Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 911: Bai Shen, we respect your teeth! (9k2)

Penglai Throne Hall.

A row of chairs formed a circle, with no wooden table in the middle. One person sat on each chair, for a total of nine people.

They were the highest authority of the college, composed of the deans and vice deans of the five colleges of Penglai College, referred to as the Board of Directors.

During the period when the owner of Penglai Island was not actually in charge of politics, the Board of Directors took over all the power and managed it secretly.

The reason why the Board of Directors remained silent this time was because the Board of Directors had actually been under the control of Wu Lianyue.

This was also an inevitable fact.

After all, the rules were set by the strong. If he was unwilling to abide by the rules, the so-called rules would no longer be rules, but a pile of waste paper.

Wu Lianyue made such a huge commotion on Penglai Island this time, but the five colleges remained silent. Not only were they restricted, but they were also waiting for which side to win.

Whoever wins, they will help.

Since Wu Lianyue himself was the dean of Yuling College, now that he is dead, there is only one vice dean left to take up his position concurrently, and the nine people on the scene are not considered full.

One position belongs to Bai Potian and one belongs to Bai Yu, so there are seven people here in total.

Among the nine people, the vice president of Tiandi College has been suppressed by Bai Potian because he was found to be a die-hard supporter of Wu Lianyue.

After Wu Lianyue was defeated and died, he still tried to make trouble, but it was useless before the new Penglai Island Master who inherited the throne.

The dean of Tiandi College was unlucky and was dragged into it. After the conflict between the two sides, he was stabbed in the back by the vice president and was seriously injured. He is currently recuperating.

Bai Potian sat on the main seat, crossed his legs, and looked casual.

The deans and vice presidents around him were either silent or looked at each other.

There was a little bit of pain in their expressions.

These people have been in Penglai College for most of their lives. Their lives have long been tied to this place. Their social status has long been firmly tied to their current positions. The interest groups of faculty and staff are closely related to Penglai College itself.

Penglai Island has a unique environment that is unique in the world. As long as it exists, it will definitely be the focus of the world of extraordinary people.

The members of this group of school board members actually don’t ask for much, just to try their best to keep their power and status and complete a "peaceful" handover.

Everyone knows Wu Lianyue’s ambition, but they have no ability to stop it, let alone jump out to sing a different tune, so they all thought it was just a performance at first, and Wu Lianyue would definitely inherit the position of Penglai Island Master without any danger.

They were also prepared to welcome the new king. Who would have thought that it was not Wu Lianyue who sat here in the end, but Bai Potian

Who would have thought in advance that after the previous Penglai Island Master was gone, Bai Potian would inherit the position.

This is very annoying. After all, most people here have no intersection with Bai Potian and have never dealt with him. They only know him from hearsay, not to mention that they have established any consensus with each other. However, such a person has inherited the position of Penglai Island Master and holds the power of life and death over Penglai Academy...

It can be said that when the Penglai Island Master came to the fore, the board of directors was already dead in name only.

Therefore, this meeting is more of a one-sided announcement than a meeting.

The announcement came from the Bai family.

And the fact that made these board members feel powerless is still to come.

That is, they have to face more than just Bai Potian.

Even Bai Potian does not have absolute control over this matter.

Because he got the position of Penglai Island Master for nothing.

Originally, there was Wu Lianyue, the second of the Ten Evils, and Bai Potian would never have the opportunity to inherit his position even if he got Wu Penglai's internal appointment.

The person who personally delivered this huge bargain to Bai Potian was...

Da Da Da...

Footsteps sounded in the empty throne room, the clear sound was full of rhythm, and everyone in the board of directors saluted and looked in the direction of the sound source.

The young man approached from afar, wearing a white shirt, a navy windbreaker on his shoulders, coffee-colored trousers and white canvas flat shoes on his lower body. There were no extra pendants or decorations on his body, and his clean short hair gave people a sense of peace like a spring breeze.

Bai Yu walked into the meeting room in a completely natural manner. He walked to the only vacant seat in the room without looking around, and sat down calmly: "Sorry, I was a little delayed."

He slightly changed his sitting posture, leaned forward, pressed his right leg on his left leg, put his elbows on the armrests, and placed his fingers five centimeters in front of his face, and said lightly: "The meeting can start."

Generally speaking, in this group of people with an average age of more than 70, a young man in his early twenties should not have the right to speak, but he was just right to host this meeting.

A person's achievements cannot be judged by age, but by his own ability. If the record is converted into merits, perhaps Bai Yu's black windbreaker will have too many merits to hang, just like dragon scales reflecting bright flashes from all angles.

No one will regard him as a young man who has just started out.

The school board members present were just a little dazed... After all, most of them had paid attention to Bai Yu when he became famous, and all the information about him had been placed on their desks.

When he first entered Penglai, he was just an ordinary student, seemingly unremarkable, and most of his attention actually came from his excellent relationship with the opposite sex; but as time went by, After this young man walked out of Penglai Academy, he was like a dragon returning to the sea, and he made a great name in the capital. And after he walked out of the country, no one knew what he had gone through. They only knew that he had already possessed what he had after returning. He has the strength and record to kill the Ten Evils head-on.

In just three years, we have completed a journey that many people would never complete in a lifetime.

Therefore, they, a group of old academics who have spent most of their lives in Penglai Academy, should show enough respect to this young man.

This time, that time.

Three years ago, young and promising graduates, even Haoyue and Jiaoyang, had to report to the school board of directors and meet with everyone on the school board of directors... At that time, they had huge resources and extremely high status. It can bump a person higher or make him fall worse.

But now, it was their turn to put away their eyes like dissecting prey and come to meet Peng's new king.

Even though Bai Yu didn't show any hostility, let alone any pressure from the holy way, invisible pressure was already filling the air.

The feeling of not being able to control one's life or death is like having a chain tied around one's neck, and the chain is in the opponent's hand... Even if one knows that Bai Yu's information states that he is a gangster and a gentleman, and will never be bloodthirsty or indiscriminate, But who is willing to bet on whether his character has changed?

The seven people present did not dare to speak rashly, for fear of offending the other party by being abrupt, and this offense might require blood to wash away.

"Is there no one to start the meeting?" Bai Yu looked at the time and said, "I only have forty-five minutes."

"I'll go first." The dean of Chuanwu Academy spoke first: "The current situation at Penglai Academy..."

The school board of directors is making a report to the grandfather and grandson of the Bai family.

The round of reporting took twenty-five minutes.

At present, Penglai College does not have any major problems. It is a fact that Wu Lianyue’s death left Yuling College without a leader, and it is also a fact that Tiandi College fell into civil strife. However, these problems are not difficult to solve, but people here do not dare to exceed their authority and cannot rashly put themselves reach out to other colleges.

In the past, it was Wu Lianyue who was responsible for handling it, but now the people in charge have become Bai Potian and Bai Yu... Just as the chief assistant has left and been replaced by Mr. Ge and Mr. Xiaoge, their opinions will decide what will happen next. Go down the direction of the college.

Bai Yu glanced in Bai Potian's direction. Regarding management matters, Bai Potian was far more experienced than him. Donghuang Group's internal management was quite good, and he was a complete layman in this matter.

Besides, Bai Potian is the owner of Penglai Island, and it makes sense for him to settle here in the future and take over the management himself.

So he didn't speak for most of the meeting, just silently observing.

When the meeting was about to end, the dean of the Refining Academy asked: "Currently, people in the academy are panicked and everyone is in danger, because the canonization battle in the past few days was witnessed by too many people, and it also brought a lot of trouble to the academy. There have been some losses, and rumors are flying all over the place. Although it has been suppressed now, an announcement is still needed. The ground handling department is ready at any time, but the promotional copy is not ready yet. I wonder what the island owner means? "

Bai Potian looked at Bai Yu: "Yu Jing, what do you think?"

"Be honest and honest." Bai Yu said calmly: "There is nothing to hide, just let the facts be as they are... The dean of Yuling College colluded with Tai Sui and Ba Zhe. You can write about it. You can also publish about my participation in the war and related details. If you need it, even We can hold a press conference to tell everyone that Penglai College has changed its leadership.”

"Is this too radical and high-profile? With all due respect, being in the limelight like this is not necessarily a good thing."

"But it may not be a bad thing." Bai Yu said lightly: "Special treatment in special times, you will naturally understand in the future."

The meeting was over, and everyone in the school board of directors got their work arrangements and dispersed with peace of mind for the time being.

"If it weren't for a special period, who would be willing to put themselves on the fire? But the only person who can carry the banner at this time is me."

Bai Yu sighed to himself, stood up and said, "The matter here is settled, I have to go to Yanjing."

Bai Potian nodded: "Say hello to your mother for me...and don't embarrass your biological father too much."

"How can I have time to look for his bad luck?" Bai Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then asked: "What will Penglai do next?"

"Augustus has returned to Rome, and the old monk has gone to Buddhism. They will also be prepared. No one can survive this catastrophe of civilization, so I will take over the highest power here as soon as possible and Start preparing for the war. No one knows how much time there is, so we can’t afford to waste a moment.”

"I'm afraid I'll encounter a lot of resistance, right?" Bai Yu sighed: "Not everyone will believe the facts I foresee."

Bai Potian sneered: "Even if they are unwilling, I will tie them to the warship."

"In the past, Penglai Academy was too isolated overseas and lacked communication. Now it has to return to its original position. It has not raised so many extraordinary people just to let them die. There is a saying in Daxia -"

"Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world!"

Bai Potian said in a deep voice: "Since a battle with the Demon Ancestor and the Outer Gods is inevitable, all available manpower and material resources must be mobilized... After all, only those who live to the end are qualified to evaluate the rights and wrongs of history. And what we have to do is not to let the civilization of Earth Star become history!”

From Penglai Island to the capital, it only takes half an hour at the speed of canonization.

If you use all your strength to speed up, you can even go faster.

The person in charge of driving was none other than Huang Qixia... She also had to go with Bai Yu to meet the man from Zhonghu during this trip. There were some things that needed to be made clear.

Moreover, the speed of the sword master is indeed very fast. With Huang Qixia's control of the sword energy, it is not difficult to reach the capital quickly even if she brings a whole train of people with her.

She condensed a ten-meter-wide sword energy under her feet and drove it towards the capital. From below, it looked like a missile speeding across the sky.

Such a spacious sword energy is composed of countless small swords.

Bai Yu looked down at the clouds flowing below in mid-air, with a slightly nostalgic look in his eyes. He said: "I still remember that the first time I went to Beijing was only two years ago. At that time, I took a plane with my classmates. During the exchange meeting between Penglai College and Shouwang Academy, we encountered a hijacking incident by the lackeys of the Outer Gods. I almost suffered internal injuries in order to make the plane make an emergency landing. "

The four girls around him listened attentively when Bai Yu talked about the past.

It's just that they can't empathize with it because they are not involved.

Bai Yu stood on the speeding sword energy and raised his hand to grab a cloud... Before he first became a transcendent, he looked at the sky countless times, looking forward to one day being able to fly into the sky and pick clouds and play in the clouds. Now he has After reaching this state, the carefree state of mind was no longer there.

A pair of hands held his shoulders, squeezing them gently.

"If you are tired, you can lie down and rest for a while." Amemiya Mahiru's gentle voice came from behind: "You can slow down a little. Even if there is something big, don't rush for a while. It's just right. I also want to see Daxia The scenery of mountains and rivers is something I have never seen before.”

With a thought in Huang Qixia's mind, her speed began to slow down at a steady pace.

Bai Yu didn't refuse this kindness. He simply sat down, then leaned back and lay on Mahiru's lap pillow.

Waking up to dominate the world, being drunk and lying on the lap of a beautiful woman...the two things that are most in line with a man's fantasy, it seems that he has already accomplished both of them.

Tao Rusu suddenly came over, pinched Bai Yu's leg, carefully beat it and asked, "Are you feeling comfortable, sir?"

Bai Yu narrowed his eyes: "Can you stop pinching me?"

"No way, am I not serving my husband?"

"You just keep talking, are you gradually raising your hands too high?"

"After all, I want to give it a try..." Tao Rusu said an extremely rude line with a very innocent expression: "Thousands of miles on a flying sword or something."

Bai Yu immediately jumped up and covered her mouth: "Do you use idioms like this?"

He noticed the subtle changes in the eyes of the girls around him and immediately got up: "Forget it, let's go as soon as possible."

Soon after, Jianguang galloped to the capital.

After entering the capital city, you can clearly feel the fluctuations from the dragon veins of Daxia. This power will not directly limit the power of the saint, but this is the first time you have seen such a highly concentrated dragon vein aura. Looking at it from a distance, It seemed as if there was a huge black-yellow dragon entrenched on one side.

After arriving at the boundary of the capital, he faintly felt that the giant dragon lying on the Forbidden City raised its head and glanced at him, then lowered its head lazily and yawned, with an attitude like, 'What are you doing, you damn ghost? Why are you going? Don't disturb my sleep.'

Martial law is in effect.

But not complete martial law.

The destination Bai Yu chose was not the Beiming family, but the Shence Mansion office within the Shenwu Division. Because he heard that Feng Wuwu and Feng Tongtong from Phoenix Terrace were here, he brought Huang Qixia over to let them meet.

As a result, I had just landed here, and before I had time to stand firm, I heard the sound of firecrackers.

Minami Shiori's first reaction was to hold down the scabbard, thinking she was being attacked. Fortunately, Amamiya Mahiru held down her sister's wrist and prevented her from pulling out the knife.

"Welcome to the return of Master Shence Palace!"

"Welcome back, a warm welcome!"

"Congratulations to Bai Yujing on your triumphant return!"

"The scorching sun of the great summer is invincible in the world. I looked around and asked who else—!"

"Bai Jiaoyang, we love you so much!"

"Master of the Palace, look at me, look at me...I am your dog!"

“A ten-year-old fan came uninvited!”

"Did I see it wrong? The Phoenix Head Seat has arrived too?!"

"My youth is back."

There was a lot of noise, and hundreds of people poured out from Shence Mansion and surrounded the place.

Colorful streamers were flying all over the sky, and the beautiful girls holding fireworks and crackers were smiling with eyes full of eyes. Behind them, a group of members of the Shence Mansion or young people from the Shenwu Division were jumping lively, just like in a seafood market. Live fish and shrimps.

Some people had tears in their eyes, and some were dancing excitedly, just like a scene where enthusiastic fans came to meet their idols.

Bai Yu could tell that this was a welcome ceremony, but he didn't understand why so many people knew that he was coming.

This situation is 10 or even 9 percent wrong.

Soon the crowd parted, and Mu Yaoxi, who was holding flowers in her hand, came over, handed a bouquet of flowers, and said with a smile: "Welcome back."

Bai Yu received the flowers with a subtle look in her eyes: "What's going on? I just came here for a visit, and you even organized a welcome ceremony?"

Mu Yaoxi scratched her cheek. She was embarrassed to say that she was just holding a staff meeting when she received the news. Someone with sharp eyes saw it. The news spread from one person to ten, and then to a hundred. Most people in Shen Ce Mansion knew that Bai Yu was coming back, so they took the initiative to line up to welcome her.

She crossed her arms and snorted proudly: "Isn't this good? You are so popular and so popular... Now the top streamer in the whole Da Xia can't compare to you."

Bai Yu looked at the fanatical fans around him. He had heard Su Ruoli mention that most of the people in Shen Ce Mansion were young people, and many of them applied for the exam for his name. When Su Ruoli described the scene at that time, Bai Yu's first thought was 'the Knights of the Round Table who came to join after hearing the name of King Arthur'... Damn, it's really not good to be cold to them and brush off their kindness.

He sent a voice message: "Mahiru, Shiori and and Mu Yaoxi go in first, I'll comfort the people here."

Tao Rusu asked: "What about me?"

"You stay and help block it. Boys also need to protect themselves outside." Bai Yu squinted and said: "Unless your good husband is being offended by this now."

Tao Rusu glanced around and saw many little hooves in the crowd who were eager to come up and take a bite of cream. He smiled and said: "Leave it to me."

If Bai Yu's title as the Lord of Shen Ce Mansion and the Sun of Da Xia was not intimidating this group of people, I'm afraid there would be no shortage of girls who would dare to rush up and ask for hugs and kisses.

Although Da Xia girls are very reserved, it depends on the situation.

Just because Bai Yu has done too many feats at the age of only 20...In the eyes of the younger generation, he is almost a land immortal walking on earth, so that the eyes of this group of people are full of strong fanaticism when they look at him.

Although Bai Yu knows that he is famous, he does not know how famous he is... or, in other words, he does not know how famous he is.

Andy Lau and Jay Chou are also famous; Zhuge Liang and Yu Qian are also famous, but they are obviously not in the same league.

It is almost impossible for a living person to catch up with historical figures in terms of influence and popularity.

Unless there are huge merits and magnificent achievements...

Therefore, Bai Yu's actual record has been more or less known to the public during this period.

The Daxia official will not swallow the merits.

Whatever you have done, the official will record it, and will even take the initiative to make you famous.

The number of the Ten Evils killed by Bai Yu has far exceeded that of others. These are all genuine achievements recognized by the official.

Click on Bai Yu's personal entry on the Internet. Those who are interested have already discovered that this entry is maintained and updated in real time by the official. Pull to the column of "Personal Records", just the thunderous names with extended reading links recorded one by one will make people tremble.

A blogger joked that reading Baishen's entry is like reading the Book of Life and Death of the King of Hell. You worry that he won't add anyone, and you worry that he will add anyone randomly.

Those who are ranked high in the Ten Evils have long been the biggest concern of Daxia. They are all rare species with an average lifespan of hundreds of years.

Now that Bai Yu has killed more than half of the people on the list, they are almost extinct.

There are at least millions of people in Daxia who have a blood feud with the Ten Evils. How can they not be grateful after learning about it?

Some local families have no way to repay Bai Yu because they can't find out where Bai Yu is. After thinking hard, they unilaterally decided that Bai Yu should be enshrined in the Imperial Ancestral Temple and have begun to build a statue for him.

Some of them are among the group of people surrounding Bai Yu. Without exception, they have become radical conservatives in Bai Yu's support group.

Like Bai Yu, there is only one person who can achieve legend by killing the Ten Evils. He can be called the best among ruthless people.

And Bai Yu's reputation is different from Ren Nanbei's. There is no mixed praise, but rave reviews.

Although he is not a saint in moral terms, he has never done anything to benefit himself at the expense of others.

Some bloggers posted some articles and messages on their personal accounts in order to attract traffic, such as "He is the Lord of Shen Ce Mansion, but he only has an old-style residential house of 90 square meters", to show Bai Yu's frugality and abstinence.

If he had not been educated by Yi Lin when he was a child, Bai Yu himself would have almost believed that he was a poor man who was poor but determined to achieve his goal.

But these articles were not only believed by some people, but also widely spread.

Later, some people who were curious did not believe this and checked Bai Yu's assets and found that he really only had one house, which caused an uproar in public opinion on the whole network.

It is true that they cannot find it. After all, the Bai family has been working hard abroad for generations, and their money is in Rome and Donghuang Group.

Bai Yu's food, clothing and expenses in Daxia are mostly based on the alimony left by Bei Ming Yao. After he becomes an adult, he can withdraw all of it in one go, which is about 300,000 yuan.

These did not escape the search of the silly netizens.

After a month of evidence from the entire network, they confirmed a fact.

——Bai Yu is really a person who has gotten rid of vulgar tastes and does not love money.

So his status on the Internet was immediately elevated to the level of a moral saint, almost like living next door to Zhuge Kongming and sharing the Martial Temple.

This also further caused the "Bai Yujing peripherals" sold by Shence Mansion to be sold out. An anonymous campaign was launched online, resulting in all the goods sold in Shence Mansion being cleared within a week. The most popular Bai Yu Jing mobile phone case was replenished for more than Ten times, it was gone within a minute of being put on the shelves; even the most unpopular marble gift box of the same style as Ren Nanbei was sold out within seven days.

Shence Mansion's scalp is numb, and Express's scalp is also numb.

It was only later that it became clear that Sha Diao netizens were afraid that Bai Yu would starve to death due to lack of money and launched the campaign to ‘let him eat something good’, which made people laugh and cry.

The so-called extraordinary people cannot escape the shackles of food, clothing, housing and transportation. After becoming a powerful extraordinary person and gaining social status, money will naturally flow in, and many people will not refuse the benefits they receive.

Even Huang Qixia has a credit card with a limit of hundreds of millions per year, although she has hardly used it herself.

Therefore, whoever can refuse the temptation of money and power will be respected by others because he can do what ordinary people cannot.

Not only does he have the all-powerful force to clear away the evils of Daxia and clarify the world, but he also does not like yellow and white things and does not abuse his power. He is also a young and handsome twenty-year-old... Once such an image is sketched on the Internet, it will What a terrifying influence it would have.

Even the original Sword Saint did not have the huge reputation of Bai Yu here.

This image was created entirely by netizens from all over the country on their own, without any official push. The government took the initiative and later further evolved, deepened and finalized the image.

Bai Yu also knows that he is far from as good as what is said on the Internet, so staying away from the public eye as much as possible is the best choice.

Now that he couldn't avoid it, he couldn't put on airs. He could only respond to the enthusiastic young people as kindly as possible.

Most of his fans are young people, including many Yangou who claim to be Bai Yu.

"Hello everyone..." Bai Yu prepared his opening remarks, but before he could finish his words, there were cheers and screams.

It was also accompanied by the sound of several people falling to the ground.

‘She fainted with excitement! ’

‘Quickly pinch people! ’

Bai Yu didn't even have time to finish his words, and just kept shaking hands.

Some brave girls came up to give Bai Yu a hug, but were blocked by Tao Rusu without leaving a trace. As for those who wanted to sneak in for a kiss, Tao Rusu guarded them.

However, this did not stop the surrounding girls from making secret glances and blowing passionate kisses.

Bai Yu took a cursory glance and had to admit that there were many talents in the Shence Mansion. Their average cultivation level was very high, and all of them were tall and tall, handsome men and beautiful women...especially girls. Their average appearance was definitely far above average line.

At first glance, I couldn't even find one with a score of 70. The worst one had to be 80.

...I suspect that the purpose of this group of people joining the Shence Mansion is not pure, but I have no evidence.

Bai Yu had no choice but to put the matter behind him for the time being, and walked inside along with the crowd. If he stood outside, more and more people would gather, and many clerical workers working nearby had already joined in.

"What? Bai Yujing is here!"

"Damn it, Shirakami! It's the living Shirakami!"

"White God bless my family with peace, happiness and good health!"

Bai Yu finally entered Shence Mansion, and there was still a large group of people in the hall.

He could only wave to express his gratitude for your enthusiasm, and then said: "I have important things to do today, so it won't take up too much time. However, there are so many people here. I can answer your three questions or simple requests. "If you want to ask a question, you can raise your hand."

Swish swish—!

In an instant, the entire hall rioted again, and a group of people raised their hands enthusiastically.

"Look at me! Shirakami!"

"Choose me, choose me, I can play lolita!"

"I am Shirakami's dog!"

Deliberately ignoring the noise, Bai Yu randomly clicked on someone: "This classmate in blue clothes."

The young man's expression was very excited, and he blurted out the question: "Did you really kill Thousand Machines Rakshasa with just one move?"

Bai Yu was slightly startled and asked, "How did you know?"

The young man raised his cell phone and said, "It's mentioned in the official expo. It was updated two days ago. Don't you know?"

Bai Yu didn't expect that this matter would be publicized by the official. He replied: "Strictly speaking, I defeated Qianji Rakshasa with one move; killing him was a second blow."

He then looked at the other person: "Next... this is a colleague from the Shenwu Division."

"I would like to ask you about the skills." The latter immediately stood up and said, "I have always felt powerless recently, and the speed of improving my realm has become very slow."

After taking a look, Bai Yu replied with insight from his soul: "The lonely sun doesn't last long, and the road you walk is easy to break. The Yang energy accumulates in the liver, which brings an excessive burden to the body, so there will be a burning pain in the market at noon. , If you find someone who is good at yinhan internal energy to help you adjust it, you will get twice the result with half the effort.”

"How to adjust?"

"Double cultivation or fight."

Bai Yu continued casually: "Next... this girl."

The girl whose name was called stood nervously. She probably didn't expect that she would be called. She was too excited and had some shortness of breath.

"Don't be nervous." Bai Yu said gently: "What's your name?"

"My name is Cheng Li..." He nervously grabbed his sleeves, but looked impartially at the young man in the center of the crowd.

"No one will laugh at you here. You can take a minute to slowly think about what you want to ask." Bai Yu continued: "Or you can make a small request."

"I, I came to participate in the interview at Shence Mansion. This is the third interview." She took a deep breath, the past flashed through her eyes, and she immediately puffed up her chest and asked, "Can I join? Shen Ce Mansion! You can even start as an intern!"

Everyone at the scene was silent. Many people looked at the girl in surprise and were surprised by what she said.

Cheng Li knew that his qualifications were limited. The reason why he failed in the first two interviews was because his average cultivation level was not up to standard. Even if his written test score was high, his level was not up to the average level of Shence Mansion.

She could have chosen a more relaxed position, but she persisted in applying for the Shence Mansion.

The short-haired girl standing next to her friend had complicated eyes. She knew why Cheng Li was so obsessed with Shence Mansion...

It's all because of that meeting in Ruyi Pavilion two years ago.

Back then, they were just ordinary serving girls who worked part-time to earn points. They only occasionally caught a glimpse of a fight between dragons and snakes at a dinner party... It was already the biggest scene they had ever seen up close in their lives.

After that time, it was hard to let go of my good friend.

She put in a lot of effort and effort just to enter the Shence Mansion and get closer to the person of her dreams.

It takes an incredible amount of courage to say this now.

The short-haired girl couldn't help but want to speak up for her best friend. She wanted this world-famous young man to know how much blood, sweat and tears her good sister had shed for him... She didn't want to be kidnapped even if she was morally kidnapped. The efforts of one's own sisters are denied and ignored.

Lili needs the affirmation from the person in front of him more than anyone else's words!

Just before the short-haired girl spoke.

Bai Yu nodded without thinking: "Okay."

Pressed down by the tense atmosphere and hundreds of pairs of eyes, Cheng Li suddenly raised his eyes and asked in shock, "What?"

"I said, yes... you will enter the Shence Mansion as an intern. After the two-month internship period, if there are no mistakes, you can become a full-time employee." Bai Yu repeated and said in detail: "I will let Mu Yao Xi will handle it for you personally."

Cheng Li was a little dizzy from being hit by this pie from the sky, and was speechless for a moment.

Someone around him immediately shouted, "I can do that too! Bai Shen, look at me!"

Bai Yu smiled and explained: "This is the second time I have met this Miss Cheng. Two years ago, she was only in the first level of the extraordinary realm, and her cultivation was ordinary. But now she is in the late second level, which shows her hard work. The work-study mentality was also evident at the beginning. If Shence Mansion did not accept him, it would be a waste of talent. "

He turned around and said, "That's it for today. Everyone, please leave."

The young man's back disappeared into the passage, and many people at the scene felt lost.

After the crowd slowly dispersed, Cheng Li still stood motionless.


"Stop talking..." Cheng Li muttered in a low voice, "Let me be intoxicated for a while longer."

Looking in the direction the other person was leaving, unstoppable joy and enthusiasm surged into her heart, and the overflowing sweetness was sweeter than the first ice cream she tasted when she was a child.

"He still remembers me."

Her eyes were as bright as stars.

The short-haired girl next to her slapped her forehead... She shouldn't have been allowed to come over if it was bad. Now she might not be able to get married in her life.

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