There was silence outside the window.

A gust of wind blew past, making the bamboo leaves outside the window rustle.

And shaking with them, besides the weeds, there is Lin Tai's shadow reflected on the glass.

Suddenly, the shadow walked down the glass step by step.

It stepped on the ground, its whole body reclined, still resting on the face of the glass fan, showing a terrifying smile.

He stepped lightly, and Lin Tai, who was controlled by his strength, didn't even notice the opponent's existence, allowing the opponent to gradually approach him from behind.

He raised the sharp shard of glass in his hand and aimed it at Lin Tai's neck!


But just as the shards fell hard, Lin Tai walked into the room, the glass hit the door and shattered himself.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the wind, bamboo leaves, weeds, and shadows all disappeared.

There were only a few pieces of broken glass left on the ground.

"Well, this is a new room. 020"

Lin Tai looked at the situation in front of him, one didn't pay attention, the door just came in was locked suddenly, and there was a crisp sound of clicking.


He turned around and held the handle, and found that he could not open the door again, and when he opened the door just now, the key had already been consumed, making him unable to use it again.

"Very well, this gave me a more confident idea.

As he spoke, Lin Tai scanned his surroundings, and soon found some dents on the wall, which were carved with some kind of sharp object.

"What does this imply to me?"

Looking around again, Lin Tai found an old TV.

Taking a closer look, Lin Tai was a little surprised to see that this old-fashioned TV had no place to dissipate heat at all, and there was no socket, it was placed on the table like a decoration (cede).


He casually picked up a small hammer on the side and smashed it hard on the TV, smashing it to pieces.

At this time, Lin Tai stretched out his hand to peel off the fragments, and then took out the things hidden in the TV.

The thing inside the TV turned out to be a safe.

"I wipe!"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment, in fact he hadn't seen this kind of thing for a long time.

Of course, if it is still the upper god, or as long as it is a lower god, it can be easily opened.

However, there is only one way for him to deal with this thing now, and that is to enter the password.

"Well, it's annoying, but as a game, I thought the combination of the safe should be found around.

As he said that, Lin Tai took out the safe, looked in front of him, and immediately found that there was a line of small characters on it, sixsix.

"Oh, six six, isn't it? It's really concise."

As he spoke, Lin Tai entered six six as the password, opened the safe, and took out the things hidden inside.

It turned out to be a box of gouache for painting.

"In that case, I kind of understand."

Lin Tai took the gouache in his hand, and then went to the place where he had carved some pictures with a knife, stretched out his hand, and painted the gouache on it.

Immediately afterwards, the pictures carved on the wall suddenly fell off and fell into Lin Tai's hands.

There were three things that fell, a wine bottle, a wine glass, and a violin without a bow, but the strings were still there and could be played.

In addition to these three things, there is another one that did not fall, and that is a humanoid painting, which looks like a pirate.

"Who are you?" Lin Tai asked.

"I am the legendary Captain Henry!"

Immediately he said, "Now, I want to drink!"

"Uh... Is that so?"

Lin Tai looked at the wine glass and glass bottle in his hand, and asked decisively: "Okay, Captain, do you want white wine or beer?"

"Wine! I want to drink and sell wine!" said the pirate viciously.


Nodding, then Lin Tai turned around.


There were bursts of strange sounds.

Then, Lin Tai turned around, held up the yellow liquid with white foam in his hand, and said, "Captain, the wine you want!"

After speaking, he poured a cup for the pirate.

The pirate didn't even think about it, but he drank the glass of wine directly, hiccupped immediately after drinking, and said, "It's really good wine!"


Cold sweat began to flow from Lin Tai's forehead, this guy actually treats urine as good wine, it looks really dangerous!

"What about the song?"

At this time, the pirate pointed to Lin Tai and said, "Sing me a song!"

"Singing, I used to really like it, but after I became a god, I really forgot about it.

As he said that, Lin Tai also recalled his favorite song, and sang loudly: "Touch it, stretch it out..."

Lin Tai quickly sang this popular little song, and the pirate froze in place as if petrified. .

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