Why do Rahu's arrows appear here?

Bai Yu felt confused and unusual.

Especially since this arrow was shot from inside this door.

Could it be that Rahu was locked up inside?

He scratched his head and really couldn't figure it out.

Even if Scathach is really powerful, he shouldn't have the ability to lock this evil star in, right?

Besides, Luo Hu has never left Daxia.

His purpose in life is to eliminate demons, so he will never leave Daxia.

There is no demon he wants to slay in the West, otherwise the followers of the evil star would have already established branches all over the world to form a team of demon slayers.

But this short arrow does come from Rahu.

Bai Yu refined the Jidu arrows himself, so he had a very deep and vivid memory of Luo Hu. His early bow skills were already mastered by Bai Yu, but he didn't like using bows and arrows, so he never used them.

After telling Scathach the story about Rahu, Scathach thought thoughtfully and said: "This person's realm is thought to be very high. If a seeker can live for more than a thousand years, he or she has already broken through the limit of the bottleneck, or he is We have embarked on an unprecedented new path.”

Bai Yu said: "Maybe it's both... But no one can understand Luo Hu's thoughts. Even the followers of the evil star don't know what he is thinking, and he almost never shows up. You can see him here. I was shocked by the arrows."

Scathach tapped the magic gun with his fingers: "It's really amazing. We have fought each other no less than a hundred times in the air without ever meeting each other. This has almost become one of the joys of my life. If he doesn't... If I shoot again, I will feel a little lonely."

The subtext behind her words was - she really wanted to fight Luo Hu in person.

Scathach is an out-and-out warrior, and martial arts practitioners are inherently evil-minded, strong-willed, and show off their strength, and she has never shied away from this.

The reason why I am more tolerant to my disciples is that I value their potential and hope that they can become stronger and reach their own realm one day... Even if in the end the disciples set their sights on the throne of the Kingdom of Shadows and choose to challenge her to a duel, each other Regardless of the cause and effect of a life-and-death battle, Scathach must also be very happy in the ring.

Scathach is too strong, and has also been restrained by the Kingdom of Shadows for too long. She teaches her disciples not only for hobbies and careers, but also to cultivate more seeds.

When she learned of Rahu's existence, Scathach could not contain her fighting spirit. She looked at the closed door with a look of pity.

She also knew that such an opponent would not come to the Kingdom of Shadows.

She also can't get out or leave.

The queen's expression became slightly lonely.

But for the elderly, emotions come and go quickly. Her expression turned cold and she asked flatly: "When do you plan to go back?"

"Then let's take today." Bai Yu put the broken arrow into the space: "Just give me three days off, waiting for the Queen's birthday."

"Okay..." Scathach picked up a stone, carved a rune on it and threw it to Bai Yu: "When you need to return to the Kingdom of Shadows, crush it."

"Return to the city hearthstone?" Bai Yu said in surprise: "Run runes are so useful? Can you teach me?"

"Okay." Scathach raised his eyes and said, "The prerequisite is that you have reached the state of canonization."


"Because this stone is only used for positioning." The Queen said lightly: "Space teleportation is not that simple. After you crush it, I can sense your position and then pull you back to the Kingdom of Shadows. Of course, you don't have to, After three days of vacation, I will drag you back."

Bai Yu: "..."

This reminded him of a joke. It seemed like America or Ingrid. Someone claimed to have created an artificial intelligence software. It was quite smart. After it was launched, it attracted some attention. Later, the underlying code was stripped and it was found that it was a real-time software. The chat software is backed by a group of Indian curry guys.

Just like this rune traditional stone, it relies basically on artificial intelligence.

Many things look simple on the surface, but the actual internal principles are completely different from what you imagine.

For example, some people can pull out guns from under their cloaks indefinitely. That's because there is a subspace hidden under their cloaks, and there is an entire gun-making factory hidden in the subspace.

Bai Yu thought to himself, what if he deliberately split the space with a knife to slit it in front of everyone's attention, and then quietly crushed the rune stone, and then Scathach used a teleportation to pull him back to the Kingdom of Shadows.

Then, in the eyes of everyone present, he split the space and soared into the sky, becoming a fairy.

Isn't this a great way to increase your fashion value?

He turned around and walked towards the exit. He placed his hand on a black stone. The runes lit up and an exit opened.

"Let's go." Bai Yu waved his hand: "Ghana┏(^0^)┛."

Scathach followed suit and shook his wrist.

Watching the disciple step into the space rift and disappear.

The Kingdom of Shadows immediately became deserted, leaving her standing alone in the wind and snow.

There is quite a sense of loneliness, with snowflakes fluttering and the north wind rustling.

However, bustling is an anomaly for the Kingdom of Shadows.

This country of shadows, where no sunlight shines, sleeps under the ice, snow and aurora. Silence and emptiness are its normal state.

The Queen returned to the castle.

He glanced at the dining table, raised his hand, and told the shadow servant not to prepare today's dinner.

She looked at the throne that had been empty for a long time, walked up the steps after a long absence, and sat down on the cold throne.

The material of the throne is very hard, made entirely of stones. The coldness gradually penetrates into the skin, bone marrow and even the soul like the ice of the Kingdom of Shadows.

Her heartbeat gradually slowed down and her body temperature began to drop.

All emotions quickly calmed down and eventually became a smooth straight line.

Scathach's breathing became even and light.

Just three days.

It only takes a moment to close one's eyes.

She closed her eyes and became assimilated with the throne, just like in the past years.

Abandoned port in midwinter.

A ship passed through the dense night, and quietly anchored in the harbor that had been submerged by the tide in the dead sea.

As the tide recedes, the countertops are revealed, covered in aquatic plants and barnacles.

A figure stepped on the wet ground.

The visitor was wearing a hat and a cloak, with one eye covered by an eyepatch. He was holding a very long wooden stick in his hand, about two and a half meters high. He used it as a cane and made a sound when he knocked it on the ground. The dull echo of steel slamming against concrete.

"Midwinter, it's been such a long time. The last time I came back here... was more than one hundred and seventy years ago."

Under the hat is a weathered face, and you can tell he is an old man at a glance.

Vicissitudes of life but no aging.

He took off his hat, revealing a head of silver-white hair. One eye was missing, but it did not affect his distinctive temperament at all.

After leaving the boat, there were already several people waiting on the shore.

Seeing the old man appear, one of them hurriedly stepped forward to greet him: "Mr. Xiu, I've been waiting for you to come."

The gray-haired old man called Xiu just glanced at the people in front of him.

Just by looking at him, he felt a strong sense of oppression out of thin air, like a huge stone falling on his shoulders.

"The Star Palace has also declined. At this point, we can only manage to gather so many people."

"It seems that the Outer Gods have not paid much attention to you in recent years, and their influence has decreased instead of increasing. They have also lost a lot of the wealth they have accumulated over the past few hundred years."

There was a bit of contempt in Xiu Dian's comment: "We can't even get a few decent saints, they are all fake saints."

The few in front are all masters in the Star Palace, and they are considered to be particularly capable of fighting among the Outer God Apostles.

But in this old man's comments, it seems that it is not worth mentioning at all.

Such arrogant words did not arouse dissatisfaction...

Because this Mr. Xiu is qualified to say this.

He was once the absolute overlord who dominated an era.

In the name of cultivation, he has left a mark in history.

But no matter how powerful a person is in history, he will be forgotten and obliterated by time, and the same is true for someone as powerful as a saint.

More than two hundred years have passed, and the absolute hegemon that once suppressed Europa has been forgotten in the corner of history, covered in the dust of history.

All the people who witnessed the great deeds back then are dead.

Xiu disappeared for two hundred years and became a person forgotten by history.

Just like on the list of the top ten evils in Daxia, many generations can see Luo Hu and Penglai Island Master at the top of the list, but they may forget how many generations the other nine names have rotated.

The memory of an era belongs to a generation, and when a generation leaves, the memory will be erased.

Xiu is the person who failed to become the Lord of Rahu and Penglai Island.

Although he is canonized, it seems that he no longer exists.

This kind of person will either disappear without a trace; or he will turn into a bolt of lightning amidst the roar of return.

Either light up the world and crush the darkness, or tear the world apart and leave a scar as a trace of your past.

These people are the most dangerous.

Because they have once reached the peak, they are often not willing to disappear easily, and will try every means to retain themselves. If this is not possible, then do a grand event to at least let the world remember themselves.

Think about how the dark turmoil came about. Wasn't it caused by a group of great emperors who were unwilling to dissipate?

Xiu returned to the starting point of Midwinter, and what greeted him was the Star Palace, an organization of believers in the outer gods.

This is no longer a hint, but a clear indication that a dangerous storm is brewing, which may be enough to engulf the entire midwinter island.

"Those of us are able to share the road to heaven because of God's love and respect. Naturally, we are not as good as Mr. Xiu, a genius who created his own way to heaven." The Star Palace envoy was quite polite and careful: "But since you Now that we are here, we should discuss it.”

"I won't take action until I see Scathach."

He glanced at the main players in the Star Palace, casually walked past them, and said calmly: "You can just act according to your own plan. I just want to see the most powerful gun in the world."

Another Star Palace envoy asked: "Mr. Xiu, are you really sure you can deal with Scathach?"

"If I'm not sure, then you come?" the old man asked coldly.

"..." The Star Palace Envoy knew that even if several of them combined were no match for Scathach.

"I have lived for a long time, and I can't find a direction to improve if I continue. The only way is to seek the way and turn to the king's way. However, there are only a few thrones. If you want to sit on it, you have to kick off the people on it. You need to use force to get there. fight.”

"If I want to fight for this position, I will naturally do my best, otherwise I will die in her hands."

"I'm different from you. I have no way out and no time."

The old man seemed to have buried himself in the darkness, leaving only his voice echoing.

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