At this time, seeing that the people on Kajira still had expressions of disbelief and fear, Lin Tai said, "Even so, I didn't come to save you for free, I need corresponding rewards. "

After he said this, the people on Kajira star showed a more relieved look.

And Lin Tai said in his heart: "Because I have clear requirements, these people can trust me. If I don't want anything, I will be suspected instead..."

That's why it's hard to be a good person.

But Lin Tai is not a nice person either.

He won't let himself do something against his own interests because of the so-called "650" of conscience.

After that, Lin Tai came to a relatively independent place together with the only demigod on Kajira planet.

"My lord, hello, what do you want to tell me?" the demigod asked tremblingly.

At this time, Lin Tai said: "Don't worry, I don't have any plans for your planet, in fact, I'm just passing by, so I just asked you something.

So Lin Tai chatted with him for a while.

First of all, this place is called Kajila Star, and there is no powerful existence, it is just an inconspicuous small planet on the border of the main Saros galaxy.

And this place is also very close to the center of the Earth's galaxy, so the two sides often rub and collide around here.

So Lin Tai thought for a while, and took out one from his backpack, which looked like a shell.

This is actually the game currency.

It's just that after the physical rules changed, the game currency also became a completely different image, and Lin Tai couldn't recognize what it was.

"Anyway, that's the currency we use there.

"Oh? Isn't this black gold?" The demigod also recognized it immediately, and then said: "Although this kind of coin is not circulated in our galaxy, we also use black gold, mithril, and orichan copper as currency. is the value of owning precious metals."

"Well, that's how it is."

Nodding his head, Lin Tai asked some more about the fighting power, religion, legends, etc. here.

Then, Lin Tai also participated in the funeral after the disaster.

Countless dead people were buried in the soil.

They were killed by the enemy, leaving only a corpse.

Lin Tai watched their family members kneeling in front of the grave and weeping sadly, but he didn't feel anything. The number of soldiers he died in battle every day was countless times more than this.

Although Lin Tai can also revive them, this is not the best policy, and it is not so wise to expose his strength here.

"Just saving this planet should be enough." Lin Tai thought in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai also continued to withdraw his strength, and then began to walk forward. Unexpectedly, he happened to see this demigod discussing something with other people in the business district.

"Are there any troubles again?"

Lin Tai walked over strangely and asked.

"That's right." The demigod said in a panic: "Just now, we found a group of spaceships approaching here, and they seem to be quite powerful!

"Then I'll go and have a look."

Lin Tai nodded, and then said to the demigod beside him: "As the strongest person on this planet, you also come with me, maybe there is something I can use you for...

"it is good."

So Lin Tai and this demigod left this planet, left Kajila Star from the universe, and then went to meet the fleet ahead.

But at this time, the fleet stopped in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai saw a man in mechanical armor jumping off the spaceship, and quickly came to Lin Tai in a few steps.

Seeing this strong man "Lin Tai couldn't help but check the opponent's attribute data card.

Name: Ashara

Rank: middle god

Attribute: Mechanical

Skills: slightly

Description: A warrior wearing heavy armor. He is extremely powerful. It is said that he has special weapons that are quite difficult to deal with, allowing him to easily take the enemy's head from the army.

"Well, this guy's strength is really not bad."

Lin Tai nodded.

And at this time, Ashara said to the demigod in front of her: "The master of Kajira planet, the demigod Saier, tell me, who are these 1.5 people beside you? 17

"Oh, this is Lord Shura, he saved my life and the lives of the whole village." Saier said immediately.

But at this time, the eyes of the opposite party, the middle god named Ai Gente, looking at Lin Tai changed immediately.

"It turns out that you saved the planet, thank you so much!"

"Well, it doesn't matter, saving the weak and innocent poor people is what I should do."

When Lin Tai was speaking, Saier also turned his head and introduced Ashara's strength and identity. .

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