Lin Tai solved all the monsters, and soon, people were relieved and began to rest.

Calculated according to the time of this universe, now is a time to rest.

Although you can stay awake for a long time if you are a demigod or above, everyone still wants to relax after a battle.

So under the suggestion of Gu Si, the four brothers and sisters of the Gu family, Lin Tai Linglong and South Stark, a total of seven people, came to a special place.

Here, a few people pressed the remote control button, and suddenly, great changes took place in the surroundings.

This was originally a space warehouse, but under the influence of the "four-five-seven" light, it turned into a very beautiful night-view suburb.

The grass was growing and warblers were flying, the breeze was blowing, and countless fireflies were flying in front of him. Even Lin Tai took a deep breath of fresh air subconsciously.

There is no doubt that he can see through all this through divine power now, but he doesn't.

He chose to temporarily seal his God's Eye.

Because since entering the game, Lin Tai has rarely enjoyed such a beautiful night scene.

Everything in front of him is such a nostalgia for him.

"What a beautiful scenery!" Gu Yi and Lin Tai are in the same situation. Although they are NPCs, they have been busy running around after becoming gods, and rarely stop enjoying the beautiful scenery.

"It's pretty good here." South Stark said with a smile: "In order to build such a virtual area, I can spend 3.25 million dakarats."

Dakar is the currency of Saros Galaxy, and the game currency used by Lin Tai is the same unit of weight.

It is estimated that it is because of its existence that when the rules of physics change, the game currency will become what it is now.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful." Lin Tai couldn't help but said.

The scenery here is not just a texture, but really moving.

The reason why a huge amount of wealth was spent was not because the project was difficult to do, but because it was difficult to find a view.

In order to create such a scene, the engineering team recorded video at the location for a whole year, and created this extremely simulated, living scene through countless means, which will change due to the user's touch.

And Lin Tai is not just admiring, he also found an inspiration from it, an inspiration that can greatly strengthen his own gods.

Only now, he can't do it yet.

In the beautiful night scene, several people sat around the bonfire and had a good meal, and then left here reluctantly, returned to their respective rooms, and went to rest.

"It's really a wonderful journey." Thinking about today's situation for a hundred days, the drowsiness that Lin Tai hadn't had for a long time finally hit him, making him lie on the pillow, and closed his eyes heavily.

After a good night's sleep, the next morning, when Lin Tai opened his eyes, he found that the Kakira star was already in front of him. The speed of the spaceship in the Wang Saros galaxy is really a bit unusual.

It landed slowly, and Lin Tai followed it out of the cabin, looking at the familiar scenery ahead, "couldn't help but nodded.

And at this time, a figure came out.

Lin Tai saw the other party's identity at a glance, that is the big brother among the brothers he had saved, named Bar Code.

After the last crisis, his strength broke through the shackles and reached the level of a demigod...

And his younger brother's two-dimensional code has now reached the twelfth level. For his age, this strength is already quite good, and he can be regarded as a genius.

However, because of Lin Tai's deliberate concealment, the barcode did not recognize Lin Tai's identity, but threw himself into South Stark's arms very happily.

Barcode was a little dirty now, but South Stark, a rich man, didn't dislike him at all, and instead patted him on the back comfortingly.

As if sensing the astonishment of the others behind him, South Stark turned his head and explained: "This is a child of my Uncle family. He has had a good relationship with me since he was a child."

"So that's how it is." The people behind nodded, while Linglong remained indifferent.

As a mid-god-level giant dragon, Linglong has absolutely no intention of caring about these creatures that seem like ants to her.

In fact, Lin Tai didn't care, he was just a little afraid that the existence of the Supreme God in this universe would find him, and then drag him out and crush him to death, that's all.

A group of 4.6 people quickly landed on the planet.

In a small thatched hut, South Stark sat with his cousin Barcode.

At this time, South Stark had already heard the barcode say what happened before.

"Sigh, I didn't expect my Uncle to be killed, leaving only these two children. Although they have good strength, they are still young after all, and they are all children at heart..."

Thinking of this, South Stark also asked: "Bar code, do you have any ideas, come with me to live on Naranyel?".

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