At this time, Lin Tai was still watching from a distance.

He saw these spaceships, which had already landed on Kajira star, and began to frantically slaughter the people on this planet.

According to Lin Tai's observation, this planet named Kakira is still quite backward, at least without any technology, which seems to be a bit of a feudal dynasty.

"Are all the settings like this here?~" Lin Tai thought in his heart.

At this time, a group of warriors disguised as the inner-earth galaxy had come to the Kajila galaxy and began to slaughter the inhabitants of this planet crazily.

Lin Tai saw that these heavily armored warriors had rushed into a village and began to crazily pinch-butcher knives at the civilians.

"It's almost killed, now it's time for me to appear suddenly and save the world as a savior.

As he spoke, Lin Tai raised his hand and used his skills.


At this time, on the planet Kajira, several warriors were chasing two figures running.

These two figures are less than 1.2 meters, and they look like two brothers.

They were fleeing desperately, and at this time Lin Tai also noticed that although these two were young, they were very powerful.

In other words, both of them have strong potential.

So at this time, Lin Tai slowly appeared beside them, but he didn't show his body yet, watching them continue to run.

But manpower is exhausted.

At this time, these two people were both of the tenth rank, and they were exhausted soon after being pursued by a group of twelfth rank troops, and suddenly fell to the ground.


At this time, a soldier behind suddenly stabbed one of them with a knife, and he fell down immediately, bleeding profusely.

"big brother!"

The shorter kid in front roared with grief and indignation, but now he doesn't even have the ability to fight hard.

"Hahaha, brat, die!"

Saying that, these warriors rushed up directly, swiping the sharp blades in their hands, drawing a silver streamer in mid-air.


But the knife did not hit the two brothers.

Because Lin Tai was directly blocking them at this time, he stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the weapon in this guy's hand.

"Well, it's only the twelfth rank, and it's not even a god-level unit. It's really weak."

With a sneer, a burst of light burst out of Lin Tai's hands, instantly crushing all the people in front of him.

"Well, my ability can kill them easily, and it's not affected by the laws of physics. Fortunately, that's the case. If my ability doesn't work for people in another universe, I can only take them away."

Lin Tai thought like this as his alarm clock passed, and then said.

"Sophie, kill them!"


Lin Tai said with a smile, and then the new image of Sophie, the hourglass, appeared behind Lin Tai, and she also called out her subordinate unit, the Slashing Angel.

The current Slashing Angel has naturally changed as well.

They originally had some biological characteristics, but now they have been completely changed into mechanical bodies due to changes in physical properties.

That's right, angels were originally bio-mechanical combat weapons, but in another universe, they became pure metal machines, and a special power burst out from their bodies.


Although the strength has been enhanced, the feeling they give people now can be described in one sentence, that is, whether they are good people.

But in any case, these slashing angels are god-level arms that have been strengthened by different universes, so killing these people is naturally quite easy.

Soon, a large number of fighters were killed, and Lin Tai also looked at them and said, "Stop."

At this time, all the slashing angels stopped their movements immediately, allowing the opponent to escape.

"Okay, I won't hold you accountable for the indiscriminate killing of innocent people for the time being, go back, remember to tell your superiors, no, the owner, tell him my name as Asura! Go away!"

As soon as Lin Tai said this, all the fighters ran away like shit. Naturally, they didn't have any intention of confronting Lin Tai, a super strong man. It was a good thing that the other party was willing to bypass their own life.

So at this time, they can only run at the fastest speed, and they don't dare to stand still in the slightest.

And after these people ran away, Lin Tai looked at the few people on the side. They were all high-level people on this small planet. Although some people were killed, the only demigod on this small planet was still alive and was killed. He was so frightened that he kept panting heavily on the spot.

"Are you okay?" Lin Tai walked towards him.

"No, it doesn't matter."

The man nodded and said, "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm a high god passing by here, and I saw these people invaded this planet, so I came here to help you." Lin Tai also said casually. .

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