Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 354 The Power Of The Rainbow (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Power of the Rainbow: Level 1, Huangshi Island can be upgraded along with the core cities on the island, city construction speed +50%, resource point and unit building output +100.

Huangshi Island and Huangshi City are completely integrated.

The sound of Huangshi Island was very loud.

The whole island is moving slowly.

Firmly and decisively moved to the pure yellow island in the distance.

The largest island in the nearby sea area is Rainbow Island (Yellow).

Rainbow Islands, a total of 7 large islands.

They are Rainbow Island (yellow), Rainbow Island (red) and so on.

These are the seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple.

In addition, the islands of each color correspond to some small and medium-sized islands.

Huangshi Island, and Rainbow Island (Yellow) used to be one.

Activate the power of the rainbow, Huangshi Island will take the initiative to approach the Rainbow Island (yellow).

until it finally comes together.

In fact, if no one activates the power of the rainbow.

The islands will also slowly merge together.

It's just that the process will be infinitely slower.

Like before, Huangshi Island moves about 127 kilometers in the direction of Rainbow Island (Yellow) every year.

Now that Yellowstone City is completed and the power of the rainbow is activated, this speed has been accelerated a hundred times!

According to Ye Xiu's estimate.

It will take about a month for Yellowstone City to merge with Rainbow Island (Yellow).

Upgrade cities and activate rainbow powers on other islands.

It will also speed up the process.

Wait until all rainbow islands (yellow) and yellow islands merge.

The cities above will be combined to form a very powerful city.

Islands and cities grow together.

can also be combined.

Ye Xiu estimated that by virtue of this way.

Ye Xiu can get level 5 and even level 6 cities!

That was definitely another feast!

But to build a city on Rainbow Island, the difficulty is more than that.

Ye Xiu looked towards the shoreline: "They should be coming..."

As soon as Ye Xiu's words fell, there was a huge wave on the coast.

A large number of amphibious frogmen climbed onto the beach.

They rushed towards Rainbow City crazily.

Ye Xiu's eyes are sharp.

He faintly saw more enemies hidden under the sea.

Those are all aquatic arms.

They are rushing up to destroy Yellowstone City!

This is why it is difficult to build cities on Rainbow Island.

Some factions also once built cities.

But it was destroyed by the forces of the Sea Clan.

The two sides saw each other many times.

Still the Sea Clan has the upper hand.

Not many cities have been formed on Rainbow Island so far.

"Lord Shura, a large number of amphibious frogmen are rushing up!"

[Luffy's Man] is on a battleship with other players.

They saw a large number of aquatic monsters rushing over.

Contact Ye Xiu immediately.

Ye Xiu smiled: "You control the battleships to bombard those trash sea tribes, I'll go find the hero cards..."

The first thing Ye Xiu did was build a city.

The second thing to do is to find the hero cards for the Scourge of the Sea.

He was very relieved [Luffy's man] over there.

Just some amphibious frogmen.

Can't afford to turn over any storms.

Wait for the more powerful murlocs to rush up.

Only a little challenging.

Guided by the treasure, Ye Xiu quickly found the location of the last hero card.

After digging, Ye Xiu got the Hero Card for Ocean's Scourge within half an hour.

8 hero cards, all in hand!

Collect all golden hero cards.

Ye Xiu chose to summon the dragon!

No, it is the program to start the resurrection of the ocean disaster.

[Use the hero card - Ocean Disaster (all), activate the resurrection mission: Ocean Disaster. 】

Resurrection Mission - Ocean Plague: Mission Description: Ocean Plague is a pirate captain who once conquered the sea. As the king of pirates, Ocean Plague is invincible across the sea, but in the end Ocean Plague was ambushed by the sea tribe and died in battle. at the bottom of the sea.

Mission requirements: Kill enough sea clan units to avenge the ocean disaster. Kill low-level marine units: 0/20w, kill mid-level marine units: 0/5W, kill high-level marine units: 0/10000, sea heroes: 0/30.

Mission Reward: Resurrection of the Ocean Scourge [and obtain the flagship Overlord of the Ocean Scourge.

"The resurrection mission is very suitable for the occasion. It happens that the sea clan is here to die, and it can resurrect the disaster of the ocean!"

Ye Xiu's eyes lit up.

The attack of the Sea Clan happened to be to give away the head!

Ye Xiu immediately returned to the Black Pearl.

At this moment, the Sea Clan units haven't even broken through the first line of defense yet.

However, Huangshi Island is not the only coast that can land on this side.

A large number of amphibious frogmen also want to land in other directions.

But they encountered a more powerful enemy.

Sea Beast Priests, Deep Sea Titans, and Blood Shark Knights have blocked the sea in other directions.

They go up from there, they can only die.

There are also murloc guards who land on the island and become Ye Xiu's fighting force.

"Amphibious frogs, give me more heads!"

Ye Xiu let his troops spread out.

Amphibian frogmen have been dying.

They are all low-level troops.

Just in time for Ye Xiu to brush up his progress.

However, the continuous deaths of the amphibious frogmen also made the Sea Clan unable to bear it.

"Hateful human beings want to revive Rainbow Island. They must not be allowed to succeed!"

"Little ones, give it to me! Kill all these humans!"

In the depths of the ocean, a sea hero spoke.

So more sea clan arms rushed out of the ocean.

The fifth-order cancer knight.

The sixth-tier lobster pincers.

A seventh-tier murloc warrior.

All kinds of sea clan arms rushed to the coast frantically.

【Luffy's Man】I couldn't help complaining.

"Is this going to stew a pot of super seafood, it's all for food!"

Cancer, lobster and sea fish.

This really does cook in one pot!

This is a unit more suitable for landing operations among the Sea Clan.

They have basic amphibious capabilities.

Unlike some sea clan arms, they cannot land on land at all.

This is also the reason why the Sea Clan has been unable to invade the land.

Many powerful units of the Sea Clan cannot leave the water at all.

Sea and land.

It's completely two fields.

"Going to the middle-level arms? Then let's take care of it!"

"Jewel Knights, you can use your full firepower!"

Ye Xiu snapped his fingers.

The 4,200 gem knights are all fully fired.

A large number of arrows rained down.

Plus other marksman classes.

These intermediate arms were also massacred one-sidedly when they went ashore.

Ye Xiu is not afraid of these sea people at all, he hasn't fully exerted his full strength yet!

"Land and sea are totally different!"

"When the sea people land on land, they are dying! This is our domain!"

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