Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 352 Power Diplomacy (Second Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ye Xiu, who owns the gemstone ring, soon sensed the news of the gemstone mine on this small island with a radius of 30 kilometers.

He leaned over immediately.

On the way, Ye Xiu heard the dragon chant!

"This is... there are dragons!"

Ye Xiu's eyes lit up.

Dragon Clan is good, whether it is to kill or surrender.

There are benefits to be had!

Ye Xiu immediately commanded a large force to surround them.

I saw a group of dragons with colorful dragon scales rushing out with their heads held high~.

There are as many as 1200 of them, all of which are twelfth-order gemstones - earth dragons!

This dragon class is a hero-class.

The fighting power is quite powerful.

He is the overlord of this unowned island.

Near the gem veins, there are several waves of gem dragons.

Facing these gem earth dragons, Ye Xiu immediately activated diplomacy.

But the dragons ignored Ye Xiu's diplomacy and rushed forward.

"Good guy, this is forcing me to kill!"

Ye Xiu still wants to tame these gem dragons.

In any case, this is a dragon mount.

It is used to train a knight, please be strong.

It's a pity that Gem Earth Dragon refuses to accept discipline.

Then it can only kill their vigor.

"Lord Shura, I heard that the dragon clan is relatively proud, and the chance of diplomacy being effective is very low..."

【Lu Fei's Man】When I saw those gemstone dragons, I took a deep breath.

So many Tier 12 hero arms.

It is extremely difficult to lay down this gemstone mine.

Even the smallest island is so difficult.

The other islands of the Rainbow Islands are not far behind.

"This is the habit of the dragon clan. Among the most difficult arms to succeed in diplomacy, the dragon clan is on the list..."

[Seaside Boy Abin] also nodded in agreement.

[Girl Xiaobai] is a male player, he touched the extremely dangerous hairline: I have never seen a case of successful diplomacy to subdue the dragon. "

"I heard that this is called the Dragon Clan will never be slaves."

Hearing their discussion, Ye Xiu glanced at the Demon King Dragon behind him.

"The dragons will never be slaves? I have a lot of dragons under my command."

"Let you all see how powerful the Dragon Clan is..."

Ye Xiu immediately dispatched many Demon King Dragons, and the two sides collided fiercely.

The fighting power of Gem Earth Dragon is indeed very strong.

But the Demon King Dragon is even more terrifying.

A head-to-head confrontation between the two sides.

Demon King Dragon has a crushing advantage.

The Gem Earth Dragon is vulnerable to the Demon King Dragon.

That's because all the basic defenses of Gem Dragon have been removed.

The effect of natural order is extremely restraining to wild monsters.

Basic defenses disappear.

Wild monsters without hero blessings are almost equal to 0 defense.

Hard dragon scales, thinner than paper.

Offense and defense have been out of balance.

The devil dragon can naturally fight with one enemy and many dragons pressing down on gems.

"Wow! What a handsome dragon unit, and the black crown is too domineering!"

[Landland Wife] His eyes are shining brightly.

She loves the wild stuff the most.

The phantom shooter, future soldier, doomsday shooter and other arms immediately launched concentrated fire.

Gemstone dragons kept being shot and fell to the ground.

An intermediate shooter above the fifth rank.

It has been able to kill the gem earth dragon.

The defense is 0, and you must face death at any time.

The gem earth dragons couldn't hold on at all.

Seeing that more than half of the gem earth dragons have been lost.

Ye Xiu then activated diplomacy again!

Power Diplomacy!

Against other wild monsters, Ye Xiu disdains to use power diplomacy.

His body was shaken by this wave of tiger, overflowing with domineering aura.

Perhaps it was the blessing of the Son of Destiny.

Perhaps it was because the gem earth dragon was afraid of being killed.

Under the power diplomacy, the gem dragons finally bowed their heads.

Ye Xiu got 400 gem dragons in one go.

It can only be said that the shooters output too fiercely.

When diplomacy is activated, more gem earth dragons are killed.

But with so many gemstones, Earth Dragon is already quite good.

This is another superb mount!

"Bai Jie, is this the Dragon Clan that you said will never be a slave?"

[Uncle Liu Huang] Laugh out loud.

Ye Xiu subdued a group of dragon troops in this way, and he subdued it in the middle of the battle.

This is simply outrageous!

"Uncle, haven't you heard that the Dragon Clan will never be slaves, unless they have food and shelter?"

"Master Shura's food is very good, these gem earth dragons are obviously tempted...

[Girl Xiaobai] Gossiping for a while.

He is a young programmer with a super high hairline.

The ID of the girl Xiaobai also shows her sullenness.

Uncle Liu Huang lived up to his name, an uncle.

…… Ask for flowers …………………

But he belongs to the type who is handsome, emotionally intelligent, rich, capable, and good at rough work.

It belongs to the uncle that the young lady really wants.

Not that kind of wretched five-second real man uncle.

"In front of the real strong, how can the dragon clan be so proud?"

Ye Xiu smiled lightly.

He filled the cup silently, leaving only admiring gazes from a few people.

After Ye Xiu subdued the gem earth dragon, he tried to train immediately.

Destiny's Child + God-level Luck Technique + Knight Training Master Bonus.

Ye Xiu looked at the compatibility between the magic shadow shooter and the gemstone dragon.

Knight target: Shadow Archer (Ninth Tier Hero Arms)

Mount target: Gem Earth Dragon (Tier 12 Hero Arms)

Success rate: 0.9%

Because the level of the shadow shooter is lower than that of the gemstone dragon.

Its success rate is less than 1%.

This is already the default non-trainable combination of types.

If the middle-level unit is used as the knight of the gemstone dragon.

The fit will definitely be less than 0.1%.

That is a combination that is difficult to train successfully even if you are lucky.

The magic shadow shooter has at least met the basic requirements to become a gemstone dragon knight.

But Ye Xiu boasts of multiple bonuses.

He doesn't care about the loss of heroes.

Ye Xiu immediately tried it.

The first training failed.

Both arms disappeared together.

Then came the second and third times.

The fourth attempt, decisive success!

The magic shadow shooter and the gem dragon are perfectly integrated.

A heroic and handsome knight unit appears!

[Successful combination of new arms, this arm is confirmed as the tenth-level hero arm, please name the arm!】

The combination of the magic shadow shooter and the gem earth dragon, the balance of the two phases, has become a tenth-level hero unit.

But the combat effectiveness of this new type of arms is much stronger than those of the same level.

After all, the foundation of Gem Earth Dragon lies there.

Ye Xiu added another type of knight.

It's still a high-level knight unit!

"The mount of this new knight is a jewel earth dragon, so let's call it a jewel knight!"

Ye Xiu waved his hand to decide on the new name.

[The player successfully trains a new type of knight, which is the first type of unit, and the talent progress of the master knight trainer +1 (advanced knight unit), activates the effect of the master knight trainer, and obtains 240 gem knights. 】

"The progress of the master knight trainer is almost reaching the upgrade condition!".

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