Compared with the only murderous appearance of the Holy Thunder King Katok, Lin Tai saw a large number of destroyed buildings here.

That's right, he was sent to this place by Lin Tai, a guy with a very terrifying range attack.

He is not Meng Hao's original hero, but the hero he subdued in a small space in this universe, the cartoon cat.

The strength of the cartoon cat is quite terrifying, and its biggest hobbies are torture and cannibalism, and it has no intention of changing its tyrannical character at all.

Name: cartoon cat

Race: unknown

attribute: dark

Rank: middle god


Cartoon: Regardless of all fatal injuries, no matter how you die, you will recover in a cartoon state.

Show mercy: When the cartoon cat uses physical attacks, it can't kill the enemy anyway, but the cartoon cat can kill the target through special attacks and eating.

Space: When the cartoon cat is trapped and disappears from people's sight, it can ignore the rules of physics and return to its original position.

Eating: Creatures eaten by cartoon cats will keep their bodies, but their souls will die. And every time a cartoon cat eats a creature, its overall attributes will be greatly improved.

Infinite: The cartoon cat has an infinite storage space, and can take out any item that does not exceed its own level out of thin air, but the item will get a cartoon affix and will disappear after a certain period of time.

Cat Instinct: When a cartoon cat is fighting, it will be treated as an ordinary cat, and it has two affixes of cat and cartoon, which can be retrieved.

Shadow Destruction: The cartoon cat can damage the shadow, making its owner get the same damage.

Description: Creatures born in the darkness, have an immortal body, and can ignore most of the laws of physics and chemistry. Only the Supreme God can sanction it.

This cartoon cat was not tamed by Lin Tai on his own initiative, but a creature that took the initiative to seek refuge with Lin Tai after feeling the powerful dark aura from Lin Tai.

And Lin Tai also discovered that although the cartoon cat is a middle god, not a pseudo-high god, it can easily win even against a pseudo-high god.

So he also accepted him as a subordinate, allowing him to have the same status as the four upper gods.

The other four highgod heroes were very dissatisfied with it, but after the contest, they found that they had no choice but to rely on the cartoon cat to hurt themselves.

Finally, the cartoon cat won the approval of all the upper gods.

But at this time, the purpose of Lin Tai sending the cartoon cat here is to capture the senior executives of the lone wolf, especially a senior executive who is in charge of business but not strong.

"Hey hey hey...~.....

At this time, Ellie, the Lone Wolf's business minister, left her room and walked out the door.

She found that it was too cold here, so she looked around and said, "Where are you people? Where have you all gone?"

Immediately afterwards, she saw a cartoon cat in the dark.

But now the cartoon cat didn't reveal itself, but sat on the ground like a cute orange cat, so he walked over immediately.

Because Ellie herself is the strength of the lower god, although she is not strong among the lone wolves, she still has certain abilities.

At this time, he felt that the soul of this little cat could communicate with him, so Ellie walked down and asked: "Little cat, what happened here?

But the cartoon cat didn't answer Ellie, but said: "This big sister, are you the highest-ranking person here?"


Just about to say that, but Ellie suddenly said: "Yes, that's right, I am the person with the highest status here."

~That's good!"

And the cartoon cat in front of him also said: "This way I can rest assured."


Before Ellie could figure it out, the door opened suddenly, and a monster walked in.

This guy is a dog that looks like it's standing up like a person.

That's right.

And at this time, this guy also said: "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that you are also fainting here."

The guy who came is one of the partners of the cartoon cat, Tonggou.

The ability of a cartoon dog is almost the same as that of a cartoon cat, but it also has the characteristics of a dog, but not the characteristics of a cat.

And the current cartoon dog has no camouflage at all, it still looks like a monster (Nuo Qian's) with a human arm in its mouth.

And this Ellie also immediately said: "Ah! What the hell are you?"

Seeing the human hand in its hand, Ellie panicked instantly, because she saw the tattoo on that hand, it was undoubtedly one of their Lone Wolf masters!

"Then, I'm going to start!"

At this moment, the cartoon cat suddenly launched an attack and hit Ellie's knee hard!

Its soft-looking fleshy ball smashed Ellie's knees with ease, and she immediately fell to the ground without her knees, losing her ability to move!

"Ah!" Ellie screamed in pain. .

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