At this time, Ke Rocks also sneered, and then said: "If you can do it, then come and try it!"

At this moment, Ke Rocks and Kamenya Rei stood facing each other, a terrifying aura erupted from their bodies, enveloping each other.

"In that case, prepare to fight to the death!"

As he said that, Monya Ling stood on the spot, stepped down, and stretched forward with his fist. Immediately, there was an aura rushing towards his face, which made Ke Rocks feel a sense of crisis.

And at this time, another voice suddenly sounded.

"So you are here!"


Immediately, Rei Menya turned his head and looked over, just in time to see the Holy Thunder King Katok coming here.

But at this time, he was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "What's going on? Didn't the other members of Lone Wolf go to deal with you?"

"I knocked down all your colleagues." Saint Ray 24 King Katok said bluntly.


Letting out an angry roar, Rei Monya changed his posture and said to Ke Rocks: "K Rocks, I will save the fight with you for later, I will deal with this reckless old man first!"

With a slight smile, Rocks immediately put away his sword, and then gave up his fighting posture.

The current Ke Rocks is quite clear, although Rei Katoya may be stronger than himself, but in front of the Holy Thunder King Katok, there is absolutely no chance of surviving.

With this kind of strength, the Holy Thunder King Katok can defeat and kill him casually, even without any difficulty.

But at this time, Rei Monya didn't know what Ke Rocks was thinking at all, he didn't see the strength of the Holy Thunder King Katok, and immediately stood in front of him.

"Old man, you need to pay the price for your nonsense, pay the price with your life!"

As he spoke, Menya Rei also raised his arm and roared angrily, "Give me strength!"

After finishing speaking, a terrifying aura suddenly appeared on Kadoya Rei's body, and immediately turned into a set of jet-black armor on his body.

Immediately afterwards, Menya Rei's body swelled up and turned into a very huge guy, a rather huge black armored man.

"Give it to me, die!"

There was a roar, and immediately after, Monya Rei's huge fist hit the Holy Thunder King Katok's chest fiercely.

But Katok's body was still as stable as Mount Tai. He stood on the spot without shaking his body, still with his hands behind his back, looking at Rei Katoya in disdain.

Almost instantly, Katok raised his arm suddenly, and then slashed on Rei Katoya's forehead with a hand knife.


This blow was very powerful, and blood flowed out from the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears of Monya Rei immediately, and flowed down towards the ground.

"You, what the hell is going on with you...why..."

Until his death, Rei Monya didn't understand why this was, why the "weak man" who had no aura at all, the Holy Thunder King Katok, could ignore his own attack, and then killed himself lightly.

And when he died, Rocks, Crom, and Dosan all watched what happened now, without any accidents.

"It seems that I'm going to be a little bit stronger than this guy. It's really too dangerous." The Holy Thunder King Katok didn't say anything, but just raised his hand, showing a length of one centimeter.

After completely defeating everyone in Lone Wolf, the Holy Thunder King Katok, Crom, Ke Rocks, and Dosang left this place and prepared to go back.

And they quickly froze.

Because not far away, there is actually a rather huge wall of flames, blocking countless things out of the wall.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Mr. Shura, look quickly, what is that?"

And Linglong also pointed to the front, just to show the other party this place. 057


When seeing this thing, Lin Tai also suddenly thought of one thing, that is, Thor once said when he left: "Next I will surround a part of this city with hellfire, if you want to come in through the window , I will kill you without hesitation!"

"Is that the original idea?"

Nodding, Lin Tai didn't continue to say anything, but said to Xie Wangzhi and Linglong in front of him: "Next, let's go and have a look, maybe we can learn something."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tai and Linglong also walked in another direction, but Xie Wang Zhijiao did not follow.

"Although I don't know if he will eavesdrop on our conversation, but let's be on guard for now."

As he said that, Lin Tai also used his strength to seal the surrounding area.

Then, he also said to Linglong: "Listen to the next thing."

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