Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1701: Verbal War Confucianism

At this time, they took a small number of units and flew towards the opponent's position in the spaceship.

At this time, a meeting has also been held among the coalition forces.

Several high gods in charge of leading the team sat around a round table. At this time, the masters of the three armies of the Cowherd Galaxy, the Vega Galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Koror Galaxy were all here.

At this time, Lin Tai also looked forward from Zhang Song's body, looking at the situation ahead with great interest.

While they were talking, suddenly the figures of Zhang Song and Brooke were gradually revealed.

At this time, Zhang Song also said: ""One Seven Seven" everyone, I think you already know that "now we have occupied one-fifth of the centaur galaxy.

"Damn guy!"

At this time, the people from the Cowherd galaxy stood up and said, "Hmph, you are really brazen, you just took advantage of the gap in our struggle! As soon as we come to our senses, the place you occupy will be snatched by us immediately." return!"

"Is it really?"

At this time, Zhang Song also said with a smile: "Guys, do you really want to share an area with such an aggressive guy?"

"What did you say?" Immediately, the people from the Cowherd galaxy raised their hands, and immediately raised their hands, sending out a ray of light towards Zhang Song.

But at this time, what can be seen is that a black phantom suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Song, and suddenly raised his hand, directly blocking the opponent's attack.

Then, with a wave of the black shadow, the man from the Cowherd galaxy was directly sent flying, and a blood hole was opened on his forehead.

At this time Lin Tai also withdrew his power again.

But despite this, Lin Tai has completely stunned these people. After all, he can kill a middle god, and he is not here yet.

In this way, the only ones who can do it are the High God and the Supreme God.

And no matter which one it is, it is impossible for these middle Shendu present to compete with each other.

"Damn guy, you really are a spy!"

At this time, the commander of the Vega star system suddenly stood up, took out a very sharp laser knife, and pointed at Zhang Song in front of him.

Then he said: "This guy actually killed the commander-in-chief of Altair, we are allies, why don't you get rid of this guy with me?"

Even so, he rushed towards Zhang Song without hesitation, completely disregarding his own safety.

And the commanders of the other galaxies behind it unexpectedly all did not act at all.

At this moment, the Vega's people who rushed up suddenly turned around, directly broke the wall on the side, and then rushed up directly.


Lin Tai's voice suddenly sounded here, and the guy flew back straight away, smashing hard on the ground.

With this fall, this powerful existence at the middle god level was actually thrown to death alive!

"Everyone, I think everyone can see that Vega has completely become the running dog of Altair!" Zhang Song said immediately: "From this point of view, Altair has not stopped infiltrating you at all!"

"Now that they have controlled the commander of Vega, will they also attack you in the future? This is obviously certain!"

Hearing Zhang Song's words, the rest of the people were a little silent...

Then, Zhang Song continued: "Compared to everyone who understands the truth of the cold lips and teeth, the Centaur Galaxy is a galaxy that isolates you from Altair. If you really let this galaxy come in, you will directly border each other!"


The rest of the people nodded.

What Zhang Song said was so true, so they had no room to refute for the time being.

At this time, Zhang Song also continued to strike while the iron was hot, saying: "Since this is the case, why don't we exclude him? We should join hands and drive out the most threatening Cowherd galaxy!"

The people around looked at each other, and they seemed to agree with Zhang Song's statement.

However, the commander-in-chief of the Andromeda galaxy still asked: "But what is the difference between you and this Altair? Why don't we contact the Altair layer that we have communicated with and look at you at the same time?"

Saying this sentence on 1.9 actually shows that he has already agreed with Zhang Song, and he just wants to ask for some benefits.

But Zhang Song is so smart.

He didn't bring up the issue of regression at all, but said instead: "In essence, StarCraft requires various lords to fight each other, so in terms of opposition, there is naturally no difference between our galaxy and the Cowherd galaxy."

"However, we are weaker now, so we can't threaten you for the time being, can't we?"

Zhang Song said with a smile: "Cooperating with the Cowherd Galaxy, everyone will definitely die. But cooperating with us is different...".

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