Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 89 The world is miserable

Ruan Qingshan, twenty-eight years old, is the eldest son in the family.

He was playful when he was young, and he was a kid from a rich family who hung out all day long because of the money at home. He was drunk now and drunk the next, and he didn't care what others said. He was often scolded by his parents for being unable to support himself.

So his parents opened a trumpet while they were still young, and his sister Ruan Qingxue, who was eleven years younger than him, was born.

After his sister was born, Ruan Qingshan felt very uncomfortable at first, feeling like an outsider and being excluded.

At first, he didn't like this sister very much. Because the age difference was more than ten years, the relationship between brother and sister was very ordinary.

Until something happened to the family later, only two children who went out to visit relatives survived.

In the first three months, Ruan Qingshan was completely unable to accept such a huge change. He still tried to numb himself with alcohol and tried to return to the circle of the young master. At first, there was no change, but as he became strapped for money, he lost his former self. He acted generously, but instead he was heavily in debt, looked down upon, even belittled and kicked. In the end, it even evolved into a game where one beating would reduce the debt by 10,000 yuan.

Under this situation, Ruan Qingxue still took care of him patiently, studying during the day, working part-time the rest of the time, and working odd jobs at night until late at night.

One night, Ruan Qingshan saw the debt collector finding them. He hid in the bedroom and did not dare to go out. Ruan Qingxue bowed her head in the living room and apologized, but was slapped by the angry debt collector.

Seeing the scene where his sister was bleeding from the corner of her mouth, he realized how absurd, decadent and weak he had been in the past.

So he rushed out and started fighting with the person who did it.

That is, after that night, Ruan Qingshan completely abandoned his past self, persuaded Ruan Qingxue who wanted to drop out of school, and seriously told her that after he came to support the family, she must study hard, and then take back everything that belonged to the Ruan family... … He knew there was nothing he could do, but fortunately he was still strong and could sell some of his strength to make money.

After that, people who went out early and came back late became Ruan Qingshan. Occasionally, he had to go to nightclubs in order to work. He even left Nanling for a short time and followed the ship to unload downstream... When Ruan Qingxue had an accident before, he went out with the ship for three full weeks. Time, there is no way to make it back in time.

In this way, seven years passed.

He has also changed from the handsome young man in the past to a middle-aged man. Although he is only twenty-eight, he has already experienced many vicissitudes of life.

Although he wanted to find a stable job, his past was shady. Once he found out that he was a dishonest person subject to execution, no company dared to hire him, so he could only do some manual labor with a daily salary.

Life was a bit hard, and all his savings were used to pay off debts, but Ruan Qingshan was reluctant to let his sister suffer. He felt guilty for how ridiculous the past was, and he wished he could make up for everything.

After the morning's moving work was over, he had time to take a breath and wiped the hot sweat from his forehead with his wrist. The weather had become very hot since May.

"Qingshan, come here."

"Come on." Ruan Qingshan held his waist and walked over: "What's the matter, boss."

"This is today's salary."

"But I'm not done yet."

"Just a little bit of work in the afternoon, I can handle it myself after that."

"But the daily income is one hundred and two. Isn't two hundred here a bit much?"

"Just think of me as apologizing to you." The boss wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "You don't need to come here anymore."

After saying this, the boss thought he was going to make a few remarks, but unexpectedly Ruan Qingshan just showed a accustomed expression: "Okay, thank you for taking care of me, boss."

"Hey, I don't want to... The main supplier is putting pressure on me. What can I, a channel dealer, do?" The boss sighed. He didn't mind Ruan Qingshan's past. He knew that he was practical and willing. Just do it, but how dare a small channel dealer go against Daosheng Group?

Ruan Qingshan smiled and said nothing. He was used to it... He had been working for seven years and struggled to walk at the bottom of society. He already knew that there were still many kind-hearted people in the society. Many industries had their own unspoken rules. Many times, I can't go on, just because my arms can't twist my thighs.

"There is also this, you can take it back too." The boss pointed to the remaining half box of glass soda: "These are about to expire, so if you take them away, you can help me deal with them."

He also noticed that Ruan Qingshan was looking at soda drinks when he was moving goods. He wanted to buy a bottle to try, but he was reluctant.

He also had to pay off his debts and save money for his sister to go to college, so naturally he was reluctant to spend money on such verbal enjoyment.

Ruan Qingshan picked up the soda and noticed that the shelf life was at least a month away. Without saying anything, he bowed, picked up the box and left.

Riding an old but still exciting Phoenix bicycle, Ruan Qingshan was in a good mood despite being fired.

He returned home, put half a box of orange soda in the mini-fridge, and made a call.

The agency will introduce him to the next job. If it doesn't work, he can only go to the job market and work there for a while.

"Hey, Brother Wang, it's me. I've been working recently..."

The call was put through.

Ruan Qingshan came to a barbecue stall on the outskirts of the city in the evening. When he smelled the smell of meat, his mouth filled with saliva.

The intermediary brother Wang stood up and called him over. He didn't doubt it at all. He had cooperated with him many times in the past.

But this was the first time I saw him being so generous, offering to pour him wine and treat him to meat... Brother Wang's financial situation was also not good, and his daughter was also said to be sick and had to take expensive medicine every day.

Ruan Qingshan didn't think much about it, because he was also hungry. There was no reason not to eat wine and meat. The aroma penetrated his nose. If he had to spend money, he probably wouldn't be able to bear it, but it was free... …

After taking the first bite, I couldn't stop. The two of them pushed each other to exchange cups.

When they were almost done eating, Brother Wang put down his wine glass and said drunkenly: "Yesterday... someone found me and made me an offer."

Ruan Qingshan asked with a blushing face: "Conditions? Hiccup, what, conditions?"

"He asked me to convince you that if you sign this thing... you can find someone to treat the disease and save my daughter. A major operation costs this amount." He raised five fingers: "I can't even afford to sell it... …But the other party said that as long as they convince you, it’s free.”

After hearing this, Ruan Qingshan suddenly became more conscious. He was silent for a while and said: "I can't help you with this matter. I'm sorry, Brother Wang - after signing the treaty, I'm sorry for my dead parents."

"You have to live a good life now, right?" Brother Wang said with a bitter smile: "Look at you now, you are living like no one."

After hearing this, Ruan Qingshan smiled: "That's wrong, Brother Wang... I can only live like a human being now."

He stood up and said, "Thank you for inviting me to dinner."

After Ruan Qingshan walked away, Brother Wang stood up, paid and left. He walked towards an alley and knelt down in front of one after walking a few steps.

"I've already taken care of the matter, can you let my daughter go?"

There was a silhouette deep in the alleyway, and a deep voice sounded.

"I will keep my promise. Your daughter will receive a charitable donation and her illness will be cured."

Brother Wang kowtowed: "Thank you, thank you..."

"You're welcome."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dagger shot out and cut his neck. Blood spurted out immediately. The man fell to the ground, clutching his throat, his eyes widened, and his breath was cut off.

After returning home, Ruan Qingshan began to feel that something was wrong with him.

He felt intense heat all over his body.

He thought it was caused by drinking, so he took a cold shower.

But it was getting hotter and hotter, as if there was a fire burning in my chest, burning the flesh fiercely.

At the same time, he also heard bowel sounds coming from his abdomen.

Gulu gulu...

He had clearly eaten a lot just now, but now he felt extremely hungry.

He opened the refrigerator, looked for food to devour, took out the scraps of bread and stuffed them into his mouth, but the more he ate, the hungrier he became and he couldn't eat enough at all.

Even if he ate the fresh meat he just bought, he still felt it was not enough, but the smell of blood remaining on the fresh meat made him feel extremely sweet.

He licked the plate clean.

But suddenly he came to his senses and realized that he was behaving like a wild beast drinking blood.

When rationality returned, his stomach was churning. He ran to the edge of the pool, opened his mouth, and vomited out raw meat with blood.

But after vomiting, he felt strong hunger again, eager for new flesh and blood.

The strong sense of conflict caused him to slap his face crazily one after another and hit his head against the wall, trying to use pain to awaken his rationality.

During this violent struggle, he came to the door and saw himself in the mirror hanging on the wall.

The teeth are sharp, the eyes are red, the arms are covered with black hair, the skin of the half-naked body is blue, and the facial features are somewhat deformed and hideous...


Ruan Qingshan took a few steps back in fear, and the huge force knocked over the tables and chairs. He broke the mirror, and the mirror fragments cut his palms, and blood was everywhere on the ground.

At this moment, there was a sound outside the door.

"Brother, I'm back...huh? Why isn't the door closed?"

Ruan Qingxue's voice sounded. She had arrived at the door and quickly realized something was wrong.

The door was not closed, the lights were not turned on, and there was a slight smell of blood in the air, accompanied by the sound of collision.

Got robbed?

Or are thugs hired by Daosheng Group coming?

She was so excited that she immediately slapped her palms on the wall and turned on the lights. The incandescent lights illuminated the room.

Ruan Qingxue held her breath immediately, and her eyes clearly reflected a human demon with blood on its face and the mess in the house.

Fear and panic made her subconsciously take a step back. The next moment, overwhelming anger surged inside her. She looked at the human demon and suppressed her fear without taking a step back.

"What did you do to my brother!"

Outside the dilapidated old house, the man carrying a black bow raised his eyes and made a call.

"Everything is as preset... As long as the Ruan brothers and sisters kill each other and die, they will naturally die without evidence."

The phone hangs up.

The man in a dark cloak had a deep voice. He stood under the streetlight, exposing his bloody gums, and pulled the bowstring slightly with his fingers.

"'s time to get rid of the demon."

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