Almost instantly, all life on the surface and inside of this planet was reduced to zero.

Their lives disappeared in an instant, and their souls were easily defeated and erased by Lin Tai, as if they had never appeared in this world.

"Well, in this way, my mission can be completed, go back and return."

At this time, Lin Tai was also preparing to go back, anyway, his targets had already been killed.

And at his destination, the planet Naranyel, a storm is coming, but Lin Tai still doesn't know about it.

So now, Lin Tai just took a spaceship and flew towards the place he came from at the fastest speed.

And Lin Tai's hero, Saint Thunder King Katok, was walking on a small street in the royal city at this time.

It's not bad here, the building is quite luxurious.

However, although it is luxurious, there are ordinary people, that is, poor people.

I don't know why, maybe the royal family and the so-called nobles want to verify their sense of superiority, let some poor people live here, and occasionally give them alms.

In short, this group of poor people lived here.

It's just that their status is quite low, basically similar to the cattle and horses of these rich people, and even far inferior to the cats and dogs in their homes.

And at this moment, when Saint Thunder King Katok was walking on the street, a scene that made him quite angry suddenly appeared in front of him.

But leave that alone.

The story is divided into two parts, let's talk about what happened in the palace when Lin Tai was destroying that planet.

At this time, Crom had just finished training and was walking on the road in the palace.

At this moment, a fat man and a tall and thin man were passing in front of him.

"Yo, it's Crom!"

The fat man immediately said happily, "Why are you here? Aren't you going to protect that little monster today?"


Crom felt uneasy for a while, but he didn't dare to show any problems on his face, because the person walking in front of him at this time was not a simple existence, but one of the royal families of this galaxy, and he was also the first Your Highness the Second Prince!

And walking beside him is a very powerful nobleman named Khaki Tolitai, who is quite insidious. It is said that he walks in the black and white of King Saros galaxy, with hands and eyes open to the sky.

But even so, he was not particularly favored in front of the emperor, so instead of establishing a good relationship with the prince, he came to curry favor with the second prince.

According to the vicious person's guess, he seems to want to support the second prince to the throne.

"Your Highness, please don't say that!"

Crom immediately bowed to hide the angry and unhappy expression on his face.

Then he also said: "But please know that although His Highness the Tenth Prince is young, he is very intelligent and kind. He has put forward many meaningful suggestions for the galaxy, and he is definitely not the 'monster' you call!"

What he said was a bit aggressive, in fact, even the nobleman at the side, Khaki Tolitai, could hear the anger in his words.


But what I didn't expect was that the noble second prince was not angry because of his attitude. Instead, he said: "Any meaningful suggestions? I have indeed heard about building welfare measures for the poor and setting up welfare homes to take care of them." None of the orphans got through anyway."

"If he really wants to help, he might as well go to the slums to see for himself. He doesn't know if he can come back. Maybe he will be torn apart and eaten by those unruly people."

"With me by His Royal Highness's side, I will definitely protect his safety!" Crome said nervously.

"Humph haha."

The second prince gave a strange laugh, and then ignored Ekrom who was beside him, and just said to 020 who was beside him: "Let's go."

"Yes, Your Highness.

After they left, Crome left here cautiously and walked towards where the Tenth Prince was.

However, what Crom didn't know was that the current Tenth Prince had already been targeted.

And this person is Lin Tai.

The current Lin Tai, through his own channels, has learned of the many things the Tenth Prince has done for the poor below, as well as his suggestions.

But Lin Tai noticed some problems.

That is, the Tenth Prince is only seven years old, but he is quite intelligent, and he can even make many suggestions that only exist in modern society.

Although this is in the game, Lin Tai still finds it impossible.

And there is one more important point, the smile and gentle voice of the Tenth Prince, in Lin Tai's eyes, are extremely fake, no doubt they are fake.

"Why would he do that?" Lin Tai thought inwardly in bewilderment. .

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