Then Lin Tai also took a closer look at the forces of the four hostile galaxies.

First of all, the most prominent is the Cowherd Galaxy.

The Cowherd galaxy is as aggressive as the galaxy controlled by Lin Tai, and is stronger than Lin Tai, occupying five small galaxies and three super galaxies.

And the high god-level masters in this sphere of influence actually reached a terrifying number of seven.

And it is said that their leader is not a high god, but a super strong man at the level of a supreme god.

Facing the Supreme God, even the current Lin Tai can only choose to surrender or die.

But the good news is that the Cowherd Galaxy is now fighting against another galaxy that is too large, and both sides are coveting a precious space-time rift.

So this time, the person responsible for invading the Centaur galaxy was only a vassal-level character from the Cowherd galaxy. He was entrusted to a territory the size of a super galaxy, and he had a trillion god-level troops under his command.

And a trillion means 100 million, which is more terrifying than Lin Tai's current army of thousands to tens of thousands.

This prince of the Cowherd galaxy is naturally also a player. His game nickname is "Kura Kurtu", which translates to "-fighting rooster" in adult words.

Of course, where Lin Tai is now occupying, one trillion units can also be brought out, but Lin Tai prefers to lead elite troops, rather than purely relying on numbers to crush the enemy.

Besides, the fighting rooster is actually the same as Lin Tai, although there are many units under his command, but because the territory itself is very huge, there are quite a lot of places to employ people

His one trillion troops are also divided into different planets, small galaxies and other places for guarding, and they also need to suppress rebellions and clear up interstellar pirates.

So the units he can really photograph are at most tens of trillions, and it is not yet possible to use mega as a unit for counting troops.

"Well, this is an extremely powerful opponent, or we are not enough for the Supreme God to pay attention to us now."

The other galaxies are similar to the current Lin Tai, with one or two high gods, occupying a super galaxy and several small galaxies at the same time.

Lin Tai thought for a while, and immediately made a series of plans.

Promote all your lower god heroes to middle gods, and at the same time train a large number of NPC fighters, so that the areas you occupy can start to improve their strength as soon as possible.

First, when the strength of the region it occupies reaches its limit, start supporting the region occupied by Anselor in the centaur galaxy to help it upgrade quickly.

Second, with the puppet Anselor as the main vanguard, regain the centaur galaxy, and begin to try to invade the Andromeda galaxy, the Vega galaxy, and the Koror galaxy.

Third, digest strength, quickly improve your own strength, make friends with galaxies that are fighting with the Cowherd galaxy, and jointly launch attacks on the Cowherd galaxy

This is the strategic decision made by Lin Tai, and it is also related to his future progress in this game.

Of course, his current strength is only a high god, and he is completely unqualified to stir up troubles in this universe.

And for it, the most important thing now is to use the Cowherd galaxy to temporarily be unable to control itself, so as to strive for its continuous growth.

"By the way, Anselo, maybe you can send someone to contact these people."

At this moment, Lin Tai said suddenly.

"Send someone to contact?"

"That's right."

Lin Tai nodded, then leaned against Anselo's ear and whispered something.

"So that's it, I understand, you are really a genius!"

At this time, Anselo also said excitedly: "No need to compliment me, I will start immediately."


Under Lin Tai's guidance, the centaur Anselor immediately found a subordinate named Brook, and Lin Tai also found a very witty counselor, Zhang Song, from among his subordinates.


As a negotiator, Zhang Song is quite qualified, and his own strength is not bad, enough to bear the blessing of Lin Tai, the high god, and Lin Tai released a certain amount of power on him.

Originally, Zhang Song, who was only a demigod, immediately increased his fighting power. Because of Lin Tai, the high god's blessing, now he can even use the power of the high god level to avoid the pursuit of the middle god.

Of course, this must be based on the fact that the other party is a little jealous of Lin Tai. If you encounter a middle god who has no wisdom at all and only knows how to kill, then you will definitely not be able to escape by relying on the power of the upper god.

"Okay, now your strength is enough, and then prepare to act according to the plan.

"Okay, then everything will go according to your idea."

Speaking, now Zhang Song said that the strength in his body gradually converged, and then said: "Brook, let's get ready to go.


The centaur named Brooke also nodded, and then said: "We will succeed, for the future nine of the galaxy!".

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