After explaining his plan to Linglong, Lin Tai also returned to Xie Wangzhi's side, where he was waiting.

Not just them, but other people also noticed the appearance of this layer of hellfire.

"what is going on?"

Immediately, someone yelled in panic.

Some civilians in the vicinity looked at the flames that suddenly appeared in front of them, and they were so frightened that they lost their minds.

Then in an instant, countless black shadows descended from the sky, and immediately began to catch these civilians.

"Ah! Help!"

They made a piercing roar, but no one came to rescue them.

These demons grabbed their bodies and took them away.

At the same time, it is not silent in the palace.

At this moment, the three princes, the second prince, the tenth prince, and Leonard were sitting in the room, looking at the huge flame that suddenly appeared outside.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Both the Tenth Prince and Leonard were shocked.

But the second prince was not surprised at all, he just smiled and looked at the flames outside the window.

And at this time, Creedson did come here and started a discussion for a while.

"Now, the plan to crusade against demons officially begins!"

Credson stood aside, watched the Tenth Prince come out, and said: This time our task is very heavy, we must protect our homeland and people from the hands of demons!

"But how powerful is that demon...?"

A gold-ranked adventurer immediately asked.

And at this time, Credson stood up and said: "My two companions, the warrior Stallone and the stalker Ghost, were killed, and only with one blow!"

"What? How is this possible?"

Suddenly people panicked.

After hearing what Kreedson said, most of the people present lost their confidence and said: "Such a powerful monster, we are no match at all!"

"That's right, it's impossible to win! Let's run away!"

More and more people are beginning to have the idea of ​​retreating.

But at this time, Xie Wangzhi suddenly said: "Don't panic! Although the enemy is very strong, we are not without chance!"

As he said that, Xie Wangzhi grabbed Lin Tai's hand and raised it up, saying: "This is a dark warrior, he has great power, and he will definitely help us to win!"

"So, for our homeland and our liberty, let's do it!"

With that said, the tenth prince also came out and started his speech.

Although the Tenth Prince is only a child, his IQ is quite high, and his speech is very effective, many people were incited on the spot.

Then, when many people began to raise their hands high, ready to fight the devil, Kai nodded in satisfaction.

Now his purpose has been achieved.

"Then let's start laying out our plans now!"

The Tenth Prince said, "From now on, we will form three teams and enter the blocked area from different directions to fight the demons."


"That's right, it's a demon."

Credson said again: "I entered the scope of the hellfire package, and saw many low-level demons inside. Although the strength is not strong, the number is quite terrifying

"So we need everyone's help!" The Tenth Prince pointed to Lin Tai and said, "Sura, his partner Linglong, and Xie Wang Zhijiao will form sharp knives and insert them into the enemy's hinterland to attract the attention of their masters." ."

~And other people need to fight these low-level demons and destroy them!"

After setting up the tasks for Lin Tai and most of the people, the Tenth Prince said again: "But besides that, we need a special force! Go help and rescue those who are captured by the devil!"

"Crom, are you willing to help me with this matter?"

When he said this, the tenth prince suddenly turned his head to look at Crom.

And Lin Tai looked at this situation, and suddenly frowned slightly.

Lin Tai seemed to sense some kind of dangerous aura from the Tenth Prince.

This is rare, since Lin Tai has become a high god, a real powerhouse, Lin Tai has rarely felt this feeling.

"Yes, no matter what order you have, I will go to (money) to complete it!" Crome said immediately.

"In that case, let me go too!"

At this time, Ke Rocks also stood up.

He stood behind Crom and said to the Tenth Prince.

"is this okay?"

"And me, I'll go."

As he said that, Duo Sang also stood up. He and these two people had already teamed up for a battle, and there was some cooperation and affection between the three of them.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll trouble you."

After everyone set off, the second prince looked out the window and said in a strange tone: "My brother, is it really okay to let Crome go as the advance team?"

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