Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1703 Destructive Power

"Get rid of them!"

At this time, countless thunder and lightning dragons erupted with terrifying power at the same time, killing countless flame pirates in an instant.

At this time, Lin Tai also waved his hand, and a huge lightning dragon was condensed immediately, and then rushed forward in an instant.

It opened its mouth and bit hard, destroying most of the spaceships of the Flame Pirates in an instant.

The rest of these people started to flee in an instant, and their boss, a middle Shendu, was instantly killed in this situation, and they naturally lost the mentality of fighting Lin Tai in an instant.

And Lin Tai was not in a hurry to chase them down, although killing these space pirates could get some merit points, but for Lin Tai, basically nothing was better than nothing.

At this time, Lin Tai also summoned some units in charge of investigation from his Qiankun world, and then brought them to the planet occupied by the flame pirates.

Most of the families on this planet are the family members of the Pirates of Flame. Now seeing their relatives being slaughtered, they are naturally very angry and panicked.

"Damn intruder, get out of my home!"

A boy rushed towards Lin Tai with a broom.

Lin Tai was not infected by his blood at all. In fact, as a pirate's child, he was raised by pirates when he was young. Although he may not have killed anyone, his hands are still covered with blood. of.

With a wave of Lin Tai's hand, his body flew upside down in an instant, and then turned into a puddle of minced meat, falling to the ground like a lump of mud.

At this time, Lin Tai also said: "There are so many people, it's better to kill you as soon as possible in order to find things properly.

As he said that, Lin Tai directly summoned a huge amount of dark power, covering the entire planet in an instant, and the terrifying dark power began to crazily destroy everything in front of him.

Soon, the entire planet was instantly covered by dark divine power, and then these dark divine power began to gradually penetrate the entire planet, unexpectedly gathering all valuable things together very quickly.

One of them was seen by Lin Tai, and he took it with him casually.

Name: Thunder God's Seal*3

Class: Medium Artifact

Effect: Collect all the seals of Thor, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, synthesize the seal of Thor

Description: It is said that this is part of the power of Thor's seal, and in some cases it will even fuse with the planet to form something very special.

"Ha, I got one now, it seems quite simple." Lin Tai said casually.

Then he took out the map from his backpack and looked at it. The next location was the Yehla star in the centaur galaxy.

"Yehra Star, it seems to be in the east."

Afterwards, he also took all the arms back to his universe world, and then continued to drive the explorer shuttle towards Yehela star.

Soon, he found a huge crimson planet.

The planet floats around a star that is radiant.

Just from this, Lin Tai can only feel one living body, and it seems that there are no other superfluous intelligent creatures.

"Is it a boss battle this time, okay, let me see what you can do."

Saying that, Lin Tai directly drove the explorer shuttle to the planet Yehra.

As soon as he landed, Lin Tai felt a burst of oppression.

Because the air on this planet is very thin, and there is a poisonous gas that smells a bit like sulfur in the air, which makes Lin Tai feel a little uncomfortable.

Lin Tai, who has experienced hell, can be sure that this is not real sulfur, but that the taste is somewhat similar.

~Okay, let me see what you have. "

As he said that, he continued to walk over, and at the same time, a gas detector appeared in his hand, and he began to analyze the atmospheric composition of this planet.

"Ectors gas has chronic toxicity and has a certain corrosive effect on the human body. Living in this gas for a long time, creatures will gradually lose their wisdom and become thoughtless pieces of meat."

"It's really dangerous! It seems that all the creatures in this world are gone..."

But just as Lin Tai said this, suddenly the ground under its feet started to vibrate very alarmingly.

Then a huge crack appeared in front of Lin Tai. (Nolly's)

Immediately afterwards, a dark red tentacle stretched out from the ground, directly attacking Lin Tai viciously.

Lin Tai is also very human, as a high god, it is almost impossible for him to be hit by such an attack.

He retreated a certain distance, and at the same time the commandment in his hand turned into Heavenly Punishment, and suddenly shot an arrow towards the tentacle.


In an instant, the arrow exploded, directly blowing the tentacle into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, its owner also quickly crawled out from the ground.

When Lin Tai saw this guy, he immediately frowned.

Because this is a strange substance glued together by countless creatures. .

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