Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1732 Accepting The Task...

The next day, Lin Tai and Linglong left here and began to look for tasks that could be accepted.

But there is one big problem.

That is, although Lin Tai can understand what the other party is talking about through systematic translation, but he doesn't quite understand the specific things.

For example, the task of defeating Cory Gudong, although it was translated, Lin Tai didn't even know what Cory Gudong was!

I don't know where they are distributed. If it is a very common monster, isn't Lin Tai quite embarrassing?

So at this time, Lin Tai did not act lightly.

But soon, his problem was solved.

"Yo, you are here!"

A very happy voice came, and then Lin Tai saw a few people coming from behind, who seemed to be talking to him.

Lin Tai thought for a while, they were not the ones who attacked yesterday, and their names were still green, so they seemed to be friendly units.

"Hello, I have 24, what's the matter?"

"Well, please follow us to the private room on the second floor to talk. The leader said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go."

After speaking, Lin Tai followed them up to the second floor.

The strength of these people is very weak, and this is the headquarters of the Adventurer Alliance, so they must not dare to act rashly.

Soon, in the private room, several people sat around the round table. At this time, the person who spoke just now stood up and said, "Let me introduce you. I am the leader of our ancient adventure group, Gu Yi. I am a sword and shield melee fighter with mediocre but balanced abilities."

Just like what he said, whether it is appearance, ability or temperament, this person is very mediocre, and there is no shining point at all on the surface.

Maybe that's where his strengths lie.

After he finished speaking, another person on the side also stood up.

He is a handsome man with long hair, wearing a leather armor, and said with a smile: "My name is Gu Er, I am the archer in this team, and also the eyes and ears of the team. The ability to see is three times that of ordinary people."

"Well, for ordinary people, this is really a good ability." Lin Tai commented in his heart.

After Gu Er finished speaking, an old man with a beard stood up and said: "My name is Gu San, and I am also the third child of the Gu family, a forest priest who can perform healing, control, and melee combat.

The last one stood up was a girl, but she was dressed like a man, and said: "My name is Gu Si, and I am a magician. I have a passive skill with double magic power. When fighting, the magic power will be doubled. All skills cooldown is halved."

"Well, this guy has good strength, and he is a seed worth cultivating!" Lin Tai's eyes lit up immediately, and the mana value doubled during the battle, which means that he can release double the skills.

And halving the cooling time provides a suitable skill for doubling the mana value. The two effects complement each other perfectly.

If you cultivate it again, this skill may evolve and become stronger.

"Well, in short, among these four people, the first, the second, and the third are all lower gods, and the fourth is a demigod. It seems that they are still an elite team.

Lin Tai continued to think in his heart.

And the other party obviously didn't know what Lin Tai was thinking.

So at this time, Lin Tai also said: "In that case, let's introduce us too.

As he said that, Lin Tai also took off his helmet, and used illusion to fabricate a face that didn't exist at all, and then said: "My name is Shura, and I am a newcomer who has just become an adventurer."

"This is my partner, and also a newcomer, and his strength is not strong."

"Hahaha, don't be humble, we all heard what happened yesterday, you alone defeated many people from the Greedy Wolf Adventure Group, and now they are still hiding in the dark and dare not come out!"

"So it's because of this!"

Lin Tai suddenly had a certain plan in his mind, and then asked: "Everyone, do you have any grudges with this greedy wolf adventure group?"

"Yes!" Gu-933 nodded immediately, and then said: "Actually, not only us, but most people on the entire Naranyel planet are very dissatisfied with them.

"There is such a thing?" Lin Tai immediately asked: "Can you tell me in detail?"

"Well, of course there is no problem. This is something that everyone who lives here knows."

Then he also said: "The Greedy Wolf Adventure Group is the most powerful adventure group on this planet. It is said that their leader and deputy leader are all diamond-level masters, and they also have countless battle groups, and their strength is extremely terrifying." !"

"Diamond level!"

Lin Tai thought for a while, then calculated in his mind, and said: "The ranking of adventurers is Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, Grandmaster [King Rank]

"Although you can increase your level by continuously accumulating merit points, you will reach the top when you reach the gold level in this way. Without the strength of the middle god, it is difficult to become a diamond level.

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