he simply raised his two arms and released his hands directly at the expense of flesh and blood. As the blood spurted out, the bones and flesh on his two arms twisted into drill bits.

Pain Secret Version·Rocket Flying Fist!

The three esoteric priests unleashed their full strength and achieved a blood-heated combo.

On the ground, in the sky, in front, left and right... all escape routes are blocked.

Baiyu has several ways to deal with it.

Directly activate the God's Rider to resist hard; or activate the floating space to jump to the opponent's back to backstab.

But he doesn't plan to choose the first two.

This was a blow from three fourth-order peaks.

Come to think of it, there is no one stronger than these three priests in the entire subspace labyrinth.

After being strengthened by the fourth level, Bai Yu felt that he had reached the bottleneck of the fourth level.

That is the fourth level beyond the limit that only Luohu or the owner of Penglai Island has ever reached.

He felt that he still lacked an opportunity and a glimmer of inspiration.

And in order to seize this glimmer of inspiration.

He decided to try it from the beginning and use his full strength.

If the opponent uses a combo skill, you can also use a combo skill, but the speed will be faster.

The golden light in the depths of his eyes lit up, and the idea of ​​becoming a saint suddenly burst out!

The golden light gathered and formed, condensing into a nearly substantial visualization body beside Bai Yu.

Jinpeng has existed in the form of a soul for many years, and its remaining thoughts also have the effect of transforming reality into reality, although this transformation is only for a very short period of time.

This is not a summons of heroic spirits, but comes from Bai Yu's own soul and thoughts.

It was like Bai Yu and the editor of destiny were standing back to back.

At the same time, time begins to flow slowly.

The Principle of Heroic Spirits·Life hangs on a thread!

The fleeting time was immediately stretched, and all movements became slow.

The attack of the three priests was originally extremely fierce, but now it was like being slowed down in slow motion. The seemingly fatal threat was filled with countless loopholes.

All weaknesses are clearly visible and clear.

Bai Yu took a step forward and turned the spear...the cloud thunder flashed once, twice, three times, four times...nine layers of thunder.

There is no need to wait for the attack to be implemented, the visualization body takes over the position, ignites the spark with pure soul power, and the avenue of stars is in hand.

His five fingers gently pushed towards the surroundings, and the fiery dragon's breath lava, the cold undead frost breath, and the spiral drill bit swirling with flesh and blood all began to shift.

A slight difference can make a difference of a thousand miles.

There is only one person in Bai Yu, but he is doing two things at the same time. One is responsible for continuously displaying all the extraordinary skills he has learned; the other is responsible for deflecting all attacks, like a satellite guarding the earth. Earth-moon system.

In the eyes of the three priests, it was like a man who was facing raging waves, landslides, and heavy avalanches, relying on a spear to forcibly cut a path out, and still going upstream!

More than an exaggeration, it was simply an exaggeration.

These esoteric cultists have probably never seen such a crazy Eastern warrior in their lives.

The West's understanding of the East's extraordinary systems is often relatively simple - regardless of other attributes, only one thing is certain, and that is crispy paper defense.

Covering it with absolute firepower is the best way to deal with Eastern Extraordinaries.

But those who can directly resist the fire cover and push back all the way, let alone the esoteric cultists, even the demigods may have never seen it.

...This person is practicing magnetic field rotation!

The red dragon priest felt something bad. When the distance between the two sides was less than ten meters, he already felt a burst of difficulty. He immediately changed his mind and an invisible dragon domain covered the inside of the maze room.

Dragons above the fourth level without exception have space talent. With this, their wings can support their weight and fly. Strictly speaking, they are not flying, but fixing themselves in space, like a boat floating on a river. .

It needs to strengthen the domain space and block this young man's attack.

Then, as Bai Yu stepped into the field of vision, his back suddenly disappeared, his energy and spirit merged into one, his thoughts and visualization body merged with himself, turning into an indestructible edge.

In a flash!


In the midst of the lightning and flint, Bai Yu had already landed on his feet and stood behind the red dragon and the death knight. He restored his shape from the sharp cold light and stood with his hands hanging down. A stream of air spread around him.

Behind him, the bodies of the three priests began to erupt with white light. They continued to expand and grow as if they were inflated. The energy formed a vortex, expanded, then collapsed, converged towards the center, and finally exploded silently.

The Red Dragon Priest was the one with the strongest vitality. He turned his head and said, "You, what did you do..."

He didn't understand how the other party killed three peak priests in one move.

"It's very simple." Bai Yu turned around and said, "I just simulated an earth-moon your bodies."

"I don't understand."

The red dragon priest said sadly and indignantly, and a cold light suddenly burst out from its heart. Then, puff puff puff puff, strands of cold light erupted from every corner and every pore of his body. The body collapses and the magic power explodes.

It, along with the other two priests, exploded into a puddle of minced flesh.

Bai Yu exhaled and his face turned slightly pale. The total time just now was no more than ten seconds, but it had exhausted most of his mental and soul power.

He has indeed touched the threshold of the fourth level.

Rahu gained power beyond realms by forging his soul into the Divine Arrow Jidu.

He himself might also try a similar method to solidify his soul into a star.

The earth-moon system was tried, but the effect was not very good, so in the end the earth-moon collided together.

This kind of one-time attack is enough to destroy, but who has nothing to do with self-destruction of his own soul?

When Luo Hu made the Jidu arrows, he knew that the arrows could be reused.

Bai Yu felt a little regretful: "The pressure is enough, but there is still a slight difference."

He felt that he had almost succeeded in breaking through just now.

There is a feeling of being stopped.

Not very cool.

But the enemy is dead.

He could only put away his dissatisfied desires, lick the bag with tears, and get the blind box X3.

Go back and destroy the altar.

Bai Yu picked up his luggage and walked through the portal. After finishing his affairs, he could now think about leaving.

But there was always one thing he couldn't figure out.

"Where the hell are Shirley and Cordelia?"

"I've been wandering around for a long time, why can't I meet them?"

"It's really weird."

"Isn't today my lucky day?"

"It's so hard to find someone, how can you be considered lucky?"

The Daxia people complained.

But if he thought about it a little deeper, he could guess such a possibility.

Maybe the guarantee rule has already determined that he is lucky not to meet them?

Today is a big day for Dragon Mother.

She knew that if Lady Luck existed, she would definitely have given herself a great gift.

But she didn't expect that for herself, who was dedicated to practicing Tantric Buddhism, the gift from the goddess of luck was not a kiss and facial cleanser, but a big pussy fight.


All dead.

Whether it's her priest or her hanging heart.

The mother of dragons really couldn't understand.

How did this bitch lose?

Through bone-blood dissolution and feedback from the Undead Lord...or was he killed instantly?

If three people fight one, can they all be killed?

What are you doing! ! !

I have dispatched three top priests here!

He deliberately drained away the elemental energy to create a vacuum environment, and brought along several other demigods to apply blessings. Even if the baptism of holy light improves some attributes of the opponent, it is impossible to beat the triple or even quadruple blessing from his own side!

The mother of dragons couldn't even use her toes to figure out how to lose?

The arrogance and unruliness that she used to shout about "trash fish" have gradually disappeared... and nothing remains!

There was only emptiness, incomprehension, and confusion lingering in her brain. Now she was wondering whether she was living in the real world or whether she was under some illusion.

Really, even if you replace three chickens and sprinkle a handful of rice on the keyboard, they will not die so quickly!

Are these secret priests Ruozhi?

If it was Ruozhi, how could he disguise himself for so long and take on a human form?


Totally unimaginable.

Exhausting her own astonishing wisdom to restore the truth, the Dragon Mother finally gave up thinking.

Anyway, the result is already like this, even if you don't accept it, it will not change.

And the bad thing is...

The Roman Emperor Augustus began to drink tea again. The corners of his mouth were raised, and he did not even try to suppress them. His face was full of smiles, and his lips opened and closed in silent ridicule.

‘Miscellaneous fish~’

Mother Dragon's dead heart came to life again, and it was so hot that it was about to burst.

She stood up suddenly and looked directly at Augustus: "I have to admit... there was a slight mistake in my plan."

"It's just that the ultimate winner will still be me."

In front of the emperor, the dragon mother pressed her palm on the subspace maze, and the next moment she exerted force with her five fingers.

The maze in the shape of a ten-level Rubik's Cube was immediately filled with countless cracks.

The emperor's expression changed drastically: "You——!"

The broken subspace labyrinth could no longer bear the function of storage. A stream of light flashed through, and the people who were originally included in it were released one after another back to the cathedral.

This is naturally not a good intention.

Taking the initiative to destroy the maze means that the dragon mother takes the initiative to break the rules of the game, because her chess pieces have been exhausted, and she will definitely lose if she continues.


“So much for the fun.”

She decided to grab it directly.

This was a step she didn't want to take.

But the situation is exhausted and the chess pieces are used up. There is no other choice but to end the game in person.

She can lose to Augustus for the first time, but she can never lose for the second time!

This is a gamble of IQ and a challenge of dignity!

The mother of dragons silently accumulated majestic power, her wings stretched out, and her breath suppressed the sky at the top of the cathedral.

She had to wait for the holy object and the chess piece that ruined her layout to appear in front of her.

At that moment, she wanted to kill someone and seize the treasure.

With the Roman Emperor in front of him, things would definitely not go well.

Just like on the basketball court, the referee is waiting to throw the ball high, and the two people are ready to take off to compete.

Killing people and seizing treasures was one thing to her; but it was two different things to Augustus!

When it comes to choosing to protect sacred objects or people, Augustus can only choose one of them!

Therefore, the Dragon Mother believes that she has a spiritual advantage. Even if she can only kill people or take away sacred objects, it is still a small win but not a loss.

Augustus said in a low voice: "You want to break the rules? Don't forget, you swore to the Dragon God before!"

The Dragon Mother said: "I did swear, but... so what?"

She chuckled: "The Dragon God is dead!"

She is a demigod, is the oath she swore to the dead dragon god important?

Augustus was shocked by this shamelessness.

Watching the subspace maze continue to collapse, silhouettes of people flickered and emerged, but without exception, they did not carry the aura of holy objects.

The countdown keeps getting closer.

The flickering light could be the trigger for the start of a war at any time.

The fight between demigods and saints is so broad.

Perhaps after today, this flower city will no longer exist.

Just waiting for a long time that makes people sweat...

The tenth-level Rubik's Cube collapsed quietly, which meant that the last person had been returned to the position before they entered.

There was silence in the cathedral.

The Dragon Mother and the Emperor looked at each other and fell into a longer silence.

This silence is awkward, incomprehensible, and confusing.

"Where is the sacred object?"

"Where are the people?"

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