Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 353 Yellowstone City Completed! (The Third Update, Please Subscribe!)

Knight Training Master: Epic-level talent, when combining knight arms, the basic success rate +20%, and the knight arms trained by the commander himself, its all attributes +40%. Every time a new knight unit is trained (the first), a certain number of corresponding unit rewards will be obtained. This talent can be evolved into a knight training master. Evolution conditions: 5 new intermediate knight arms (first creation), 1 high-level knight arms (first creation).

Upgrade progress: 5 new intermediate knight units (3/5), 1 advanced knight unit (2/1).

The talent of the knight trainer is close to being upgraded.

There are three types of middle-level knights: Raptor Knight, Swift Knight, and Swift Dragoon.

The high-level knight units are the Shadow Knight and Gem Knight.

Only one more intermediate knight unit needs to be trained.

to upgrade it.

Among them, shadow knights or jewel knights can be counted as intermediate knights with this "170".

But this is counted only once.

You can also see the progress as 5 new intermediate knight units (4/5), and 1 advanced knight unit (1/1).

"It's enough to capture some intermediate mounts, preferably dragon arms...

Ye Xiu was in no rush to upgrade this talent.

Otherwise, he would have consumed the king's arms and forced to upgrade.

Because he remembered the Dragon Knight profession, he had a special bonus for training knights.

He can wait until he completes the task of Dragon Knight.

Then upgrade the talent.

With relevant preparations in place, Ye Xiu began to mop up other gem earth dragon groups.

Perhaps it is true that the dragon clan is more proud.

In the case where Ye Xiu has the same kind of gem earth dragon under his command.

The second war.

Gem Earth Dragon still did not surrender.

"It's good to surrender obediently, I don't have to cause more killings..."

Of course Ye Xiu is not softening his heart.

He just felt that if he could directly subdue this wave of gem earth dragons.

Then more gem knights can be trained.

The number of jewel knights can be increased in minutes.

The second wave of gem earth dragons was massacred by Ye Xiu.

When the number of kills exceeds half, Ye Xiu launches power diplomacy again.

This time it worked just as well.

The main reason is that Ye Xiu's killing is too fierce.

He himself suffered no loss.

The dragons felt the threat of death and the strength of the enemy.

This is the decisive surrender.

Power diplomacy is all about power.

Only you are the stronger one.

The enemy will listen to you.

This is the essence of power diplomacy.

Ye Xiu couldn't help but had an epiphany.

"Power diplomacy is really easy to use, the stronger my combat power is, the higher the chance of the enemy surrendering after the battle.

"It is to defeat the enemy fiercely with a destructive momentum!"

Ye Xiu nodded.

He subdued another 450 gem earth dragons in this wave.

The number of dragons under him has increased.

Ye Xiu was still in no hurry to train gem knights on a large scale.

Let's take down this gem mine first.

Ye Xiu continued to fight.

The third wave, did not surrender.

Still through power diplomacy, after rubbing the gem earth dragon on the ground for a while.

Only 400 gem earth dragons have been subdued.

In the fourth wave, also harvest 500 Gem Earth Dragons.

As a result, Ye Xiu has more than 1,600 gemstone dragons on hand.

This is already more than a wave of gem earth dragons.

Finally in the fifth wave to deal with the gem earth dragon.

Diplomacy was successfully launched before the war.

The gem dragons surrendered one after another.

Ye Xiu harvested 1500 gem dragons again!

"The number of gem earth dragons has reached 3100, and I can 100% subdue the gem earth dragons that are less than 600!"

Ye Xiu's eyes lit up.

He killed the last wave of gem earth dragons.

The other party also descended with the wind.

The number of Ye Xiu's gem dragons climbed to 4800!

So many gem earth dragons.

Ye Xiu couldn't take it anymore.

Can only stay in the reserve team.

"It's actually a level 2 gemstone mine, no wonder there are so many gemstone dragons guarding it..."

Ye Xiu cleaned up all the gem dragons.

Occupies a level 4 gem mine.

There is also a level 4 gem dragon lair inside.

This is also a surprise.

"Finally we can build a city..."

The biggest gain on this Huangshi Island is the island itself!

Many islands split from Rainbow Island.

They can all be reintegrated.

Every island has its own "life force"

Ye Xiu knew this secret in his previous life.

Naturally, I am very concerned about these islands......

However, to activate the 'vitality' of the island, a city must be built.

Previously, there were no cities on Huangshi Island.

There are not many bright spots on the island.

From the moment Ye Xiu landed on the island.

The situation is quite different.

"I will train the gem knights first, and you will supervise the artisans to build the city..."

Ye Xiu said so.

He took out the heart of the city.

Let the craftsmen start building the administrative hall on Huangshi Island.

The administrative hall, city walls, and city gates were completed.

1 Tier 1 city can be built.

The time required depends on the construction speed of the craftsman.

Ye Xiu hired the best craftsmen, and it took four to five hours.

By the way, Ye Xiu started training gem knights.

There are so many gem knights, just using the hand to click training will make the hands numb.

The gem knights trained belong to the tenth-tier unit.

There are archers and knights dual career.

You will also be able to obtain the bonus of half the leadership effect of dual occupations.

Coupled with the invincible commander talent.

Originally, 200 command points were needed to lead a gem knight.

Now it only needs 40 leadership points!

Only need 20% command power!

Ye Xiu can bring a lot of gem knights.

It is less commanding force than a shadow shooter.

A dual-professional unit of archer and knight.

Definitely the most suitable unit for Ye Xiu.

After Ye Xiu trained a full 4200 gem knights. 4.1 The crazy construction city finally took shape.

A Tier 1 city stands on Yellowstone Island!

[The player reincarnated Shura builds a level 1 private city and gains 1 point of world influence

[Player living Shura gains 1 point of world influence, and the earth adds 10,000 player places. According to the feedback from the earth, 12 snow wolf knights (the fifth-level king unit) will be rewarded!】

[The power of the world rewards has been increased by a hundred times, and 48 ghost knights (the fifth-level golden legendary arms) have been obtained!】

Building a level 1 private city also rewards world influence.

Earth adds another 10,000 new players.

A new city on Yellowstone Island.

Incidentally, Huangshi Island has undergone new changes!

The whole island was rumbling.

That's Island in action.

At the same time, the newly built city named Yellowstone City also received a bonus!.

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