Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 88 I was wrong, I will dare again next time

A gentleman?

Zhou Liu thought about who hung the shepherd's body on the tree.

I also considered who saved the lives of a total of thirty-seven students.

She had done a lot of psychological portraits, but... the one in front of her was beyond her preset range.

A messenger of justice who dares to use lynching is often quite extreme and contradictory. On the one hand, they have the power and urgently need justice, but on the other hand, they are unwilling to believe in the existing justice order... Such people often have weird personality formations. .

The simplest example is... Superman and Batman.

The former's strength and growth experience determine that he only fights crime but will not kill people; while the latter's growth experience determines that he only believes in his own investigation results... and extremes such as Bruce Wayne will not kill anyone.

But the man in front of me does.

But his appearance is completely different from the kind of dark night hero who wants to uphold justice. He is more gentleman and more rational.

This made Zhou Liu begin to question whether there was something wrong with his psychological profiling?

"You are……"

"Yes, I am." Bai Yu nodded and admitted, "I am the person you are looking for."

"How do you prove that?"

"Do you need me to read aloud the contents of your letter?"

"...So it turns out that Su Ruoli had some contact with you?"

"You misunderstood. I am not familiar with that little girl and have nothing to do with her. It is just because she is of heroic blood. It would be a pity if she died here." Bai Yu denied.

"Then what you did before was all based on a whim?"

"Not entirely. The reason why I want to deal with Shepherd and Rose Girl is because I have some personal enmity with them. It's okay to borrow official power." Bai Yu smiled: "Do you think I'm despicable?"

"I think you are very smart, and I also think you are very..."

"Stupid? Arrogant?"

"It's self-confidence." Zhou Liu corrected: "You just showed up so openly, didn't you put on a little disguise?"

"Only cowards need to disguise." Bai Yu said.

"You are really confident."

"No, I mean... I'm a coward." Bai Yu smiled: "So I've already disguised myself, you can't tell."

If the water is clear, there will be no fish.

Zhou Liu was speechless for a moment.

Bai Yu conjured a can of coffee out of nowhere: "Tell me the reason why you came to see me. Or should we meet in private? What kind of shady thing is this?"

"Don't make it sound like I'm committing a crime." Zhou Liu straightened his back and said, "I'm also the captain of Chang Yesi, so I don't do anything illegal."

"So you are going to let me do these things?" Bai Yu whistled: "Yes, this flexible moral bottom line is very popular with me, and we have a common language."

Zhou Liu said expressionlessly: "I just know that some things... cannot be easily achieved within the rules, and even... cannot protect the people I want to protect."

"Humph." Bai Yu took a sip of coffee and snorted softly: "It seems that this matter has something to do with the Ruan family."

"Yes." Zhou Liu said: "It seems that you have also investigated my background, so I have skipped the trouble and don't need to say anything more."

Bai Yu thought... Then you'd better say a few more words. After all, I know nothing about Ruan Qingxue except that he was kidnapped.

Seeing that the other party did not reply, Zhou Liu began to talk to himself: "Do you know Daosheng Group? A group capital established based on real estate and water transportation... Its current status is the status of the Ruan family seven years ago. Years ago, the Ruan family suffered an accident, which resulted in the mysterious deaths of the head of the Ruan family and a large number of core employees in a gas explosion in their prime. This incident directly led to the decline of the Ruan family, and the foundation it left behind became After several years of competition, it was the newly formed Daosheng Group that finally captured its base."

Bai Yu took a sip of apple-flavored coffee: "So you mean... there is something fishy about the death of the Ruan family?"


"Didn't Chang Yesi investigate it back then?"

Zhou Liu sneered: "Seven years ago, Nanling officials were experiencing a major earthquake... Serious dereliction of duty and large-scale intelligence leaks occurred within the Chang Yesi Division. Faction fights, arrests of moles, and even bloodshed occurred. They killed each other, and finally even discovered the believers of the ancient gods. With the intervention of the judges of Yama Luosi and the central governor, a great purge came. Not to mention the number of people, at least the jails were full... Even after seven years Now, Nanling Changyesi still hasn't recovered his strength, otherwise how could I, a second-level transcendent, be allowed to sit in the position of captain?"

She ridiculed: "At the beginning, Chang Yesi was like this. How could he have time to manage the market situation... Although the situation stabilized a few years later, Daosheng Group had become a new leading company by then, and many of the past information had been There was no way to verify it, and a lot of black material was covered up as the previous one came in.”

Bai Yu continued to ask: "I understand the cause and effect, but the Ruan family has fallen, why are they still being targeted?"

"I don't know the specifics, but Ruan Qingxue's kidnapping today must be related to the Daosheng Group." Zhou Liu clenched his fists: "The murderer is dead, and there is no evidence to prove it. No evidence can be found."

This is not my fault.

Bai Yu thought that it was impossible to hold back in that situation. If the opponent was directly demonized, he would lose his rationality and there would be no way to torture him... Neither could the memory master. If the memory master probed the memory of the human demon, he would also be infected by the demonic energy.

"So, what do you want me to do? I am not an executioner or a bald killer with a QR code carved on the back of my head. I will not do anything like assassination."

Bai Yu thought for a while and added: "Unless you can prove that the other party is really guilty and deserves death, doesn't matter, I will take action!"

Mr. Ren Xia silently gave a thumbs up.

"I need clues and evidence." Zhou Liu said seriously: "If possible, I still hope to use clues and evidence to bring the other party to justice!"

"Evidence obtained through illegal means is invalid." Bai Yu remembered such an article in the criminal law.

"But evidence is evidence, as long as the evidence is objective and powerful enough..."

"Strong and powerful?" Bai Yu drank the coffee in his hand and threw it away with his bare hands. His advanced precision talent allowed him to accurately throw it into the trash can from dozens of meters away: "You are more naive than I thought. ...But having a single-minded person like you is not necessarily a bad thing."

"What are you going to do?"

"I understand the situation, and I have my own thoughts on the specifics." Bai Yu stood up: "You tell me the situation, and the enemy also tells me. What I do next is my freedom."

"Are you going to use lynching again?"

"Normally I won't kill you."

"That's good."

"Unless you can't help it."

"Your guarantee is the same as no guarantee!" Zhou Liu was anxious.

"There's nothing you can do about it, because you know...sometimes justice will be late. In order for it to be able to catch up with the cleaning even if it's late, someone has to be one step ahead of it."

Bai Yu's tone was light, but every word he said was solemn: "Xia uses force to break the ban. I was wrong, but I will dare next time."

With that said, he stood up and walked away.

Zhou Liu pressed the table and asked: "Wait, you haven't told me your contact information... and what's your name?"

"I will come to you if necessary... As for my name?" Bai Yu waved his hand without looking back: "It's just a passing thug in a suit, don't worry about it."

Turning the corner, the figure was gone.

Zhou Liu did not catch up, perhaps because he realized that it would be useless to catch up.

She put her right hand on her heart, then clenched it, then loosened it, and then clenched it again, muttering to herself: "I should...have done nothing wrong, but this is all I can do."

She really couldn't watch the Ruan brothers and sisters step into danger and remain indifferent. Even if she did something wrong, it would be better than doing nothing.

Sometimes it's better to be flexible than to stick to a rut.

Even though she comforted herself like this, she still felt that the principles she had always adhered to were cracked. She was no longer as flawless as she was yesterday. The broken cracks reflected a more selfish and cowardly self.

A tired sigh sounded from deep in the street corner.

On the outskirts of Nanling City, there is a landscape-style garden villa near the river.

In the hall, a man with a big belly stretched out his hand and hugged another young man who had just been released from Changyesi.

The two look very similar.

"You are finally back, after three years of absence, brother."

The pot-bellied man was very happy. He narrowed his eyes when he smiled, and the fat on his neck trembled.

"Brother... you should lose weight." The young man touched the other person's belly: "How can you tell that we are twins?"

"Hahaha, it's okay. Your brother and I have eaten a lot since I was a child. They say I was born from a glutton. Being able to eat is a blessing, and having a good appetite is a good thing." The man patted his belly and laughed: "I originally planned to give it to you. It's a good time to catch up with the wind and wash away the dust, but I have to wrong you. Only brother will cook for you tonight."

"It's okay, identity cannot be seen in the light." Zhuang Sheng shook his head.

"Hey, you are also running around for us brothers." Zhuang Dao sighed, patted his brother on the shoulder, and looked at the black bow on the other's shoulder: "You can't see the light all day long, sleeping in the open... It's really hard for you. ”

"I'm used to it, and it's good to travel around... But it's not hard at all just to kill a few people on my behalf." Zhuang Sheng said nonchalantly: "But brother, you haven't had a good life in recent years. Ah, the business seems to have stopped expanding."

Zhuang Dao shook his head, and when he mentioned this matter, his face was full of bad luck and gloom: "It can't be expanded... Ever since that Zhou Liu took office as the captain of Chang Yesi, he has been staring at our Daosheng Group... because of her Because of her, many businesses in gray areas cannot be touched. Naturally, the economic boom is not booming. The development of the land that was previously obtained at low prices has also been disturbed by her in various names, and it is stuck in our necks - recently there was a There is a big business to be done, otherwise I would not be in a hurry to call you here. There is a piece of land that has subsided a few years ago, but has recently floated up. It is a good piece of land, and more importantly, we can carry out in-depth development of this piece of Hu Zhongtian. , but the land is still in the hands of the Ruan family. The mad dog of the Ruan family refuses to let go. I have come many times overtly and covertly, but I can't get him to agree. This man is obviously going to beg for food, but he still goes there. Stubborn."

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"Just follow the same practices as in the past. It's very common for followers of Evil Star to shoot human beings... The official can't find anyone and can't hold them accountable. Nanling Changyesi, hum! Even they don't dare to bear the responsibility of fighting Evil Star." Risk of all-out war among followers.”

"So, just let him die?" Zhuang Sheng took a sip of beer.

"It's best to let him sign. If he cooperates, it's not impossible to let him go, lest that bitch surnamed Zhou jumps over the wall."

"I understand." Zhuang Sheng burped while leaning on the sofa, and then lowered his voice: "Speaking of which, my master is coming to Nanling soon. We have to be careful and not be too ostentatious. If he knows that we are working with a demon, If he's involved...he'll kill us."

"He still owes us a condition." Zhuang Dao laughed without hesitation: "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

The little eyes covered by fat narrowed, and his tone was fierce: "What I want to do this time is a big business. When it succeeds, you don't have to follow those crazy followers anymore, and we won't be controlled by others. , it’s time to turn over!”

The two clinked glasses and drank, happily thinking about the good things in the future.

"By the way, brother." Zhuang Sheng put down his wine glass and said, "Didn't I speed and almost hit someone on the way here?"

"Hey, I'll take care of all the little things for you. It's just a matter of spending some money."

"It's not the problem, it's the place where I hit the person." Zhuang Sheng whispered: "It's right there. I saw Qin Xue taking a bath yesterday."

"...Who are you talking about?" The smell of alcohol on Zhuang Dao's face immediately dissipated: "Isn't she dead? The body has been cremated!"

"I wasn't sure, so I shot her with an arrow... and then I confirmed that she probably joined Yama Luosi." Zhuang Sheng made a guess: "Only Yan Luosi can prove why she didn't die... But she took the initiative I'm afraid I'm here to investigate what happened back then."

"Humph...! What happened back then? She died in an unknown way back then, and later she was made trouble by that crazy woman Su Ruoji. Humph! It wasn't all she who caused us to be..." Zhuang Dao slapped him hard. The table became angry, and immediately sneered: "Okay, this revenge must be avenged! Even if she survives, she will have to teach her to die again!"

Zhuang Sheng agreed: "Don't worry, brother, she was hit by my demon-killing arrow. She will have to shed her skin even if she doesn't die. She won't be able to appear again in a short time. She should have returned to Yanluosi to cultivate. If she still dares to show up, , she will never come back!"

On the way home.

"Zhuang Dao..." Qin Xuezhao read these two names.

"Chairman of Daosheng Group, what's wrong with this guy? Do you know him?"

Qin Xuezhao spoke firmly: "He is my classmate and one of the seven murderers who may have murdered me."

"Seven? Do you have too many enemies? Is it enough to have all the sharks?"

"No, we are law-abiding citizens. Revenge against the Shark Man requires evidence."


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