Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 707: Double company, become famous in one battle!

On the screen, Frederica was gesturing with scissor hands, face to face with the black-haired young man, and they were intimate.

Jeanne thought in surprise, isn't this the Oriental?

When did they get together?

By the way, what is this wonderful alchemy tool?

Photographs were a rare thing in Rome in the fifteenth century, but they were just a technology for preserving light and shadow. The church also had it, which required the assistance of mages. Although it was very strange, it was not that rare.

If the emotion Jeanne felt was just strange, then Angelica stood up instantly.

With lightning speed, he snatched away Fleur's cell phone.

Stare at the screen, get closer, look sharply, look carefully, look seriously.

The weak and self-pitying aura of Gu Ying was swept away, like a ferocious lioness.

After confirming again and again, she gritted her teeth and said, "I didn't expect you to have a fiancé..."

"Life is long, and there will always be unexpected situations." Frederica maintained an elegant and decent smile.

"Isn't this an ordinary accident for you?" Angelica snorted: "Do you think I would believe it? How could he be with you..."

"This matter, let's talk about it." Miss Fleur pretended to consider it and recalled: "Actually, the encounter between Mr. Bai and I happened not long ago. The thing caused me some trouble. I was A warlock watched over me, my father fell into a deep sleep, and the Chamber of Commerce was unable to function. This lasted for several months, which left me almost exhausted."

"A week ago, I was still lamenting that life is a big intestine wrapped in a small intestine, and the future is bleak."

"But then, I met him by chance at the cake shop... It was a coincidence. I went to return the cake because I was embarrassed and had no money to pay, but I just happened to meet him. He also paid for the red velvet cake for me. For the final payment, we ate the cake deliciously together.”

Frederica was remembering happily, and then she heard an unnatural sound.

"Keep talking." Angelica's beautiful face twisted slightly: "I'm listening."

"Well, anyway..." Frederica tried to simplify her words and process.

"Mr. Bai saved me."

"I felt that I had nothing to repay, so I could only pledge myself... and then everything fell into place."

“We traveled together and came to Vienna.”

Ninety percent is the truth and only one percent is a lie.

She was playing a trick here. She didn't explain Bai Yu's answer clearly... but showed the photo in advance to let the two of them form a preconception.

The couple photo just now is very lethal any time.

Frederica did not show too much pride or pride, but explained in as calm a tone as possible, as if telling the truth: "We even stayed in the same room in the hotel. In the morning he Milk and breakfast were prepared for me, as well as this outfit.”

She turned around in a circle: "Don't you think this is not in line with my daily dressing habits? I usually like the color matching of upper and lower parts. This kind of layered matching is not what I am good at."

99% truth, mixed with 1% private information.

So it's flawless.

Not to mention Angelica, even Jeanne believed it was true.

The saint asked: "Why doesn't he come with you?"

"In what capacity did he come?" Fleur asked back: "He and Angelica are not that familiar, right? We were just acquaintances, not even friends."

"That's not right." Angelica subconsciously denied it. She said, "According to your statement, you have only known him for a week. Why are you already talking about getting married? It's progressing too fast!"

Frederica said strangely: "Isn't it true that a romantic relationship means an unmarried couple? What's the problem with this?"

Angelica clenched her fingers, unable to refute.

"I know you must feel uncomfortable, so I'm not showing off." Fleur approached and gently pressed Angelica's shoulder: "You are forced to marry someone you don't like, but I It's certainly unfair that I can get true love...but since the gifts of fate have already been marked with a price, maybe this is what I deserve."

"I really want to advise you to keep fighting for it, but you have calmly accepted your fate, so I can't say any more sarcastic words."

He looked at his roommate whose expression was stiff and his eyes were frozen.

Frederica was determined and continued: "I have always known that we are love rivals, but you are also one of my best friends. I hope you can be happy. This is not a lie; but if only one person can To be happy, I still want that person to be myself.”

"Tomorrow, we will all see you wearing a wedding dress and getting married. By then, I hope you will really give up."

Angelica raised her eyes, her empty pupils filled with fire.

Her character is already very irritable and it is impossible for her to tolerate repeated provocations.

Fleur realized that the heat was on, so she turned and left: "Happy wedding!"

Before the fire could come, she closed the door and walked out.

As soon as she walked out of the door, she heard Angelica roaring angrily: "Frederica——!"

Watching the two people disappear in front of the door.

The flame in Angelica's hand lit and extinguished.

"Obviously, I am the first..."

"I was the first one to ask him to dance."

"Obviously I am also in jail, why did you encounter me first? It's not fair..."

She slowly hugged her knees. The double blow of betrayal finally made her unable to hold on anymore and she cried silently.

I feel like I am the most pitiable girl in the world at this time.

After leaving Venus Manor.

Jeanne suddenly said: "You lied."

Frederica turned her cheek: "What?"

"You are not very good at lying, that's why you shed so much cold sweat and feel guilty." Jeanna folded her hands and said with insight: "So he is not with you, right?"

Fleur did not answer, but stood on the bridge, looking at the flowing water below, and whispered: "True or false, it doesn't matter... at least that fool, she can't tell the difference."

"Do you want to make her jealous and then get back on your feet?" Jeanne analyzed rationally: "In her opinion, you only won the grand prize called 'White Elm' by luck. You are also trapped in In a crisis, you can be one step ahead and achieve happiness, so why not her?"

"I am very lucky, but she is not as lucky as me." Frederica thought to herself that this was the truth.

"Intentionally or unintentionally, you are leading her to compare you, and you are also hinting to her that it is because she was lucky and persisted that she finally got the beauty. Those who do not give up should always be rewarded."

"I may also be trying to hit her and ask her to accept the reality quickly and completely collapse her unrealistic dreams. Don't have too high and beautiful expectations." Frederica sneered: "Who stipulates that I must think about her? "

"When you are harsh, please don't lick your lips. It will make you look very unsure."

"...That's so long-winded!"

"The way you get along is very interesting. You are both friends and love rivals. No one can overpower the other, and no one wants the other to completely withdraw from his life. It is simply repeating the same mistakes and torturing each other." The saint is not joking, but In summary.

"Everyone has someone they can't let go of, isn't it the same with you?" Fleur whispered, "The same goes for Mr. Bai."

"So you don't know where Elysee is?"

"Even if I know, I don't want to tell you." Frederica said: "Elysee is not suitable for you. She doesn't like girls, so give up."

Jeanne was silent, then tilted her head.

"Don't make such a joke."

"I am serious."



"...I don't have that kind of feeling for Elysee. She is my friend. She is too weak, which makes people uneasy." The saint raised her middle finger: "I don't polish the mirror!"

"Weak?" Frederica thought of many famous scenes of Elysee, and she complained: "As long as you are happy."

"Why are you so wary of me?"

"Perhaps it's because I don't have a good impression of the royal family, and this fire has burned on your head?"

"Lie, what are you hiding from me?" Jeanne said calmly: "Speak out and I promise to help you tomorrow."

"Help us, are you sure?"

"I don't like Charlemagne either."

"Even if he is the eldest prince."

"Even if he is the Roman Emperor, I can still speak without pretense." The holy face raised her chin: "The reason why other saints are saints is because they need the church; and the reason why I am a saint is because The church needs me.”

The heroic bloodline speaks with toughness.

This was the only thing that made Frederica envious. If she was the same, why would she be so hesitant and just go in and steal the marriage tomorrow?

"I can tell you, but you'd better be prepared."

"you say."

"Mr. Bai does have a fiancée, but it's not me." Frederica said.

"Who could that be?" Jeanne thought: "Peggy?"

"..." Fleur shook her head silently.

The saint was stunned.

Then he said: "Impossible, this...impossible."

"Elysee's secret is much deeper than you and I imagined." Frederica advised: "It's best for you not to go deeper and continue to be your saint. This should also be the end of diplomatic relations between Elysee and you." original intention."

"I'm not so fragile that I need her to protect me." Jeanne's tone was a little more sulky: "Why does she have the right to make decisions on her own?"

"I'm just advising you to do whatever you want." Fleur turned around and said, "Just don't hinder us."

Watching the blue-haired girl leave, Jeanne shouted: "Hey! Since you know that Elysee is his fiancée, why do you want to get involved?"

"Elise is my good friend, I can't ignore her future, and..." Frederica replied proudly without looking back: "I like him, it has nothing to do with him!"

It's sad to be broken up in love, and it's sad to have unrequited love, but it's not my style to just back down.

The holy face looked at the seemingly chic girl walking away, and she suddenly understood why Fleur said so much to Angelica, even though there were only a few words, she seemed to be hoarse... It was like a game about the future. preview.

"So Frederica and Angelica are actually suffering from the same disease?"

She raised her voice a little higher.

"Such a man deserves to be killed by a thousand cuts, and stabbed three times and six times, isn't he?"

"Three swords and six holes are not used here."

Under the bridge, the black-haired young man climbed up the stairs.

Jeanne said angrily: "Then let's just execute him in Lingchi?"

"I swear I really didn't play with anyone's innocence." Bai Yu scratched his head: "I refused completely."

“Before you hold another woman’s hand and walk into the marriage hall, lift her veil, kiss her in front of family and friends, and in the witness of the Lord, all seemingly complete rejections are not complete. A little bit of sunshine and dew can make roses bloom in their withered hearts.”

"Your rhetoric..." Bai Yu smelled the sour smell unique to the literary club.

"Sent from emotion."

"I didn't expect you to have such a girlish heart." Bai Yu shrugged: "It seems that you have been scummed."

Jeanne was silent for two seconds.

She gritted her teeth and said with a smile, "Yes, thanks to your fiancée."

"Please do not escalate your personal behavior."

"Really? When you marry Elyse and take her surname, don't you feel that you have one hundred percent responsibility?"


There are many flaws and too many elements.

The saint snapped her fingers to block out the conversation: "So, how do you plan to deal with this mess?"

Bai Yu asked bluntly: "Can I kill Charlemagne directly?"

"No, I can't just sit idly by and watch." The saint shook her head and said, "Besides, I think this is a bit too extreme."

Bai Yu thought about it and realized...he shouldn't overstep his authority.

"Then I'm still thinking about it."

"No need to think about it? Isn't the answer very clear?"

"Oh?" he asked, "Your Highness, what do you have to say?"

She uttered two words coldly.

"Get married in public!"

Bai Yu: "?"

no? Sisters... do you call this extreme?

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