Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1729 Lin Tai Makes A Move

"Damn guy, I love this galaxy, I must protect it to the end, how can I let this place be insulted by you dirty guys!"

As she said that, a burst of black power erupted from Ashara's body again, and then she crawled up while supporting her own body.

"Hahaha, it is because you can only say such nonsense that you will be killed by us!"

At this time, Barba said with a smile: "The end of everything will be death! The galaxy is no exception. You who defy me here are the most stupid people."

After speaking, Barba rushed up directly, and then a black light blade appeared in his hand, and suddenly slashed towards Ashara.

And Ashara didn't have much strength anymore.

He tightly grasped the weapon in his hand, and then slammed upwards, trying to block Barba's attack.

But now, Barba is much stronger than Ashara both in terms of speed and reflexes. Before Ashara could react, Barba had already come behind it.

457 Immediately afterwards, Ashara stabbed her in the back of the heart with a knife.

And at this time, a figure suddenly stood between Barba and Ashara, suddenly raised his hand, and grabbed the weapon in Barba's hand.

Then Lin Tai flicked and instantly threw Barba out.

But Barba flew a certain distance in the air, before it could react, Lin Tai rushed up again, the light power suddenly shook by his side, and hit the man's body fiercely.

In the next second, Barba was directly sent flying.

"Damn guy, there is such a helper!"

With a roar, Barba waved his hand and threw a sharp knife towards Lin Tai.

Lin Tai took a few steps back, and at the same time, a sharp blade made of light appeared in his hand, and almost at the same time (ceeb), he also took out another thing in his left hand, which was Wang.

And Judgment also erupted with a dazzling light, and then struck forward suddenly, directly knocking Barba's body into the air.

"The verdict has evolved into something with dual attributes of light and dark. It seems that it has been strengthened a bit." Lin Tai nodded with some satisfaction.

And at this time, Barba actually showed a stunned expression.

"Huh? Could it be that I was shocked because of my strength?" Lin Tai froze for a moment, but he didn't notice the other party's emotions.

Among Lin Tai's gods is the god of evil emotions, so he can perceive part of the emotions of the other party.

So at this time, Lin Tai also asked: "Do you know me?"


Barba didn't say anything, he nodded vaguely, then turned around and wanted to run away.

And Lin Tai didn't stop him, watching Leviathan, Barba, and Beelzebub, the three middle gods, turned around and ran away one after another.

They also took away the warriors they had brought with them.

And at this time, Lin Tai also turned around to look at Ashara who was hit on the planet, and then walked over, releasing a burst of light power from his body.

The power of light began to heal Ashara's injury little by little, and soon his body gradually recovered. After taking a deep breath, the pain on his body was actually reduced a lot

"You, your strength is so strong."

Ashara looked at Lin Tai in amazement, he didn't expect Lin Tai's strength to be so terrifying, probably not a mid-god anymore, but a high-god.

"It's mainly because I'm new here and I don't know much about this place, so I wasn't in a hurry to make a move just now."

"Thank you so much. You obviously didn't know the situation, but you sold the battle to save me."

"It's okay, although we don't have much communication, but I can't watch you, a friend I just met, die, can I?"

"You are such a good person!" Ashara said with a smile, "I will always remember your life-saving grace."

"Well, you don't need to remember it." Lin Tai also smiled, "I'm new to this place, so I hope you can tell me something about it.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that."

During a period of chatting, Lin Tai got some things about this galaxy from Ashara's mouth.

It turns out that this galaxy is called the Ai Dellas Galaxy, and there are several galaxies nearby, such as the Geocentric Galaxy, the King Saros Galaxy, and the Bukeles Galaxy.

And the Kakira star they are currently on is a remote place in the King Saros galaxy, bordering on the nearby heart-earth galaxy.

And the Bukeles Galaxy is a galaxy that borders both the Heart-Earth Galaxy and the King Saros Galaxy. It is very difficult to deal with and very mysterious [it is said that it has a terrifying power.

So at this time, Lin Tai also said: "In this way, the people who came to attack us this time may not necessarily be soldiers from the inner-earth galaxy, or they may be sent by Bukeles to provoke the war."

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