Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1730: The Planet, Naran Yar

After chatting with Ashara, Lin Tai also roughly understood these things, so he sent him away, and took Linglong to that place.

This is the place where the heart-earth galaxy and the king Saros galaxy fought.

Almost every cosmic year, there will be a galaxy-level war between the two sides here, and the fight will be dark.

However, in the non-war period, both sides are very restrained, and the smell of gunpowder in the war is not even seen here.

"It's really peaceful."

Lin Tai looked at the situation on the planet Naranyel, and couldn't help but nodded.

"Although wars are fought here, they are generally fought in the nearby space, without destroying the planet. So although the battles have winners and losers, it is nothing to the people on the planet. "

Linglong on the side also said.

The current Linglong can be said to have become quite frightening.

Although the gender has not changed, she is still a female dragon, but Linglong's figure has undergone quite a huge change.

First of all, when she turned into a human form, she was more than three meters tall, and her muscles were strong, and her bumps were full of explosive power.

Even Lin Tai's human form pales in comparison to her.

But even so, Linglong's guest role is a mage and healer, and when necessary, she can also guest role as the melee mage Gandalf.

And Lin Tai's identity is an all-round warrior with dark attributes, who can do it no matter it is melee, long-range, or blocking.

So they pretended that they only had the strength of a low god, and came here, preparing to spy on information.

And according to Ashara, it is very important to have a force on this planet Naranyel, or even the entire Saros galaxy.

That's the adventurer.

Adventurers are managed by the union. By killing monsters and pirates wandering in the universe, they can get certain bounty rewards. The higher the level, the more difficult the tasks they can accept, and the richer the rewards.

"This is the so-called adventurer. It's really an unattractive profession."

Saying that, Lin Tai flew down with Linglong, and soon came to a place, which happened to be the professional league of adventurers.

Here, adventurers can receive missions, publish missions, register identity information and other information.

At this time, Lin Tai and Linglong walked into the alliance, and then came to a counter, handed over their identity materials, and said, "Register as an adventurer."

"Two come to register as adventurers."

The lady at the counter accepted the letter of introduction and information very gently, and then said: "With the letter of introduction, you can be exempted from the test, but no matter what your strength is, you need to start with the lowest level of bronze."

"And according to how many tasks you have done and your contribution to the alliance, your level will increase. May I ask if you can accept this condition?"

"Well, it's okay."

"Okay, this is to print your information for the two of you."

As she spoke, she wrote a little, and soon two bronze-colored seals were taken out and placed in front of Lin Tai and Linglong.

Lin Tai's is: Dark Warrior, Bronze.

Linglong thing: life mage, bronze level.

"Please note, if you do something unconscionable. We will disqualify you as adventurers."

"Please rest assured."

After consulting some more things, Lin Tai brought Linglong to a bar on the planet Naranyel.

...asking for flowers......

In bars, it's not just about eating and exchanging information.

In fact, in the bar room, you can bind the teleportation rune, and when you are in mortal danger, you can quickly return to the bar, which is also a means of saving your life

Lin Tai is also a little interested in this, so I am going to come and have a look.

When he walked into the hotel, he was greeted by an unpleasant smell of alcohol, and Linglong couldn't help frowning.

Lin Tai walked up to the boss and said: "Book a room, no food is needed.

"I'll give you a piece of advice, now you'd better not be too far away from others, it's better to be with everyone.

The owner of the hotel, bar, counter and waiter reminded me very kindly.

"That's unnecessary."

Lin Tai did not agree, but continued: "Give me a room."


He bared in disdain, and then the bar owner casually threw him a key, and said, "Go to the leftmost room on the second floor.


Lin Tai grabbed the key in front of him, and then walked towards the other side.

Unexpectedly, at this time, there was a person who stretched out his leg quietly, as if he wanted to trip Lin Tai and see his joke.

"Hehe, there are idiots everywhere."

Lin Tai didn't say anything clearly, but walked over directly and stepped on this guy's leg.

Although the opponent is an adventurer with a silver brand, but his strength is only a demigod, Lin Tai almost tried his best not to hurt the opponent. .

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