"Then I'll take this guy back, and you can just watch her."

As he said that, the cartoon cat took Ellie in front of him back to power.

The cartoon dog stayed here, preparing to deal with the rest of the matter, and brought back the lone wolf's property.

But when he watched the countless little monsters bring things back, suddenly a strange voice came from behind.

"Yo, what are you doing?"

"I'm eating meat, man loves."


The person who came was Stallone from the Fire Rose.

And at this time, Stallone looked at the other party's situation and said, "Oh? I didn't expect the lone wolf to keep a man-eating monster like you!"


And the cartoon dog didn't understand Stallone's meaning, he was clearly here to exterminate the lone wolf "Why is he 560 saying that he is the lone wolf's pet?

To be honest, the cartoon dog is also quite cruel, he immediately wants to tear the human beings in front of him.

But at this time, the cartoon dog didn't do anything.

Because before setting off, Lin Tai once said that we must reduce extra problems, and for cartoon dogs, Lin Tai, who has the power of R'lyeh, can almost be regarded as the creator

So cartoon dogs don't go against his will.

"So, big brother, can we pretend that we haven't seen each other?"

With that said, the cartoon dog also wanted to leave.

But Stallone said: "No, don't look at me like this, but I am also a famous strong man in the galaxy!"

As he said that, Stallone rushed forward and hit the opponent's body with a hammer.

But the cartoon dog (cefc) didn't respond at all to the hammer.

Its body bounced off like rubber, avoiding Stallone's attack, and then it slapped out suddenly, hitting Stallone's body.

Both sides are middle gods, and the cartoon dog's ability does not focus on attacking, so Stallone was just sent flying, and suffered very little damage.

"It turns out that the strength is not strong?"

Stallone sneered, and then suddenly rushed towards the cartoon dog. The sledgehammer in his hand suddenly burst out with a terrifying force, and the cartoon dog was directly knocked out.

And the cartoon dog didn't dodge much, and blocked it with his own cartoon body again, and then rushed forward again, knocking Stallone into the air.

"Damn it, I want you to die! Don't you like hammers?"

Being blocked by Stallone in succession, the cartoon dog was also impatient, he directly took out a sledgehammer with 100t written on it from his body, and slammed it down on the opponent.


In an instant, Stallone was knocked down to the ground. Obviously, this hammer was hardly powerful enough for him, but for some reason, he was still knocked down, and countless birds appeared above his head.

"Hey hey!"

As he said that, a chainsaw appeared again in the cartoon dog's hand, "then it suddenly chopped down towards Stallone's body.

"not good!"

And at this moment, another person suddenly appeared between the cartoon dog and Stallone. He grabbed Stallone's body and ran away.

"Oh, it's the person of Blazing Rose."

Lin Tai was standing in the sky at this time, looking at the battle below, he said: "These two people are middle gods, but the cartoon dog is the top expert among the middle gods, it is reasonable to say that it is enough to kill Ashara , I don’t need to make a move right now.”

And what he said was indeed correct, a cartoon dog with an immortal body (pseudo) was indeed not something these two guys in front of him could deal with.

"You two bastards! I didn't want to kill you, but now, I should pay attention!"

The corners of the cartoon dog's mouth split open suddenly, revealing blood-red teeth and dark red gums.

Then it suddenly swung the huge hammer in its hand, and hit the opponent's body hard.


The moment it hit, the cartoon dog let out a wolf howl, which caused the two people's health to drop rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, the cartoon dog waved his hand directly, and a layer of black mist enveloped Stallone. At the same time, bursts of black teeth appeared in the black mist, and began to bite Stallone's body.

Almost at the same time, Stallone was controlled, and then the cartoon dog walked towards the person behind.

He is also a member of the Flame Rose, possessing the ability of ninjutsu, and his strength is also very strong, but in Lin Tai's opinion, it is not enough at all.

At this time, he wanted to use ninjutsu to cause damage, but what he didn't expect was that his ninjutsu hit the cartoon dog, which turned out to be meaningless!

"I am the creator of ninjutsu, old man, do you still want to play with me?"

As he said that, four energy pillars appeared in the hands of the cartoon dog, which respectively represented: earth, fire, water, and wind.

"Earth Crack!"

The moment these words were spoken, the ground cracked instantly, and the entire area began to erupt with terrifying dark energy, which blocked the transmission ability of the ghost.

"Fire erosion!".

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