On the wedding day, it was very lively.

Almost all the nobles in Vienna arrived at the cathedral to witness the wedding.

Almost all nobles can understand what the result of this marriage represents.

Once any family can be combined with the royal family, and the prince becomes the crown prince and inherits the position of Roman emperor, this means that the glory of the family can last for at least a hundred years and can influence at least two generations of emperors.

Most nobles are beasts in the field of power, so they naturally understand its importance.

There were hundreds of guests present.

As for the eldest prince Charlemagnestan Augustus, who was the protagonist of the wedding ceremony, he also arrived at the banquet venue early and chatted and laughed with many nobles.

In the changing room deep inside the cathedral.

Jeanne knocked on the door, and after hearing the affirmative answer, she pushed the door open and entered.

In front of three floor-to-ceiling mirrors, Angelica in a pure white wedding dress stood in the light. She had to admit that the carefully decorated noble lady was at the peak of her beauty.

"You look peaceful."

"Should I cry and fuss?" Angelica's haggard expression was hidden by her makeup, but the tiredness and hollowness deep in her eyes still inevitably overflowed.

"So, you accepted this wedding as your destiny?"

"You are talking as if I have the ability to resist." Angelica picked up the bouquet at hand: "If I were Your Highness the Saint, I would naturally be qualified to object. Unfortunately, I am not. I do not have the strength and ability to defend freedom. Confidence.”

Jeanne glanced at the bouquet and said: "If you are planning to hide a dagger in this bouquet so that you can commit suicide to prove your innocence... I suggest you not to do this. This will embarrass the Venus family and the royal family." They have all become a laughing stock.”

Angelica opened the bouquet, but it was empty: "You are joking, I have passed the age of seeking life and death for love."

After Jeanne came closer, she reached out and reached under her skirt. She quickly touched something on the outside of her thigh. She pulled out a silver fruit knife and threw it on the ground: "A love brain is not qualified to say that."

Angelica closed her eyes in silence, her eyelashes were moist, she bit her lower lip, and her exquisite makeup left traces of crying.

"I'm not here to attack you." Jeanne took out a handkerchief and wiped her eyes: "I'm here to give you a hint."

"What hint?"

"You don't have to do anything." The saint said, "Just complete the wedding step by step, and leave the rest to Lao Bai."

Angelica didn't understand, so she asked with a wry smile: "Now that things have happened, what else can you do?"

"Open up the pattern. Some things are difficult to see from your perspective, but it is particularly easy to see it from someone else's perspective." Jeanne cut off a piece of fruit with a fruit knife and stuffed it into her In his mouth: "There is still some time before the wedding starts. I found a book for you to pass the time. Read it carefully and study hard."

After saying that, Jeanne left the room.

Angelica was distracted for a while, then lowered her head to look at the book. The childish graffiti and illustrations showed that it was just a fairy tale book suitable for children, and the name was...

"The dragon and the princess?"

Jeanne returned to the wedding hall smoothly.

As I walked through the corridor, I suddenly felt that the sky had darkened and the clouds covered the sun.

She looked sideways and saw not dark clouds, but a huge creature that could cover the dark clouds with its wings.

A griffin fell from the sky, flapped its wings twice and looked around with sharp eyes. Behind the griffin was a knight in pitch black armor.

Jeanne's heart sank.

She knew the knight who rode the gryphon.

Black Knight Lord Phil.

In the Roman Empire, knights were also divided into three, six or nine grades. The knight's grade was usually determined by color...the two rarest knights were gold and black.

The golden knight is usually a royal knight who can only be obtained after swearing allegiance to the royal family; while the black color means that the knight's achievements have reached the point of being unsealed. Although he does not have a noble status, his honor is enough to equal the Duke.

The total number of black knights in the Roman dynasties does not exceed ten... To put it simply, they are like the 'Champions' of the East.

Not everyone can afford this title. The reputation is too great, the prestige is too high, and those with insufficient qualifications will be crushed by it.

It has been thirty years since Lodfel, the black knight, reached his peak when he debuted.

He won the Roman Swordsman Competition at the age of twenty-three, became a knight at the age of thirty, and swept all the masters of the Roman Empire at the age of forty.

Now in his early fifties, he is still in his prime.

Although he has not used force in the past ten years, his strength has far exceeded that of knights of the same level.

There have long been rumors that he is close to reaching the threshold of sainthood.

And why would such a person come here now?

"Long time no greetings, Your Highness the Saint." After the black knight got off the gryphon, he took off his helmet and performed knightly etiquette. He looked as young as if he was in his early thirties, with a tall figure and a dignified appearance, even though he was fifty years old. , there are still many noble women who are fascinated by him.

Jeanne responded with a calm expression: "I didn't expect to meet Lord Lord here. Are you here to attend the wedding too?"

"I came here by invitation." The black knight said with a natural expression: "I also have some free time, so I thought of coming over for a drink."

The saint said calmly: "Can I regard this as a political statement?"

Rodfell scratched his head and laughed: "I am just a knight and don't understand politics... Doesn't Her Highness the Saint not care about this matter? But aren't you here too?"

Jeanne looked directly at the Black Knight, trying to find out something from his eyes, expressions, and movements, but she found that she couldn't figure out anything... this old jackal.

She said calmly: "I am just obeying the orders of the church, and the bride and I have an old relationship. This does not mean that I have any views or inclinations towards the Roman royal family."

The black knight said cheerfully: "I understand, I understand... Just do the same as before the knights compete, stack your armor first."

It's completely impossible to see the intention of this black knight, but his presence here will definitely be a trouble.

Jeanne couldn't see through his thoughts, and it was inconvenient for her to say something rashly.

If you are sure that the other party is not the eldest prince, you can remind him in advance not to enter.

But she had no way of knowing whether the other party had reached any agreement with the eldest prince.

As long as the Black Knight is present, today's wedding will be like a tribulation field, and it is destined to be very difficult.

so troublesome.

Should we just kill him now and then label him as 'rude to the saint'?

Jeanne didn't care at all about who she offended, even if it was the Black Knight, she would do whatever she wanted, and her fiery temper really never intimidated anyone.

Her fingers clenched and unclenched under her sleeves.

...It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I’m not sure.

She is only at the fourth level now, and has not yet fully awakened to become a saint. If she fights, she cannot be solved in one move, but will cause trouble and disrupt the arrangement.

Jeanne gave up this idea and then entered the decorated wedding hall. Looking around, she could see that various people gathered here.

She quickly began to feel grateful that she had made the right decision by not attacking the Black Knight directly.

Security at the wedding venue is quite strict.

What's more important is that there are an astonishing number of extraordinary people at the wedding scene. It cannot be said that they are all present, but they account for at least more than 50%.

Just counting the extraordinary beings above the fourth level, the number is no less than ten fingers.

The Black Knight is one of them.

This... is so weird.

How did the eldest prince Charlemagne invite so many fourth-order people?

Are you working so hard to marry Angelica?

If she hadn't known that the eldest prince was a creature of power by nature, Jeanne might have been a little moved.

The eldest prince's behavior was full of weirdness, and now it was confirmed that the wedding was not just for marriage, but had some additional purpose.

If so many experts are gathered in Rome, it is completely understandable. After all, it is the capital, and a brick thrown can hit nobles and citizens. But if so many experts are gathered in Vienna, are they planning to hold a silver party in the Golden Hall?

Where did the eldest prince get such strong appeal?

Did he want to use this wedding to make a statement?

Jeanne pressed her eyebrows... This exposed her knowledge blind spot. She never cared about politics and could only make some inaccurate analysis of the current situation.

But there is no doubt that today is not a good day to grab a wedding.

But the brakes could no longer be applied, the car door was welded shut, and there was no way back.

Jeanne could only hold her hands and pray.

Hope everyone is okay.

Half an hour later, the wedding officially started.

Well-dressed aristocratic guests, orderly wedding arrangements, gorgeous and noble on-site decoration.

On a sunny noon, a wedding that will probably be recorded in history is taking place.

Weddings under the auspices of the church are lengthy. Coupled with the restrictions of royal status, the etiquette of aristocrats is like an old sow's bra. It is cumbersome and complicated. One process after another, there are too many complicated procedures. There are as many as a dozen types of ritual vessels.

The guests watched the scene in silence and with great patience.

The bride and groom at the scene were also carrying out the wedding ceremony silently, like machines.

The saint stands in the center, under the sculpture of the Lord. The priest on the side is holding a plate in his hand, and two gold rings are placed on the red background cloth.

The choir was ready, waiting for the two to exchange rings and then sing gospel hymns.

Jeanne asked: "Charlemagnestan Augustus, are you willing to marry Angelica Orlando as your legal wife and spend your whole life loving and protecting her?"

The eldest prince was well dressed and showed his talents. He answered in a loud and plain voice: "I do."

The saint turned to the noble girl: "So, Angelica Orlando, are you willing to marry... and love him with...?"

Angelica's face was covered by a pure white wedding dress, and the wedding dress would not be lifted until she answered.

She was held by Jeanne's hand, and a golden ring was stuffed into her hand.

The guests are waiting for the bride's answer so that the wedding can go to the end.

Angelica was silent for three seconds, her lips opened slightly, and at the same time as her heart sounded in her soul, a rather rough and wild roar resounded through the church.

The scream of a sonic boom was accompanied by a gust of fiery wind.

The hot wind passed through the middle aisle of the church, bypassed all the guests, and raised the rose petals scattered on the ground.

The fragrance of flowers became clearer in the blazing wind, and everyone had the illusion that their skin had been burned.

The wind also blew the hem of the bride's skirt, and her veil swayed. Through the gap, she saw the figure stepping on the door panel outside the church's main door.

"I am against this wedding."

Knights in armor burst into the church, the sound of machinery resounded, and flames ignited the red carpet.

"This ridiculous wedding ceremony should end!"

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