Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 912 Return to Zhonghu (6k4)

Take the elevator to the top floor of Shen Ce Mansion.

Bai Yu took out his mobile phone and opened Expo.

When he was bored before, he registered an account. At first, it was called "Eight-level Great Gale", and later it was changed to "Li Li Zhong Bai Yu", but it was not verified, and no one knew that it was his smurf.

There is only one person who follows and is followed, and that is Expo official.

Open the hot search list, and the top red post is from the official channel of Da Xia.

In this world, most apps can only be put on the shelves after official review, and Expo is essentially the official mouthpiece.

Da Xia official update article has come to the new chapter of "Today's Capital".

Bai Yu clicked in and saw that the popularity of the post has exceeded 100 million.

The number of clicks here is not watered, which shows that at least tens of millions of people across the country are paying attention to this matter.

The post simply uses declarative sentences to express two simple facts.

That is, "The Fall of the Sword Saint" and "Bai Yu Killed Qianji Rakshasa".

The tone is quite official, without any detailed description, only simple time, place, events and related results.

If the background of this notice is not black and white but blue background with white font, it will be more interesting.

Bai Yu opened the comment area, and did not find the prompt of "Comment area is closed" at first glance, which is a bit unusual.

The top comment in the comment area is "Sword Saint Qiangu, rest in peace", and basically all the comments are mourning.

Yes, it is impossible for people to escape from such a serious topic, after all, the Internet is not a place outside the law.

After Bai Yu exited, he saw several other hot searches.

The first one is "Bai Yujing's single kill Qianji Luosha real record".

It is said to be a real record, but in fact the video content is only a dozen seconds, and most of it is blurry, it should be a surveillance video.

The surveillance video near Zhonghu is not available to ordinary people, so Bai Yu suspects that it was released by the official and deliberately hyped.

There are two real purposes for reporting this matter nationwide.

First, the death of the Sword Saint was announced, and the whole country mourned;

Second, Bai Yu was officially canonized as a saint, and he would take over the position of the Sword Saint as the pillar of the country in the future.

Although the loss of Huo Qiushui was heartbreaking, Daxia also had successors, and the disciple was better than the master.

In this way, the public's mood could be appeased after the loss of Huo Qiushui... but the price was to further increase Bai Yu's already high reputation.

But this was not a big deal.

Bai Yu was not Wang Mang, he never set himself as a benchmark or a moral saint.

Entering the Shen Ce Mansion, it was obviously renovated here, forming a more distinctive layout.

Although the Shen Ce Mansion was only one of the subordinate institutions of the Shenwu Division, as a supervisory unit similar to the Independent Commission Against Corruption, it naturally had different hierarchical systems within it, and it looked just orderly at first glance.

Unlike the noisy situation below, although Bai Yu received a lot of attention after entering here, most people were still busy with their work. Only when Bai Yu approached did they show some nervousness, such as the strength of holding the documents in their hands, or the calves under the pants and skirts were tense like springs, just like the front-line soldiers waiting for an order to charge.

There will be a time when they need to charge, but not now.

Bai Yu walked straight into the office at the back.

Mu Yaoxi's office has been expanded to three times the original area, and there is even a dark room hidden in the room, which contains beds, bedding and a simple washbasin, where you can rest and spend the night.

Bai Yu just walked in and saw a figure rushing over. He steadied his body and looked down at Mu Yaoxi who was rubbing against him like a koala. The latter was wearing an OL uniform, and because of this action, the clothes had many wrinkles.

"At least let me close the door." Bai Yu said.

"It's better to let them see it." Mu Yaoxi was deliberately careless, quietly making a victory scissors hand gesture behind Bai Yu to a group of members of the Shen Ce Mansion who were secretly looking over.

Claiming sovereignty.

Or showing off.

Look, the Lord of Shen Ce Mansion that you have been thinking about is now in my arms, and I can do whatever I want!

Bai Yu flicked the hair on her head: "You are getting carried away."

Mu Yaoxi didn't let go, holding her waist, holding her horizontally and putting her on the desk, then walked around the desk to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the scenery in front, squinting slightly: "The scenery here is nice."

Mu Yaoxi turned half a circle on the table, kicked off his shoes, turned sideways and held the long table, casting a seductive look: "Do you feel like a company president? There is a pleasure of holding power?"

Domineering CEOs and so on, I have experienced it in Rome... Sister Meilu's CEO style is much better than yours, and she also has three beautiful female secretaries.

Bai Yu asked, "It's a rare trip to the Shen Ce Mansion. Is there anything I need to deal with?"

"What can it be?" Mu Yaoxi turned over and sat up, pushing him down to sit on the wide office chair, and then stepped on Bai Yu's thighs with her legs in 60D black stockings: "The higher your reputation, the less trouble the Shen Ce Mansion will encounter. At present, the Wusheng Pavilion has stopped operating, and everyone in the Shenwu Division has to follow our instructions."

"Too much is not enough." Bai Yu reminded: "This is a supervisory organization, not an authoritarian police uniform."

"Okay, okay, I haven't done anything extreme, but there are some places that can't stand up to scrutiny." Mu Yaoxi handed over a folder and said, "You'll know when you have time, just take a look at it, Xuan Tiansi has too many internal problems.”

Bai Yu opened the folder and took a look... He looked at it for a full fifteen minutes. The only sound in the room was the sound of turning pages and Mu Yaoxi's somewhat rapid breathing.

She did not wait for Bai Yu to finish reading the content. Instead, she stepped on her thighs with both feet and crawled around with her toes more flexible than her fingers. Then she was pinched by Bai Yu's hand and was moved by him. I pressed the acupuncture points on the soles of my feet, performed a set of foot massages, and hit the kidney reflex area a few times... Then Miss Mu was out of breath.

The girl sitting on the desk was slumped half-body, dripping with sweat and breathing heavily. No matter how you looked at it, this scene seemed inappropriate for children.

Bai Yu closed the folder and took back his right hand, "I've finished reading it. You've handled it well...but I still have to stop now. Rather than sending these people directly to the hell of Yama Luosi, I prefer to let them Give it its due value.”

"What is it?"

"You'll find out later."

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu went indoors, turned on the faucet, rinsed his right hand, and used hand sanitizer.

Mu Yaoxi hugged her knees: "My feet don't smell like anything."

"That's why you have to wash your hands." Bai Yu replied: "Didn't your family teach you a simple truth?"

“Wash your hands often to stay healthy?”

"It's about not playing with the ingredients."


After being stunned for three seconds, Mu Yaoxi realized that this was a dirty word. She spat first, and then raised her eyebrows: "What, you still want to taste it? I heard that some people like to wear thick stockings. The smell has been stuck in my boots all day..."

"Although this is very suitable for porridge etiquette, please let me refuse." Bai Yu shook his head: "My taste is relatively light."

Bending down to pick up the high-heeled shoes that fell on the ground, he lifted her calf, and the fingers of his palms felt like they were stuck in marshmallows. They felt soft and elastic. After putting the shoes on the other party, Bai Yu let go and squeezed Mu Yao again. Xi's face said: "I still have something to do, so I will be here today. Huang Qixia and Tao Rusu will stay here and will meet at Beiming's house after get off work today."

After flirting with the little girl, he left calmly.

Mu Yaoxi sat on the table, looked at the departing figure, touched her cheek, and muttered in a low voice: "Why is this guy suddenly so shameless and so skilled...Am I lagging behind?"

If she knew the details, she would understand that she was not only lagging behind, but simply lagging behind by a big version.

Daxia, Zhonghu.

The last time I came to Zhonghu was half a week ago.

Now it has returned to its original appearance, the roads have been renovated, and even the traces left by the previous battles have been smoothed away. Every floor tile is tightly fitted, and it doesn't look like anyone has passed by here at all.

Only the security guard who had changed his guard became a somewhat old-fashioned middle-aged man instead of an old man holding wolfberry water in his hand, which proved that things had changed.

This time Bai Yu entered here unimpeded.

Thinking about how much effort and thought it took to enter this place in the first place, even Ren Nanbei, who was leading the way, had to wait for the result at the gate.

After passing through the outer layer of Zhonghu Lake, there was a person waiting in front. It was Miu Tianji, the director of the Star Observation Department. He and Bai Yu were old acquaintances, but only one-sided.

Miu Tianji enthusiastically came forward and said hello: "Bai Jiaoyang, oh no, I should call you Bai Sheng today... Time flies so fast. I remember when we first met, you were still there... …”

Bai Yu interrupted: "I'm getting goosebumps. How can you be so embarrassed at such an old age?"

Miu Tianji put his hands in his pockets: "I am a familiar person, and since you will sit in Huo Qiushui's position from now on, I will naturally have to deal with you. How about we be more harmonious and be friends for the rest of the year?"

Bai Yu closed his eyes and said nothing.

"The two people behind you are your two beauties from Fusang, right?" Miu Tianji took out two jade pendants from his pocket and handed them over: "When we meet for the first time, a small gift is not respectful, but they are all common in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Lingbaoyu."

"A treasure of two or three thousand years?" Nan Shizhi was flattered: "You are too polite."

"Thank you very much." Mahiru Amamiya responded politely.

Bai Yu glanced at it and said, "It's from Shang and Zhou? I think it's from last week."

Miu Tianji waved his sleeves: "Anyway, they are all psychic jade, in pairs, and I personally brought them back by betting on stones... If it weren't for these two gems, I would never be able to make up for the lost luck. ”

He led Bai Yu forward and introduced: "Although you have been to Zhonghu a few times, you don't know much about it. I will introduce it to you later. Although Zhonghu is not big, it is not big either." Small."

"Is it necessary?" Bai Yu asked.

"You will naturally understand later." Miu Tianji put his hands on his sleeves.

The group of people soon arrived in front of Zhonghu's courtyard, and the vibrant tree inside the courtyard could be seen through the outer wall.

"This is the residence of the one in Zhonghu." Miu Tianji added an additional explanation: "The next few people who will meet are the national souls of Daxia."

After hearing these words, Amamiya Mahiru was obviously a little nervous.

Minami Shizhi also showed an embarrassed look.

Although they were canonized saints, they were all girls under 30 years old. They followed Bai Yu closely all the way, without even looking at the scenery of Zhonghu Lake, and counted their steps with their heads down.

Now they are about to face the incarnation of the national soul of one of the two top powers in the world, how can they not be nervous and embarrassed.

Even if this courtyard looks so inconspicuous.

"If you are nervous, you can stand outside for a while until you feel calm." Miao Tianji added.

But this can't provide any comfort.

Bai Yu glanced at Miao Tianji, who was afraid of chaos in the world, and told the old naughty boy to shut up, then without saying a word, he held the two women's hands and walked forward, crossed the threshold of the courtyard, and went straight to the courtyard.

Being nervous is not a big deal. It's not his first time here. Sister Daxia is so tolerant. How could she have extra emotions because of the two girls' nervousness? Besides, Bai Yu has brought back two foreign saints. She is probably too happy to be happy.

If anyone is nervous, it should be Bai Yu. He is bringing a foreign daughter-in-law to meet his parents-in-law.

After entering the courtyard, he saw the familiar screen and bead curtain, which divided the courtyard into two parts.

"Are you here?" A gentle voice came from behind the screen, and there was no airs: "Sit down."

Amemiya Mahiru wanted to say that he didn't need to sit down, but Bai Yu had already sat down in a carefree manner. He was really not polite at all, as if he was visiting a neighbor.

The Nan sisters sat carefully and kept a dignified posture. They didn't dare to speak actively, and could only listen to the two people talking about daily life.

No one expected that this conversation started with a question of "Have you eaten?"

Bai Yu said he hadn't eaten, and soon the stone table under the tree was filled with pastries, glutinous rice balls and rice dumplings.

"Did you make them yourself?"

"I made some when I had nothing to do, and my craftsmanship may be average."

"It's really average, but it tastes good."

"Take some back if you like it. I'm worried that I made too many to give away."

"That's great, can I go back and show off to others?"

"You're such a chatterbox."

The girl from Daxia behind the screen smiled gently and scolded.

"I'll have someone clean up a house later. If you have nowhere to go during your stay in Beijing, you can live here."

Bai Yu peeled a zongzi and handed it to the two sisters, then said: "I still have no worries about finding a place to live in Beijing."

"Are you going to Bei Ming's family or Mu's family? You may not be able to stay in Bei Ming's family, and Mu's family...if you go now, you will really be treated as a son-in-law. If you are interested, I can also help you propose marriage." A teasing voice came from behind the screen: "I'm afraid you don't dare to make it clear now?"

Bai Yu said embarrassedly: "I can stay in a hotel."

"Waste of money...just live here, I'll clean up a larger courtyard for you, enough for you to live with ten concubines."

"..."Bai Yu cast a speechless look, feeling that he was implied.

A doubtful voice came from behind the screen again: "Isn't ten rooms enough?"

Bai Yu didn't dare to quibble: "I'd better eat some zongzi."

"That's it." Sister Da Xia said softly.

"Okay." Bai Yu agreed. He also knew that accepting this treatment meant responsibility and obligation.

"So, you came to Zhonghu today, so you should have something else to say, right?" The woman behind the screen changed her sitting position. Through the silhouette of the light, her posture changed, and her tone became more solemn and dignified.

"I have submitted the relevant report on what happened in Penglai."

"I also read it, it's very detailed... although it also hides a lot of private information." She deliberately pointed it out, making Bai Yu embarrassed for two seconds, and then changed the subject: "But overall, it's harmless, you did a good job. If Wu Lianyue really took control of Penglai Academy, he would definitely turn against Daxia."

"Wu Lianyue wants to open up the spirit control system, but he won't go against Daxia, right?" Bai Yu asked: "And with the foreign gods and the demon ancestor, he can't stay out of it."

"I believe Wu Lianyue does want to stop the demon ancestor and the foreign gods from destroying the world," Daxia said slowly: "But I also believe that he will do whatever it takes, even if it means the lives of countless people as the cornerstone; and once he inherits the position of the Lord of the Throne, it is hard to predict what he will do to protect his own life, but I think it must be a disaster for the people of Daxia."

Bai Yu was silent.

"But he's dead, at least now we have one less person to cause trouble... What do you need as a reward?"

"A courtyard house is enough, right?"

"That's your contribution to avenging the Sword Saint and protecting Zhonghu Lake. It has nothing to do with this. I have always been clear about rewards and punishments. If you need anything, just ask." Sister Da Xia stared at him across the screen, waiting for his next words.

Bai Yu did not hesitate or think about this, he said directly: "Can I ask for a few dragon vein seals?"

The benefits he asked for even shocked Amamiya Mahiru and Minami Shiori.

The dragon vein seal is a benefit unique to Da Xia people, but it has little effect on canonization.

Once canonized, even if the Wanli Dragon Vein has come to an end, there will be no benefit even if you enter it again.

However, the dragon vein seal also has an important proof, just like the Roman "pardon certificate", it is a proof of identity.

Having the Dragon Vein Seal means being recognized as a Daxia person, which is much more powerful than nationality, and is a recognition from the dragon vein.

The Dragon Vein Seal cannot be acquired through acquired means.

But Bai Yu believes that if it is the Daxia national soul, there is naturally a way.

A deep voice came from behind the screen: "I thought you were going to ask for a permanent residency or something, but I didn't expect it to be a dragon vein seal..."

"This request should not be difficult for you."

"Not only is it not difficult, it's a piece of cake. It has no effect on canonization, it's just a proof." Da Xia said calmly: "With the dragon vein seal, it is equivalent to having the credit endorsement of the dragon vein. It will be much easier to apply for a green card. You are indeed quick-witted."

Bai Yu stood up and thanked: "Thank you, sister Da Xia."

"You deserve it." The hand behind the screen raised and picked a fallen leaf casually. When the fallen leaf returned to the table with the wind, it was already attached with the energy of the Xuanhuang Dragon Vein: "Put it on the skin and it will take effect."

Bai Yu took two leaves and handed them over: "Try it?"

Mahiru's eyes sparkled, and she took the leaves. When the dragon vein seal really appeared on the back of her hand, she felt a trance... With this, she will have no obstacles in walking in Da Xia in the future.

It can even be said that she is already a Da Xia person.

In this world, as a small country, when facing a big country, you will have a sense of inferiority, which comes from the lack of confidence in your nationality and blood. The more you are strong on the outside, the more you wave the flag and the more you can't cover up this weakness and fatigue from the soul.

For a married girl, if her family is in a recession, she will naturally feel insecure.

Amamiya Mahiru looked at the mark on the back of her hand, her eyes were dazed... She couldn't help but recall the envy she felt when she first knew that Bai Yu was from Daxia more than ten years ago, the excitement when she was first brought into the Dragon Vein Realm, and the disappointment and frustration when she knew that non-Daxia people could not absorb the dragon vein energy in the Dragon Vein Realm...

Although these have become the past now, they are still unforgettable moments in her memory.

Now she has obtained something she could only dream of, but she is not as excited as she imagined, and only the silent touch flows in her heart.

I, Amamiya Mahiru, am so lucky to have the favor of the person in front of me...

If it weren't for him, I would have been lying in a ditch somewhere, stinking and rotting...

She wanted to give him a hug, but she suppressed this thought because she was worried about being in front of others.

Minami Shiori was quite curious about this and wanted to play with it immediately, but she was also concerned about her face and restrained her temper and did not enter the dragon vein realm immediately.

"Okay, let the two girls clean up your new residence."

A voice came from behind the screen.

Bai Yu heard the music and understood the elegant meaning. This sentence is just like what the leader said, "Go and urge the vegetables."

As Amamiya Mahiru and Minami Shiori left the villa.

Only Bai Yu and her were left at the scene.

A deep sigh came from behind the screen, and then a figure walked out from behind it.

Qianying sat on a stone bench, right in front of Bai Yu. A woman who had never been so perfect appeared in his sight. Her every frown, smile, and every move had incomparable beauty.

The national soul of Daxia would change its appearance because of different perceptions of each person.

In Bai Yu's eyes, she was the image of the motherland and the synonym of perfection.

This was the second time they met, but Bai Yu immediately calmed down after taking a look, fearing that his eyes would offend the other party... This is the motherland, and you must not offend her. You can't even think about it, and you are guilty of thinking about it!

While Bai Yu was thinking about it, a finger was handed to him.

"Answer me directly..." Sister Daxia said straight to the point: "Now facing the Demon Ancestor, how confident are you?"

"I'm afraid I have no chance of winning against the Demon Ancestor." Bai Yu said frankly.

"Then what do you mean by reassuring me?"

"I don't think the Demon Ancestor will revive." Bai Yu replied calmly: "Among the three incarnations of the Demon Ancestor, only Tai Sui is threatening. He has seized Wu Penglai's body and is very dangerous, but I am still somewhat confident in dealing with him."

In fact, compared to Tai Sui, he is more worried about what position Luo Hou will take.

Sister Da Xia looked into the distance: "Just today, the Star Observation Department sent a report. Do you know... the dead tide on the Earth Star Ocean is dissipating and receding?"

Bai Yu opened his eyes wide: "Is there such a good thing?"

Without the dead tide, shipping and aviation will quickly connect the world in just a few years.

"A good thing?" Da Xia sighed: "If it really disappeared, it might be a good thing, but it didn't disappear for no reason."

"What does it mean?"

"I speculated a long time ago that the existence of this dead tide is to block and isolate different regions and slow down the development of civilization. Now it has disappeared... You are so smart, you should know what it means?"

"It means..." Bai Yu murmured: "There is no need to limit the development of civilization anymore?"

Why is there no need to limit it? Because it is no longer necessary.

Because the butcher has raised his sickle.

"The harvest is coming."

Da Xia said slowly and heavily: "The end of the world is coming."

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