"right now..….……"

Bunny thought for a while, and then said: "You are very kind, and I feel very relaxed under your hands, without too many burdens, I think this is good.

"However, I still think that we may not be the relationship between the boss and the subordinate."

Lin Tai looked at the loophole in front of him and said: "I have a good impression of you, maybe we can get along as friends."

"Really? Then why do you have a good impression of me?" Poor Fang raised his head, but suddenly said with a panicked expression: "Oh, my God, you won't treat me like a little rabbit...


Lin Tai slapped Bunny Rabbit on the head directly, and said with a smile: "You are different, you have a sense of humor that I like very much, and at the same time, you are not particularly cruel. Like other people, I feel that many A bloodthirsty maniac, or a complete lack of humor.'

"That's right, I didn't expect you to be so cheerful!"

Bunny also smiled and said: "We are friends now, let's shake hands."

After speaking, it turned around and stretched out its hand towards Lin Tai.

Lin Tai stretched out his hand and shook the loophole.

But in an instant, Bunny's body went numb, his body was covered in black lightning, and even his health was reduced by ten percent.

"Oh, what a surprise!" said Bunny Bunny.

"Yeah, you wanted to attack me with an electric shock device, didn't you? But instead, I attacked you with a magic thunder." "

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to stop eating my passive effect at all." Loophole Rabbit said with a smile: "It's more fun this way, isn't it?"

"Yes, son!"

As they said that, Lin Tai and Bubble Rabbit took out a cake out of thin air at the same time, and stuck it on each other's faces.

In such laughter, the two soon arrived at their destination.

"Well, this is their base."

Seeing the place, the smirk in Bunny Rabbit's eyes disappeared instantly. Looking at the situation in front of him, he waved and said, "We're here."

"This is the depths of the forest. The so-called B-foot man-eating insects and explosive poisonous scorpions are here."


While walking, they also saw a lot of erected stones and trees around them, which was quite weird.

"These guys are trying to imitate my buildings." Bunny Rabbit said: "However, this guy doesn't seem to be particularly smart, and he hasn't subdued other intelligent creatures, so he can only make this kind of nonsense. Condition.

"So that's it. If it's a stupid guy, then I might not be able to resist humanely destroying it. After all, I don't want to have a rather annoying idiot by my side."

As he said that, Lin Tai also threw out some things casually, ready to use them at any time if they are useful later.

He wasn't worried about those two fake high gods. In front of him, the real high god, putting the word "false" in front of his name was basically a death sentence.

Soon, they discovered a super super huge cave.

This was supposed to be a huge mountain top, but a big hole was punched out, and then it led all the way to the ground.

"What the hell is in here? Is it inhabited by white-haired rats?"

"I feel that the smell here is not very good, and I feel very uncomfortable because of the gloomy."

As he said that, Bunny Rabbit took out a bomb and placed it beside him, ready to blow up the monsters that appeared in front of him to pieces.

"Let's go."

Lin Tai said, and then walked down the hole with the loophole, and they soon saw a group of insect-like creatures appearing in front of them.

They seemed to have no intelligence at all, and immediately rushed towards Lin Tai and the Bunny Rabbit.

∼Hey, you horrible, disgusting, crazy bugs!" Bugs Bunny let out a squeal, and pulled out a pair of boxing gloves.

The pointed head stretched forward, and then the loophole rabbit bent over and walked towards the bugs, saying as he walked, "Let me teach you a lesson!"

After speaking, he suddenly retreated to avoid the attack of the bugs, and then punched suddenly, smashing the bugs in front of him into pieces.

"Woo woo woo..."

And after these bugs were killed, there were bursts of strange sounds suddenly from behind. It seemed that these bugs were not placed here purely. (mama Zhao)

It seems to be to kill the people who come to attack.

But at this time, Lin Tai and Kuou Fang did not move forward, but waited here slowly for the other party to come.

With the death of these bugs, the real owner of this cave has been alarmed, and he quickly rescued and returned here to attack Lin Tai and the loophole.

Soon, Lin Tai saw that in the depths of this dark cave, two red dots suddenly lit up!

Immediately afterwards, bursts of terrifying friction sounded in Lin Tai's ears.

Almost instantly, a huge monster came out of the hole, "Its very disgusting and terrifying mouth suddenly attacked Lin Tai and the loophole!".

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