"And you have just come to this planet and just become an adventurer. Although you are very powerful, in order to promote your strength and reputation, the price at the beginning must be cheaper."

Thorth Stark said: "That is why I have come to you.

"It's really convincing."

Lin Tai nodded, but did not continue to think too much, and then said: "Although what you said is good, but I have just made an agreement with their ancient family adventure group, you should find someone else for this mission."


At this time, the four brothers and sisters in the back were also stunned.

Gu Yi hurriedly said: "Mr. Shura, this is a nominated commission from the grandson of the great alchemist Ed Stark. If you complete it, you should be able to get a lot of money and become famous."

"However, isn't it more contractual to complete the agreed things first?"

While talking to himself, Lin Tai said: "How about this, the four of you are hired by me, let's do this task together. After all, it is to escort a batch of 123 supplies. I think it would be easier if there were more people. safety."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Gu nodded and said, "We can agree to this matter, so what about you, South Stark?"

"It doesn't matter." Soth Stark said: "Mr. Shura doesn't need to pay for it. If you come, I will prepare the rewards for the four of you."

After finishing speaking, South Stark also gave them each a contact snail, saying: "Let's go tomorrow morning, when the time comes, I will use this thing to get in touch with you.

Soon came the next morning.

At this time, Lin Tai was also at the place where he needed to come in advance, waiting for the others to arrive slowly.

Not long after, Lin Tai saw a few people walking over quickly, and then saw them coming.

"Well, you are here."

They set off immediately.

Not only these few of them, but also a large number of 12th-rank merchant servants responsible for escorting, the number is about 100,000.

A few people soon came to the star port and boarded the huge space transport plane.

At this time, Lin Tai also saw the cosmic movement tool in this universe, which was simply outrageous, both in terms of combat effectiveness and speed.

They can only navigate in the universe, that's all, and their combat effectiveness is not even comparable to that of the twelfth-tier troops.

"lets go."

The captain immediately started to activate the space transport plane, and then other escort planes and supply planes also provided assistance, and soon a small fleet set sail.

In the universe, several people are really bored, so they also started chatting.

"Speaking of which, are you two lovers?"

Gu Er asked Lin Tai and Linglong suddenly.

"Oh, no, we are just partners." Lin Tai said casually.

For Linglong, Lin Tai didn't have much feeling, after all, after becoming a middle god, her humanoid incarnation was really only an incarnation.

It just looks like a person, but in fact (ceci) is completely a giant dragon that distorts other people's vision, the kind that can scare people to death.

But Gu Er didn't know about this at all. After all, he was just a lower god, and he couldn't see the effect of Linglong, the incarnation of the middle god.

So after hearing what Lin Tai said, Gu Er suddenly knelt down on one knee and said to Linglong: "I'm obsessed with you, I've completely lost my mind, please date me!"


Linglong didn't speak at all, but suddenly threw out her paw, sending Gu Er blowing away in an instant.

But her blow was very light, and she didn't mean to hurt Gu Er at all. In addition, he was also a low-god with quite good strength, so he only suffered a slight injury, which didn't affect him at all.

"Thank you for your stern rejection!"

Gu Er said a word, then suddenly accelerated and ran to Linglong, and said, "Please start with me as friends!"

"Stupid bug!"

Linglong let out a snort, and said angrily: "Believe it or not, I'll turn your head off?"


Before Gu Er could finish speaking, Gu Yi knocked him down suddenly with a hammer, and then said: "I'm really sorry, my second brother has a brain disorder, and he will do this when he sees women. "I'll take care of him."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yi directly pulled Gu Er's hair away, his buttocks rubbed against the ground and sparks burst out.

"Hehe, it's indeed a bit abnormal. There seems to be a little shadow in this guy's mind." Lin Tai said in his heart.

He saw the problem with Gu Er's body, but even Lin Tai couldn't see the influence of this shadow, so he could only wait and see.

At this time, Lin Tai and the others continued to chat and laugh, when suddenly a strange voice sounded from the spaceship: "Alarm, an unknown object is approaching.

"What? Unidentified object?"

Gu Yi was startled for a moment, he knew exactly what it meant to encounter an unknown object in the universe. .

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