
But despite this, the upper god is the upper god, and it is absolutely impossible for a demigod to touch porcelain.

With this kick, the guy's entire leg turned into nothingness and disappeared, and even the whole person's life value has dropped by ten percent, almost dying.

But now, he is also holding back the pain and shouting: "Brothers, come on, kill him for me!"

"Damn it, you dare to commit murder in public!"

As he said that, dozens of people around rushed out towards Lin Tai, including some lower gods.

"Hehe, you really have some strength. I didn't expect to meet a small group of "four one three" at random, and there are no less than ten lower gods. This universe is really interesting.

He said so in his heart.

Lin Tai is naturally not a passive hand to be beaten.

But Lin Tai didn't want to kill people hastily, after all, these are local snakes here, he is only here to inquire about information, not to rule the world.

So thinking of this, Lin Tai also thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, that is, luck manipulation, which he hasn't used for a long time.

To be honest, this is a very rubbish skill.

Because this skill can basically only be used on people whose strength is far weaker than his own, and it can't cause immediate damage, so it is a waste of waste.

But now, this is the best way to deal with this group of guys who don't know what to do.

"Fate manipulation, bad luck, extreme!"

When Lin Tai's skill was activated, a pale white skull appeared above the heads of all the surrounding enemy units. Of course, only Lin Tai could see this.

At this time, they rushed towards themselves, and then, these people fell down one after another.

Anyway, I don't know why, they just fell uncontrollably, and then they were very strong, but they didn't resist at all, their faces were swollen from the fall.

Although there are a few people who did not make a move, they are also hostile targets.

The chairs under their buttocks broke directly, and then their bodies fell to the ground fiercely, and some people were even pierced into their bodies by sharp wood.

"It's really unlucky, you shameless bastards."

Lin Tai laughed very loudly, and then continued to take her hero, Linglong, up the stairs, and then went to the second floor.

Of course, all of this is seen by everyone here.

Of course, they wouldn't think that these people were all unlucky, after all, they were all demigods and lower gods, and their control over their bodies was already quite perfect.

So it must be something the newcomer did just now.

"Damn it, you damn weak bronze-rank chicken, don't think that you can be unscrupulous with a little strength, I will kill you sooner or later!"

Several people secretly vowed in their hearts that if there is a chance in the future, they must make Lin Tai and the women around him pay the price!

So at this time, they also walked out angrily.

It is a shame for them all their lives.

As for how long this life will last, it is unknown.

But Lin Tai and Linglong got rid of these people for a while, and soon came to their room. When they opened it, they were really small and pitiful.

Living here, there is only a small bed, if it is not for Lin Tai who can take Linglong into the world of Qiankun, it will be a bit troublesome.

So at this time, Lin Tai did not rest, but found a place, and began to think about life. …

"Although these people are not weak in strength, they are also quite arrogant. Although the brand does not represent strength, it seems that they also use the brand to distinguish status and strength.

"Yes, that's why these short-sighted rats are rude to you!" Linglong said angrily, "We must make them, these water fleas, pay the price!"

"Yeah, it has to, just not now."

Lin Tai casually released a magic to seal the room, so that all non-supreme God's snooping magic could not hear the conversation between Lin Tai and Linglong.

Then he said: "The purpose of our visit this time is to collect intelligence. But there is another more important thing, which is to make money.

"Make money?" Linglong was a little confused this time.

"Yes, although the original game currency can be spent, it is not suitable to spend at this time."

"You know, this universe is now launching a war of aggression against our original universe [maybe it will bring back some 5.8 game coins at some point. In this way, our identity will be exposed in an instant."

"Ah, so it is!"

Linglong nodded immediately, and then said: "Then, why don't we melt the game coins and use them as metal blocks? In theory, metal blocks can also replace currency, right?"

"You're right, but there's still a pretty big limitation."

"What restrictions?"

"Selling metal blocks is a very advanced trade method, and generally speaking, it is an industry monopolized by the state, banks, and government.

"Oh I see!".

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