Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1735: The Monster In The Universe

Looking outside from the spaceship, Lin Tai also saw a large number of monsters approaching here.

They look like some kind of huge statues, but there are countless huge red eyes growing on their bodies!

These eyes looked towards Lin Tai's spaceship together, and one could see a strong look of covetousness.

"Damn it, I actually encountered such a powerful monster!"

Gu Yi's expression changed instantly.

Lin Tai also checked the attribute data cards of these monsters immediately.

Name: Asteroid Demon

Type: Monster

Race: Celestial

Rank: lower god

Description: A special kind of asteroid, they did not give birth to life, but instead gained the power of life, wandering around in the universe, looking for all opportunities to eat.

"It doesn't look very strong." Lin Tai said casually: "Using rail guns and arms, they can be easily eliminated, right?"


Gu Yi's voice trembled a little.

"In fact, these are just vanguard troops. Every time the asteroid monsters attack, they are led by at least one god-level monster! Monsters at the god-level level need at least diamond-level adventurers to deal with them."

"Oh, so that's the case, it's the Central God."

Lin Tai also nodded, and then said: "Don't worry, you just need to resist the fish that slipped through the net, and leave these monsters to me."

"You want to fight them alone?" Gu Er said in surprise.

"It's okay, it's just some weak chicken creatures, I will kill them in minutes."

That's right, although there are more than a thousand of these guys, they are only lower gods after all. Lin Tai can easily annihilate them no matter whether he crushes them with his own billions of troops or shoots himself.

After speaking, Lin Tai left the spaceship, and with a big wave of his hand, five trillion green dragons appeared beside him.


Lin Tai gave the order, and the green dragons rushed up in an instant.

And Lin Tai is not idle.

When these green dragons were fighting with the asteroid monsters, Lin Tai also took out the commandments and rushed up directly.

In front of Lin Tai, the high god, these asteroid monsters have no chance of losing at all!

Lin Tai directly slashed one by one, slashing through it quite easily, even without using skills.

And soon, Lin Tai also noticed that hidden among these asteroid monsters, there was an existence with a rather special appearance.

It was a super monster whose whole body was blood red and whose body was about the same size as the earth.

Its whole body exudes a dangerous breath.

Name: Asteroid Tyrant

Type: Monster

Race: Celestial

Rank: middle god

Description: The evolved body of the asteroid monster. It is said that the asteroid monster that can evolve has swallowed countless planets and lives. It is an extremely dangerous existence.

"It's really a powerful monster. It's obviously just a middle god, but its data is almost the same as that of a weaker upper god. It's really awesome."

Seeing the other party's actions, Lin Tai couldn't help but said.

But despite this, the middle god is the middle god.

The commandment in Lin Tai's hand suddenly turned into a huge axe, and then Lin Tai raised it above his head, and attacked the opponent without hesitation.

...asking for flowers......

This blow hits the head!


The terrifying impact erupted in an instant, and Lin Tai's blow directly opened a huge wound on the asteroid tyrant.


The asteroid tyrant let out an angry roar.

Then it also noticed Lin Tai ahead.

At this time, a thicker layer of blood mist appeared on the body of the asteroid tyrant, and then his body erupted at a terrifying speed, rushing towards Lin Tai!


Lin Tai raised his hand again, and something that looked like a huge clock appeared beside Lin Tai.

This thing is very huge, and at the same time it has a very terrifying demonic energy.

"Boom boom boom..."

It was knocked by something, and the action of the asteroid tyrant was blocked in an instant.

Then Lin Tai took a step forward, and the big ax in his hand slashed down again!

This time, Lin Tai directly cut off half of the opponent's body!

Then, when Lin Tai raised his hand, a force that seemed to be a black hole appeared, and immediately began to devour and crush the opponent's body.

Not long after, the middle god died.

And almost at the same time, Lin Tai's countless green dragons also easily destroyed these lower gods with a difference of tens of thousands of times.

"This, there is such a thing..."

At the same time, the entire Gu family adventure group just killed a lucky asteroid monster who escaped, and even Gu Yi received a little slight injury in close combat.

"Well, this is the end of the matter, why don't we move on, if we go late and delay the delivery of supplies, it will be bad."

Lin Tai's voice sounded again. .

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