Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 788 That Arrow (Two in One)

After a day or two, Bai Yu roughly figured out the basic structure of the entire Shadow Kingdom.

In fact, he could only move around in the area covered by the castle.

If he wanted to leave, he had to get Scathach's consent, and she would directly open a portal to send people out.

If he wanted to sneak out, it was basically impossible.

The Shadow Kingdom has a total of seven walls... This is a superficial statement. In fact, its number is far more than 'seven'.

The so-called seven walls essentially mean that 'the Shadow Kingdom is isolated from the world and it is impossible to be broken'.

The Shadow Kingdom is equivalent to the underworld in the midwinter mythology. It is a place where life cannot enter. Therefore, in ancient times, those who are qualified to come here are all heroes without exception.

The seven walls are seven tests set by Scathach. Whoever can pass the test is qualified to enter the castle and become her disciple.

However, this rule is basically abandoned now. Those who enter the Shadow Kingdom later are either canonized or directly selected like Bai Yu.

Bai Yu is very curious about what the world outside the wall looks like, but Scathach did not say.

She hardly needs to sleep, and spends most of her time teaching Bai Yu the art of spearmanship. She is a very strict and patient teacher.

After all, Scathach's time is almost endless, and she has time to teach slowly over and over again until the student has completely learned it.

Bai Yu is curious about whether the Queen Master really has no entertainment activities?

Does she have no other way to pass the time except teaching and practicing spearmanship?

The castle also has shadow servants to take care of it, so she doesn't need to wash clothes, mop the floor, or cook.

Scathach denied it, saying that of course it was impossible, and she was also busy occasionally.

Bai Yu asked her what she would be busy with.

Scathach replied that she was researching.

She didn't explain what she was researching specifically.

After a week, Bai Yu couldn't stand it anymore. He was not a hardworking person. In the past, he upgraded very quickly. Now he was asked to recite scriptures and meditate to practice hard, which was really difficult for him.

He said that he was too tired, too busy, and too collapsed after a whole day, and he needed some personal time.

I only have five hours of sleep time in 24 hours a day, and the rest is spent practicing spearmanship.

Being stared at by Scathach all day, he straightened his back, poked, stabbed, and stabbed.

Even an iron man could not stand such abuse.

The Queen Master crossed her arms and said that she was much stricter than this in the past. She gave you five hours of sleep. Don't be ungrateful. What kind of busy are you? Practicing guns is cultivation and progress. What are you busy with?

Bai Yu said that he was busy being studied.

Scathach asked, just tell me what you want.

Bai Yu raised four fingers. He wanted to spare four hours every day for entertainment and rest.

Of course, Scathach would never agree.

After a extreme tug-of-war, Bai Yu got two and a half hours of entertainment time every day.

But single-person entertainment basically does not exist in the Shadow Kingdom.

There are no books stored in the Shadow Kingdom. Scathach is a queen, but she has no country to manage. She herself is a general, a soldier, and a citizen. There is nothing to pass on, so there is no library.

Bai Yu should be thankful that his car has a refrigerator and a large color TV, which also has many movies.

So during the two and a half hours of entertainment time, the two of them would lie in the back seat of the car, watch a movie, and chat about their experience of the movie.

I thought watching movies would bring a little impact to Scathach in the modern entertainment industry, but Scathach was obviously not a normal audience, and her focus was very strange.

The first movie Bai Yu showed her was Titanic.

After watching it, Scathach crossed her legs and commented: "Why is there not even a superhuman on such a big ship?"

Bai Yu said: "In the world view of the movie, there are only mortals, no superhumans."

Scathach shook her head decisively and gave a low score, the reason was... not realistic enough, too magical.

The next day, Bai Yu changed a movie to the Lord of the Rings.

Because the trilogy was too long, it took three days to finish it intermittently.

The power system in the Lord of the Rings can't be said to be relatively weak, and it is the fantasy magic of the Western world. Isn't it enough to be included in the Queen's Eye?

Scathach said with interest: "Cute, I want to raise one."

"Raise what?" Bai Yu pointed to the movie screen and asked: "Giant Eagle?"

"No, Soren, that tower is very domineering, which fits my aesthetic." Scathach said.

God raises Soren Tower... You might as well say raise a Gollum!

Bai Yu rubbed his face and continued to change the next movie.

Another week passed.

Bai Yu then showed many movies one after another, with various historical backgrounds, some grand, some delicate, some highly rated, and some bad movies...

Just like this, a week passed.

This time, both parties watched Spirited Away.

After watching it, Bai Yu asked Scathach about her feelings as usual. This time, the Queen Master did not answer, but looked away.

"I probably understand why you want me to watch these."

"These movies, without exception, start from the perspective of ordinary people to record a story."

"The protagonist may be extraordinary, but there must be something close to ordinary people. Even superheroes, after losing their extraordinary powers, have a side that belongs to ordinary people."

"So, this is your underlying value."

Scathach turned sideways and hit the nail on the head.

Bai Yu nodded and admitted: "Any transcendent person is trained step by step from the weak. It cannot be said that after becoming a saint, he will no longer belong to human beings at all, right?"

Scathach asked, "So, you think I'm human too?"

"I think so, don't you?"

"People can't live for such a long time. I'm already a demigod." Scathach shook his head slowly and said with a distant look: "Times are easy to change, usually within decades or hundreds of years, they will undergo historical changes and dynasty changes. "

“It’s not that I resist getting in touch with new-age things, it’s just that they disappear and decay too easily.”

“At my age, I prefer things that don’t change.”

She stroked her magic gun, stepped out of the vehicle, stopped in the courtyard, and raised the bright red magic gun in the wind and snow.

"The one who matches me."

"Only the Kingdom of Shadows and the Magic Spear."

"Take up arms," ​​she declared, "rest is over."

The plan to transform the Queen's master failed.

What Bai Yu showed was something that Scathach had once experienced, and could not impress the queen who had a long life experience.

She knew the new and interesting things in the outside world, and chose to be with the ice and snow.

The only people who are qualified to coexist with the immortals are the Kingdom of Shadows in the ice and snow and the legendary magic spear skills.

What she asked for was not just overnight.

The excitement that teenagers like can no longer interest Scathach.

It had only been a week and she was already tired of watching movies.

So from now on, Bai Yu stopped watching movies with her and switched to another form of entertainment, one that was more in line with the tastes of the elderly.

Play chess.

This would suit Scathach well, since playing chess is time-consuming and mentally demanding.

Moreover, chess is a competitive game, and both parties need to decide the outcome through games.

Scathach is very strong and very competitive.

But in the end, playing chess failed to become Scathach's hobby. Instead, her attention was attracted by another thing...that was the Hellfire 3000 that Bai Yu escaped from at will.

This is a motorcycle, suitable for driving, suitable for riding, and suitable for racing.

Outdoor interactions such as cycling can be done by a single person, as long as there is a road.

The only drawback is that it is a bit expensive for the rider.

In his previous life, Bai Yu had followed a dozen riders. Half a year later, he saw that less than half were still being updated. Three months later, he saw that there were only three left.

When a will-o'-the-wisp goes off, parents raise money in vain.

Bai Yu has a general interest in motorcycles and will not ride them unless necessary. Driving is obviously more comfortable; while Scathach has shown a strong interest in riding.

After that, she spent at least an hour every day racing in the Kingdom of Shadows.

The castle is not a very suitable scene for racing, but she is able to control the Hellfire Three Thousand freely, riding from the first floor to the top floor, and then landing smoothly from the balcony with a stunt.

Later, I became even more fascinated by the thrill of the flame wheel driving on the city wall. Because of the super performance of the Hellfire, as long as the speed is fast enough, its terrifying grip can even the ceiling.

Scathach, who is in a tight suit and paired with a Will-O-Wisp motorcycle, looks like the best match. In addition, she can also free up one hand to dance with the magic gun, and rely on the magic gun to perform various auxiliary turns and even pole vault... let the motorcycle stuntman After seeing it, you have to call me an expert.

After only three days, she can definitely go to Qiu Ming Mountain to find a high-speed mother-in-law named Sheng Bailian to compete with her skills.

But the interest probably won't last for many days.

Scathach prefers to use his body rather than his mind.

And her physical fitness is really excellent. She has already been able to control it perfectly. There is basically no sport that she cannot control.

Even freehand rock climbing, which is said to be the most dangerous, is nothing to her, because she can't fall to death at all, and she can also double jump, triple jump, and infinite moonwalk.

However, Bai Yu's Xiao Jiujiu still failed.

Even if Scathach is obsessed with stunt motorcycles, it doesn't mean that she has relaxed the quality of education for Bai Yu.

On the contrary, motorcycles are just a hobby, teaching disciples and practicing guns are life.

Her severity has gone up a notch, and from time to time she would use the words Bai Yu said before, 'Master, I want to make progress too much' to teach him a lesson, which made Bai feel a little internally hurt.

Bai Yu was also forced to start rewarding those who worked hard and made rapid progress.

If you are young and don't work hard, you will jump back with sword energy.

Back and forth, many days passed.

Bai Yu calculated that it had been more than half a month since he came to the Kingdom of Shadows, and he missed Sister Shirley and Paige a little. He didn't know what the situation was like on the other side.

On the same day, when Bai Yu returned to the castle hall, he saw Scathach talking with a guest.

The other party did not actually appear in the Kingdom of Shadows, but used an unknown method to project his consciousness.

After seeing Bai Yu come back, the other party ended the visit, smiled at him, and turned to leave.

"That was that just now?"

"Victoria...Queen of Midwinter." Scathach stood up and said: "Every generation of Midwinter emperors will come to see me, and she is also a very special one among them, someone who has the ability and qualifications to spy on the Kingdom of Shadows. Not much."

"Is there something wrong with her?"

"She wants me to give you a holiday. Her birthday is coming soon. You should go back and make some preparations."


"Are you excited?"

"No, no, no, I'm not excited." Bai Yu stood at attention and said, "I was quite excited."

Scathach wanted to say a few words, but after thinking about it, it was normal for young people to be unable to bear loneliness.

And I heard that he also has a fiancée who is in the middle of winter. She may be exhausted after spending so many days in the Kingdom of Shadows.

"Master, there's something wrong with your eyes." Bai Yu said accurately with his sixth sense: "Where are you looking?"

"I think one of the reasons why you can't meditate recently is that you have a lot of anger. You should find a place to release it. Other disciples have had similar problems in the past. If they are not allowed to hug women, they might hug men. In order to avoid problems with my senior brothers, I usually give them some free time, so this time, I agreed to Victoria’s request.”

Scathach said seriously: "I heard that you have a fiancée in the middle of winter. Take the time to get well."

Bai Yu: "?"

Although I am very happy that you agreed, did you misunderstand something?

Also, what happened to something similar before?

Is anyone really going to fuck a guy because he can't find a girlfriend here?

Scathach cupped his cheek: "Why are you looking so confused, incomprehensible, and a little unbelievable? What I said is all the truth."

"Is someone really forced to sell their goods?" Bai Yu was shocked.

"Hmm..." Scathach's expression also became a little more subtle. It wasn't unnatural or contemptuous, but subtle. It seemed commonplace, but it still felt weird.

Bai Yu thought the same thing, here is close to the middle of winter, and Gouzi literature has its solid soil.

"What if you don't have a girlfriend or lover?" Bai Yu asked again: "There must be someone who is single, right?"

"Women are everywhere." The Queen asked strangely: "There are not a few who are willing to spend time with powerful men."

"What a primitive society."

"This is the way the world is." Scathach said calmly: "It is normal for men to want to hug women. There is nothing shameful. Why should they be ashamed to talk about this?"

Bai Yu really couldn't find anything to say to refute. After all, he had never been taught in compulsory education, so he could only change the subject: "Are you too indulgent to your apprentice?"

Scathach closed her eyes, as if she was lost in a long memory. After a while, she opened her eyes.

"What I teach is the skill of the magic spear, not the principles of life."

"In the era that I remember, all the great heroes who left legends were often those with bad personal ethics. They were fickle and violent, lustful and lustful. They were the embodiment of desire and violence, seeking powerful force. Just to realize your own ambitions.”

"In this land of Europe, hero is never a complimentary word, but a neutral word."

"If there is someone who possesses extremely powerful power but maintains noble moral character and humble self-restraint, then he can no longer be called a hero."

"And you can call him a saint."

"How many saints have there been in history? I'm afraid there are only a handful of them."

"Besides, people who are too noble cannot survive. Their ideals will definitely collapse at the end because they underestimate human nature and desires too much."

Scathach walked up to Bai Yu, stared into his eyes, and said: "I don't expect my disciples to become saints. I just hope that when the moment of the end comes, they will not regret the choices they made. "

"Let the merits and demerits be judged by future generations."

"So... is this the reason why you gave me a holiday and persuaded me to go visit Yingchun Tower?" Bai Yu looked at the beautiful old woman with two guns: "It's obvious that everything I said before is useless, but you actually allowed me to fire Italian cannon. "

You didn't approve the serious request for leave, but you approved it directly when I said I was going to visit the imperial brothel.

When Scathach saw Bai Yu reacting so strongly, she seemed to have thought of something, and then asked tentatively: "You haven't hugged me before, have you?"

"……I have!"

Scathach said politely: "If you don't understand, I can teach you."

Bai Yu: "?"

Scathach added: "What I mean is, impart your corresponding knowledge."

"My theoretical knowledge is much richer than yours." Bai Yu waved his hands repeatedly, feeling that if he continued talking, his mentality would be messed up.

In order to prevent the purple-haired old woman from asking the orangutan to act like a virgin again, he corrected it and returned to the original topic: "So how am I going to go back? How many days of leave do you plan to give me in total?"

Scathach stood up and said, "Follow me."

New areas in the Kingdom of Shadows unlocked.

I don’t know exactly how it arrived, but it was a space passage that Scathach directly opened with a magic gun.

"If you want to leave the Kingdom of Shadows, you can only pass through the seven walls."

"I can open a shortcut for you, and you can only go back and forth once."

"After you leave, if you want to come back anytime, you can just decide by yourself."

Scathach raised his hand and drew a rune on the back of Bai Yu's hand.

"Rune runes?" Bai Yu remembered that Scathach was still a mage.

"It's nothing more than a transcendent system that has been lost long ago. With the death of its founder, it gradually declined and was replaced by magic." Scathach has not forgotten his teachings even at this point: "Any transcendent system has its founder. , at the end of this road are usually gods, so they are also called the mysteries of God. By studying the mysteries, you can get the way to practice. This is the origin of the extraordinary system."

"It's just that as the gods die, the mystery will die, and the extraordinary system will also die."

"Rune has no use in this era, so I won't teach you."

Bai Yu nodded.

Immediately, his attention was drawn elsewhere.

He felt a familiar breath.

He had been locked up in the Castle of the Kingdom of Shadows before, and it was the first time he saw the seven walls, which looked like checkpoints set up in the valley.

But Bai Yu counted it again.

"One, two, or eight?"


Bai Yu counted it again and confirmed that it was correct. It was indeed eight sides.

"The last one is not a wall, but a door." Scathach said.

"I understand the truth." Bai Yu pointed to the marks on the seventh wall: "Why are there so many potholes here?"

"That is……"

When Scathach was about to answer, he suddenly paused.

She turned back and looked at the main gate behind the seven walls.

"What a coincidence."

The Queen ordered: "Stay further away."

At the same time as he finished speaking, two magic guns were already held in his palms.

This was the first time Bai Yu saw Scathach in a prepared posture. Although he didn't know what was going to happen next, he subconsciously felt that it was not a simple matter.

Boom boom boom——!

The door began to shake.

The vibration came quickly from far to near.

It's like you're standing on a bridge, and a train is passing by on the cave rails below... No, the vibration is far more intense than that. It's not a train, but a shield machine running rampant, as if there is a drill. Ground worms are tearing apart the mountain walls and chewing up the rocks.

Something was moving through the door.

Although I don’t know what is behind this door, the thing is tearing through the door and is about to come out!

"Turn on."

Scathach spoke ancient words, and the dense carvings on the door lit up. They were clearly runes and runes. There were thousands of intertwined words.

The light lit up, and then the ten-meter-high door opened to both sides. A deep breath blew out of the door that opened suddenly.

Bai Yu stayed away from the main entrance and stood on the side, but he could still feel the strong malice coming towards him.

It is the breath of the shadow world.

Moreover, it was far more intense and profound than any shadow world he had ever experienced.

So what Lyudmila said was true.

This is really another eye of the shadow world.

So, what will be coming out of the shadow world?

Bai Yu stared at the door, highly concentrated, and his soul power spread, wanting to find out.

Similarly, Scathach also took a very serious greeting posture, with two magic guns, one in front and one behind. She stared at the open door with indifferent eyes, waiting for the vibration and roar from the door. of ontology.

About ten seconds later.

The vibration and roar disappeared.


But the risk level has increased to the point where there is nothing more to add.

Just like the magic gun, attacks that cannot be sensed are the most dangerous.

Bai Yu confirmed that he did not blink, and also confirmed that he did not look away at all.

But he also didn't see when the attack came.

In the gap between the tenth and eleventh seconds.

Scathach raised his two guns, and the two magic guns and a jet of black light intertwined with each other, showing a strange three-line interweaving.

The space began to twist and deform at the intersection of the magic gun and the black light, and then collapsed.

A very short time was stretched to an extremely long time, and the three of them looked like a frozen scene, and the next moment the frames were pulled away.

At this time, the sound caused by the collision sounded slowly.

When——! ! !

But this time the collision is over.

Scathach stood on the same spot and did not take a step back, but one of the two Thorn Demonic Spears broke and fell to the left and right.

The black light had been hit by the two guns, shifted its course, and embedded itself in the seventh wall, leaving a hole in the wall.

This is where the seventh wall comes from.


The door to the Kingdom of Shadows slammed shut.

Everything was as if it had never happened, leaving only the broken magic gun and the black light nailed to the wall.

Scathach dropped the broken gun and pulled out the attacking object with flashing black light from the wall.

"Now you see, that's what it is... Every once in a while, something will fly out of the door. I don't know where it comes from. I can only feel that it comes from a strong man. attack."

Scathach exerted a little force, and the black light in her hand gave out sharp resistance under her grip, but in the end she was defeated and was abruptly broken into two pieces. At this time, the dangerous fluctuations remaining on it dissipated.

"Wait a minute." Bai Yu stared at it and said, "I think I know it."

After taking the broken object, the aura made him even more convinced: "I do recognize it."

"This is... Rahu's arrow!"

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