Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1708: The Strange Cabin

With the help of the light from the kerosene lamp, Lin Tai saw a dark hut around here, which looked relatively empty.

Because there is no other furniture here except this table and the kerosene lamp beside it.

However, in such a hut, there are actually two doors.

Lin Tai walked forward and soon came to the first door. He stretched out his hand to hold it and twisted it, and then he got a system prompt [key needed].

Another door gave the same hint.

"Wait, there seems to be something on the door." He was taken aback for a moment, and then stretched out his hand to touch the door. Found ten coats of wet stuff in ten shades.

This liquid is transparent, but much more viscous than water, and emits a weird, headache-inducing smell.

"It's formalin, isn't it commonly used in hospitals?"

Lin Tai frowned slightly, but the important thing now was not formalin, but to find the key.

After a little thought, he suddenly walked up to the kerosene lamp, extinguished the flame with his wet fingers that had just touched formalin, and then took out the wick.

The wick turned out to be in the shape of a key.

"But in this way, there will be no lights here. Fortunately, I have already remembered all the surrounding environment, otherwise it will be a little troublesome.

Yes, although the game can seal the ability of Lin Tai as a high god, his memory, strategy, thoughts, etc. as a high god cannot be interfered by the game system.

He walked to a door and inserted the key, but got a strange reminder.

[The key does not match the size of the lock. 】

But what made him even more strange was that the other door had the same prompt, which meant that this key could not be used on any door.

"But there are only these two doors here..." 々..."

Lin Tai frowned slightly, and suddenly remembered the formalin he touched just now. He looked in that direction, only to find that this wet trace was emitting fluorescence in the dark night.


This seems to be a coordinate, but it is not in the same format as a coordinate, and it is a bit like an interval.

But Lin Tai quickly realized that this is not a coordinate or an interval, but a special way to express a square, which means a hundred square centimeters around.

Thinking of the door as a side of a square, Lin Tai noticed that its length was exactly one meter, and then searched according to the prompts, and soon found a floor tile that was hollow when stepped on.

He stretched out his hand and lightly buckled it, and the wooden board was opened, and there was a key hidden underneath.

However, when he got the key, Lin Tai was stunned again.

Because its information turned out to be:

name: key

Type: Consumables

Effect: Open a door

Description: If the wrong door is selected, it will disappear after use and the door will no longer be opened.

"It's so fucking funny, it's a great setting."

Lin Tai couldn't help complaining while playing with the keys in his hand.

In fact, the current him can completely hit his luck, because there are only two doors, and the probability of being right is 50%, which is not too low.

However, what he is doing now is the task of advancing from the lower god to the middle god, and there must be no mistakes.

Once the wrong door is opened, it means that Thunder Dragon God Thor will always be just a lower god, losing the opportunity to become a middle god, or even a higher god.

"Well, it seems that we still need to continue to explore."

As he spoke, Lin Tai walked to a window, wanting to continue observing the room. At this time, he had adapted to the darkness and could already see things in the room.


But at this moment, there was a sudden slapping sound behind him!

Lin Tai looked back and found a blood-red handprint suddenly appeared on the glass.

At the same time, his shadow reflected on the glass also slowly opened his mouth, showing a very terrifying smile towards him.

"Well, it's up to you."

Lin Tai was not frightened at all, he turned his head calmly and continued to observe the whole room.

"Although the two doors look crooked, the angle of the wall is also slanted. If the two walls are regarded as straight lines, then the two doors actually correspond to each other. Visual deception... ..."

After saying that, Meng Hao (Wang Hao) walked to the middle of the corresponding two doors, and then groped along it, and found a transparent door near one of the doors.

It is almost invisible to the naked eye.

Lin Tai knows that this special substance that makes up the portal is called night silver, and it can only be touched in the dark, and there is no physical existence under the light.

"You are the one."

As he spoke, Lin Tai inserted the key he got from the kerosene lamp and twisted it, and with a click, the door was opened.

The reason is very simple account.

Since this door can only be touched in the dark, the key obtained by extinguishing the light is naturally used to open its existence. .

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