"Yeah, cooperating with the Cowherd Galaxy is almost equivalent to automatically becoming meat on the chopping board, and you will definitely die.

The commander of the Koror galaxy also stood up and said: "If we cooperate with the Milky Way, we can get an enemy who is an ally for the time being, but our development opportunities are the same, and the future outcome has not really been decided yet!"

"Well, it's exactly what you said."

Under the coercion of the situation, the two commanders of the Andromeda galaxy and the Koror galaxy all agreed to Lin Tai's proposal, and the high gods behind them naturally understood the reason

"Okay, now, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!"

The three people present all laughed happily.

...twenty four...

Under Lin Tai's intervention, the coalition army, which was already deeply divided, fell apart directly.

Coupled with the death of the two commanders of the Cowherd galaxy and the Vega galaxy, the army brought by their two galaxies naturally seemed to be cooking a pot of porridge in an instant.


Suddenly, the commander of the Koror galaxy and the commander of the Andromeda galaxy issued orders at the same time.

The armies of the two galaxies launched an attack on the teams of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl in an instant.

Numerous destructions appear in the universe.

Soon, more and more battle damage appeared.

And at this moment, troops from the centaur galaxy, which belonged to Anselor, also appeared on the east side of the coalition forces.

This is where the army of the Cowherd galaxy is stationed.

The moment they appeared, countless centaurs aimed at the countless spaceships in front of them, and began to draw their bows and arrows.

They are all god-level arms, so even if they shoot arrows, their power is not weaker than that of space missiles.

At this time, countless arrows fell from the sky and fell fiercely into the ranks of the Cowherd galaxy, causing countless explosions!

I saw that these spaceships were blown up and down on the spot, and they lost their kinetic energy system even more.

"Kill these invaders and avenge our people!"

These centaurs wailed angrily, and kept shooting at the front one after another, even injecting most of their divine power into them, launching suicide attacks one after another.

The battle situation is completely one-sided.

Soon the armies of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl's two major galaxies were either killed or captured, and the scene was extremely miserable for a while.

And when this battle happened, Lin Tai had already left.

In fact, he doesn't care about the current situation in the Centaur galaxy, as long as he can put a nail in here, it's enough. What really matters is Thor's inheritance.

That's right, now Lin Tai has found the treasure map of Thor's treasure that he needs, and started to follow the instructions on it to find his own treasure.

First of all, the first stop he came to was a planet named "Kobik" in the Centaur galaxy.

This planet is the home of the largest pirate in the Centaur galaxy, the Fire Pirates.

At this time, Lin Tai was driving the explorer shuttle, and was discovered by these flame pirates almost instantly, and then almost countless spaceships came to surround Lin Taiwei.

"Hey, brat, you don't have eyes when you walk, this is the place of our Flame Pirates!"

A voice came out from the flagship. Judging from the intensity of the voice, this was actually a good middle god. At least Anselor before being strengthened by Lin Tai was probably not his opponent.

But this guy is obviously too arrogant, at this time he actually yelled at a high god: "Now, you have only one way, hand over all your property, and then surrender and become our minions!"

"Oh, you actually want to rob me?"

Lin Tai suddenly sneered.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai directly raised his hand, and suddenly countless lightning dragons appeared around, and the terrifying number instantly surrounded the Flame Pirates.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a hard stubble!"

The person who shouted first also said angrily: "Even if you have some strength, you can't just provoke the face of our Flame Pirates. Come on, everyone, kill him for me!"

As he spoke, the Corsair 900 under him immediately launched a strong attack, and countless missiles and lasers flew towards Lin Tai.

"Build a defensive wall!"

Lin Tai's order was issued, and immediately the lightning giant dragons also burst out a burst of lightning power, forming a defensive barrier around them.

These defensive barriers formed a cage-like lightning defense, and all the missiles were blocked in an instant, and then they were detonated.

As for the laser beam, it was disintegrated halfway through the flight and failed to hit Lin Tai.

"Get rid of them!"

Immediately afterwards, these thunder and lightning dragons raised their heads one after another, spraying large pieces of thunder and lightning dragon breath towards the surroundings [the spaceship of the pirate group of ten flames was smashed into pieces.

Almost none of the members inside survived.

"Damn it, Elite Team, go!"

With a roar, another batch of larger-looking spaceships rushed out in an instant, and the cannons were raised one after another, aiming at the Thunder Dragon. .

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