Seeing the appearance of the tenth prince Millevis, Lin Tai suddenly had a strange idea.

Perhaps, this man is far from what he seems to be.

If it is really the same as what I think, then this Tenth Prince may be of use to me to help me destroy the rule of this King Saros galaxy.

"Yes, I will succeed..." Lin Tai said with a sneer.

Most people don't know what Lin Tai thinks now.

But Lin Tai has already started the implementation of his own plan.

At this time, Crom had already left the hall and came to the tenth prince's palace.

The tenth prince's name is Millevis. Although he is still very young, he is quite mature in mind and very smart and witty.

For him, the world seems to be a good place, if Miller Weiss is just a normal child.

Crome walked at the door, and immediately several maids walked past.

Crom immediately heard them say: "Why are there civilians in the palace?"

"Yes, yes, it is said that he was picked up from outside the palace by His Majesty the King when he was a child. He originally wanted to find someone to adopt him, but His Royal Highness the Tenth Prince liked him very much, so he stayed in the palace."

"What a filthy guy, and so is the Tenth Prince, who actually likes to play with such a mouse, it really makes this great imperial palace low-level..."

"Who said it wasn't?"

Crome stood at the door, and the words of the two maids were not hidden at all, and Crome heard them all.

However, Crom had no objection to this.

He knew that these maids were the daughters of nobles, and even though they were not of high status in the King Saros galaxy as women, they were far from being provoked by commoners like him.

Although he is the guard of the Tenth Prince, but now the Tenth Prince is too young, and the division of power in the King Saros galaxy is quite serious, even the emperor himself is just a puppet of these nobles.

If the emperor does not meet their wishes, these nobles can overthrow his rule at any time and re-elect someone who is suitable for control.

So even if he was the guard of the Tenth Prince, Crome had to keep a low profile. He didn't want his innocent and lovely child to suffer any harm.

"I will definitely protect you, no matter what happens!"

Crom clenched his fist tightly, the sweat under the armor had soaked his palm.

At this time, he pushed open the door and walked into the room.

At this moment in the Tenth Prince's room, not only the Tenth Prince, but also two other people, one is a tall and handsome man sitting on the seat, and the other is quietly hiding in the shadows, Crom Didn't notice.

And these two people are the two targets that Lin Tai will focus on investigating.

These two people belong to a small team of adventurers, and the entire team is all diamond-level, and it is said that one of them is likely to be a master-level powerhouse.

It's just that the authenticity of this information is not particularly clear.

The only thing Lin Tai can be sure of is that everyone in this team is at the diamond level, and they are relatively strong among the diamond levels.

The tall and handsome man who appeared in Crom's eyes at this time, named Credson, was a very powerful warrior. Not only that, it was said that he also had some blood of the Dragon God.

What should be noted here is that the blood in his body is not an ordinary dragon, but a dragon god, and it is not an acquired dragon god like Linglong.

The dragon god blood in his body refers to the blood of the patriarch of the five-color dragon clan who is born as a high god and can become a supreme god when he grows up.

The transactions in Creedson's body are said to have originated from the Bronze Dragon King, and it is also a very pure direct bloodline, not some offspring bastard.

Of course, Lin Tai's information on this is too little to be used as evidence.

And now, Creedson also said: "~ Oh, it's Crom, it's been a long time.

"Well, hello Lord Credson."

Crome said immediately, and then stood behind His Royal Highness Milleves, like a statue, without saying a word.

While he was standing here, Credson on the side suddenly pointed to a shadow behind him and said, "Enke, come out." (It's Lee's)


"It doesn't matter, this little brother Crome has more people than us."


Encore nodded, and then slowly walked out of the shadows, appearing in front of Crom.

Encore is not a human being.

She is a cat clansman, and she is also a little girl of a cat clansman, so she seems to be quite vigilant now, as if she doesn't know where the human world is safe.

It was also one of the targets of Lin Tai's investigation.

The girl from the cat tribe is named Ai Lali, she is a diamond-level master, her combat power is not particularly strong, but she has a very strong talent. .

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